I am about to share a question that has been a very important topic my entire life. I am a christian, and over my 18 years I have grown so close to the lord, day by day. My question concerns demons, as I have always had a lot of experiences of coincidence. If anybody has experience or knowledge about demonic tendencies, I would love to hear from you.
My questions comes from this... Keep in mind that the first experience I speak about was only told to me from my mom.
When I was about three years old, my father left me, my mother, and brother for another woman. I was too young at the time to understand the magnitude of the situation, yet somewhere within this situation, my mother recalls my changing. Once a hyper glowing child, suddenly she started to feel that there was a shadow over me. She told me this story because once you make contact with a demon, it is important to be aware that you may be spiritually targetted throughout your life. Anyway... I had an invisible friend. Now, I remember having an invisible friend when I was a bit older, but I also remember that it was fake. She had explained to me that earlier, before I could remember, I had another invisible friend. One that she assumed was part of my imagination.
My mom went to bed one night, and woke up to a demonic attack. She has had experiences like this in her younger years, and she battled the demon in her bed. She describes the room as suddenly dark, darker than usual. She also felt a sudden rush of danger, and she began to pray as she felt paralyzed, unable to lift her chest. She felt a strong force pushing her chest down, and she heard a lasso in the air. This lasso sound are the wings. She prayed through the blood of jesus christ, and she demanded that the demon leave her house, as we were gods property and there was no room for him.
Suddenly it went away, and she knew that god had forced the demon out. She was overwhelmed with a sense of peace and drifted back to sleep.
The next day my mother came out into the living room. She had hardly even remembered what had happened the night before, but suddenly I, her little toddler, came out angry.
My mom tells me that I was furious, I came out saying "You died him! You died my best friend!" apparently my invisible friend told me that my mother killed him. This entire time, my mom did not realize that I had been in contact with a demon. She was shocked and horrified, but she explained to me then that what that "friend" really was, was not good. He didn't want good things for me, and he simply was not allowed in our house. Apparently I understood, because my mom tells me I was better.
Now there is a lot more to this story, but that was what I imagine as the catalyst for strange occurences later on in my life.
Years down the road, my mom remarried my step father, and we moved into a new house. We found out later that the people who lived there before us had a daughter, who was raped by her father in her room. This was the room I had. I never did like that room, and I was convinced that I was being watched in there. During my time in that room, I became very depressed, suicidal, and angry. I even attempted contacting spirits, in return for favors, and the lord never let me. I don't even know why I wanted this then. I have not been the same since my time spent in there, however I am transformed in a way that truely takes years to understnad what it is to be a born again christian.
Anyway, I am positive that there was a demonic presence due the to horrible things that happened to that girl in there.
There is a strange coicidence though, that my mom pointed out to me. This is where my question comes into play. The room that I had during the time of the invisible friend... well a little girl was raped in there. Just the way the other girl had been this time in my room. Both times living in those rooms, I never wanted to sleep in there, and these strange things happened. I have always been very good at discerning spirits, before learning if they come from jesus or not, and I feel I have also seen a common trait to demonic presences.
In my experiences of spiritual encounters, I have found myself in very familiar situations. I can't explain some of these experiences, they just seem so connected. I am very strong in my faith, and now I know that this spirit is gone. I have had many times that i thought it was gone, only to realize it wasn't, I could still feel it. Now though I know it is gone, because I trust gods power more than ever, and that feeling has been non-existant.
My question now is, how are demons connected to each other and people? Do demons ever draw you to them by waiting in places for you? Are you ever drawn to people with demons, who have things in common with other demons?
This is my final experience to conclude this story/question. I met a boy from around my town about a year ago. There was something very special about him. We had so much in common... it was just odd. It felt like something fake, it felt telepathic almost. The connection we had was so strong, and I loved him to death. I would actually love to go deeper into detail about my connection with this boy, because during our time together we realized we had the same dark side.
Now I have to be honest here, I have had emotional problems my entire life. I am not perfect by any means, and I have a hard time staying out of the darkness, be it depression, self loathing, or promiscuity. I slip up. My point is however, that he had the same things in his head. Like me, the boy had also experienced paranormal demonic encounters. He recognized evil spirits. We just knew.. it was so strange.. but we knew that we had a very special connection. Both christian, I know that god put him in my life, and today I am a new person. I am happier and can more easily recognize demon presences.
We ended up breaking up.. because we knew there was something wrong. We could feel each other, in a way that led to other strange things happening. It was as if we had warning bells in our heads, we knew when we were thinking about each other.. we knew when we were upset. The thing is we acted on a lot of the things that drew us together. After it was over we remained friends, and we still have that connection, but it is not running my life anymore. I relaize now that even though I loved him, there was something else there. Something dark that brought us together. It was as if there was something unnatural and sexual, something attracted to us together. I can not describe the way I felt with him. All that I understood was that we bonded together, we both had spiritual crisis's and presences, and that something drew us together.
