16καγÉ εÃÂÉÄηÃă Äον ÀαÄεÃÂα και αλλον ÀαÃÂακληÄον δÉÃει Ã…μιν ινα η μεθ Ã…μÉν ει Äον αιÉνα
Interesting verse. The trinity is very much present in this verse.
-- The
Son of God (speaker) prays to the Father. They are two separate persons, but of course one being, one essence, one God.
The Father (Äον ÀαÄεÃÂα) sends the Holy Spirit.
The HS (αλλον ÀαÃÂακληÄον) is the one to be sent.
Also within this verse is the concept of what the HS is to be doing, and what he is.
αλλον ÀαÃÂακληÄον
Paraklaton is of course the "comforter." The significance of this is guided by the word αλλον (another).
There are at least two different words in greek for "another." There is heteros, another of a different kind, and allos (used in this verse) which is another of the same kind. In other words, this comforter to come is no different then Christ. The HS, being God of very God, perfectly fulfills the role. How does the HS replace Christ in the comforter role? I think the context gives us a hint.
17the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be[c] in you.
Christ revealed the Father, and this was for the comfort of the disciples. Christ was "the way,
the truth, and the life. Now the HS will reveal the Son, and the HS will be the Spirit of
Truth. Truth is not only the ministry of the three persons of the trinity (The Father is the source of truth, JC is the truth and reveals the Father, the HS is the Spirit of Truth), but the truth is to be a comfort. The truth of God is always a comfort. When I look around at what man does... Man loves his violence and war. Look at the history of war. In WW2 we speak of the 6-7 million Jews gassed. There was over 20 million Russians butchered by the SS and NAZi Germany. Mankind has desired to civilize war for a long time. Now we have suicide bombers, terrorists, and concerns about terrorists obtaining nuclear or chemical weapons. We watch as Gays protest for super rights, and mankind defends its immorality. I sometimes feel astonished that more Christians do not view mankind as I do... and angry wicked sinner shaking his fist defiantly at God. We lie about ourselves and how good we are, we lie to each other. But in the end, the God of truth is there as a comfort. We know his nature is holy. In fact that seems to be his chief attribute. Nowhere is God called "love love love." But he is called "Holy holy holy, Lord God almighty."
But the issue in John 14 is the character of another comforter, one like Christ. One who is also Truth. I thank God for his perfections. He was perfect in eternity past, complete in his love for other members of the trinity, and now he comforts us with his truth about himself in the present.
Sola Glorious Deus,