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Bible Study Judges 13:2-15 and Luke 13:1-14:35

Ben Avraham

JUDGES 13:2-25

The story of Shimshon (Samson) starts here, it is full of promise, but Samson chooses the flesh and not the spirit. He was a Nazarite who broke all the Nazarite vows, in the end, lost his sight and his physical strength, yet, He was still used by Adonai to take vengeance upon the Philistines, which cost him his life. We see a God of mercy who showed mercy again unto this wayward judge, returned to him his strength, punished the Philistines, then took him home to glory. Perhaps he would have lived many more years had he honored his Nazarite vows, and had honored God. When we look at our own lives, are we bent more toward the flesh or toward the Spirit?

Question; Can one take a “Nazarite vow” today? There is nothing in scripture that says one can not. It is up to the individual whether to abstain from wine or grape juice or not. Yet one can choose to serve whole-heartedly the LORD with all that he or she has, without taking a “Nazarite vow”

Spiritually, one can be a “Nazarite” following Yeshua, the “Nazarene” (a play on words?) As the late singer; Keith Green once said; “A Jesus-Freak is one who goes “bananas” for the LORD” So, let’s go “bananas” and follow “Yeshua HaNotzri” (Yeshua the Nazarene) with all our heart.

LUKE 13:1-14:35

Among the themes in this chapter, the parable of the fig tree is enlightening, A fig tree is supposed to bear fruit in the right season. In the month of May, June, and July, are the months that fig trees bear fruit, at least here in South East Texas. there is one right across the fence line where we live, on the property of an African church, and we have been blessed by so much fruit. Did you know that boiling fig leaves as tea lowers blood sugar? Among other health benefits?

Yet the fig tree in this story had been planted three years ago, and still no fruit! Yet the keeper of the vineyard told the owner, “let’s use some fertilizer, then see what happens” All believers in a way are like fruit trees, we must bear fruit, by sharing, teaching God’s word to others, using our spiritual gifts, yet at times, we might need some “fertilizer” perhaps some more individual study in the WORD, a “pep” talk through a counselor or a pastor/rabbi, or just an encouraging word by another brother or sister in Messiah Yeshua.

Remember, the fruit is our “good works” which the tree produces, and the “fertilizer” can be the understanding and wisdom that comes from studying God’s Word.