Now this is where my question is finalized.. I just wonder, again, how demons interact with people. I wonder if they do draw people together or to places. I wonder how much physical power demons hold. I know that jesus is stronger than any other spirit, and I do not fear these demons. I never have, I;ve always known gods power. I just wonder... are these things possible? Can all of these things be connected? Does this mean that I was a human at the ? I just don't know.
I wonder if this is something
My questions comes from this... Keep in mind that the first experience I speak about was only told to me from my mom.
When I was about three years old, my father left me, my mother, and brother for another woman. I was too young at the time to understand the magnitude of the situation, yet somewhere within this situation, my mother recalls my changing. Once a hyper glowing child, suddenly she started to feel that there was a shadow over me. She told me this story because once you make contact with a demon, it is important to be aware that you may be spiritually targetted throughout your life. Anyway... I had an invisible friend. Now, I remember having an invisible friend when I was a bit older, but I also remember that it was fake. She had explained to me that earlier, before I could remember, I had another invisible friend. One that she assumed was part of my imagination.
My mom went to bed one night, and woke up to a demonic attack. She has had experiences like this in her younger years, and she battled the demon in her bed. She describes the room as suddenly dark, darker than usual. She also felt a sudden rush of danger, and she began to pray as she felt paralyzed, unable to lift her chest. She felt a strong force pushing her chest down, and she heard a lasso in the air. This lasso sound are the wings. She prayed through the blood of jesus christ, and she demanded that the demon leave her house, as we were gods property and there was no room for him.
Suddenly it went away, and she knew that god had forced the demon out. She was overwhelmed with a sense of peace and drifted back to sleep.
The next day my mother came out into the living room. She had hardly even remembered what had happened the night before, but suddenly I, her little toddler, came out angry.
My mom tells me that I was furious, I came out saying "You died him! You died my best friend!" apparently my invisible friend told me that my mother killed him. This entire time, my mom did not realize that I had been in contact with a demon. She was shocked and horrified, but she explained to me then that what that "friend" really was, was not good. He didn't want good things for me, and he simply was not allowed in our house. Apparently I understood, because my mom tells me I was better.
Now there is a lot more to this story, but that was what I imagine as the catalyst for strange occurences later on in my life.
Years down the road, my mom remarried my step father, and we moved into a new house. We found out later that the people who lived there before us had a daughter, who was raped by her father in her room. This was the room I had. I never did like that room, and I was convinced that I was being watched in there. During my time in that room, I became very depressed, suicidal, and angry. I even attempted contacting spirits, in return for favors, and the lord never let me. I don't even know why I wanted this then. I have not been the same since my time spent in there, however I am transformed in a way that truely takes years to understnad what it is to be a born again christian.
Anyway, I am positive that there was a demonic presence due the to horrible things that happened to that girl in there.
There is a strange coicidence though, that my mom pointed out to me. This is where my question comes into play. The room that I had during the time of the invisible friend... well a little girl was raped in there. Just the way the other girl had been this time in my room. Both times living in those rooms, I never wanted to sleep in there, and these strange things happened. I have always been very good at discerning spirits, before learning if they come from jesus or not, and I feel I have also seen a common trait to demonic presences.
In my experiences of spiritual encounters, I have found myself in very familiar situations. I can't explain some of these experiences, they just seem so connected. I am very strong in my faith, and now I know that this spirit is gone. I have had many times that i thought it was gone, only to realize it wasn't, I could still feel it. Now though I know it is gone, because I trust gods power more than ever, and that feeling has been non-existant.
My question now is, how are demons connected to each other and people? Do demons ever draw you to them by waiting in places for you? Are you ever drawn to people with demons, who have things in common with other demons?
This is my final experience to conclude this story/question. I met a boy from around my town about a year ago. There was something very special about him. We had so much in common... it was just odd. It felt like something fake, it felt telepathic almost. The connection we had was so strong, and I loved him to death. I would actually love to go deeper into detail about my connection with this boy, because during our time together we realized we had the same dark side.
Now I have to be honest here, I have had emotional problems my entire life. I am not perfect by any means, and I have a hard time staying out of the darkness, be it depression, self loathing, or promiscuity. I slip up. My point is however, that he had the same things in his head. Like me, the boy had also experienced paranormal demonic encounters. He recognized evil spirits. We just knew.. it was so strange.. but we knew that we had a very special connection. Both christian, I know that god put him in my life, and today I am a new person. I am happier and can more easily recognize demon presences.
We ended up breaking up.. because we knew there was something wrong. We could feel each other, in a way that led to other strange things happening. It was as if we had warning bells in our heads, we knew when we were thinking about each other.. we knew when we were upset. The thing is we acted on a lot of the things that drew us together. After it was over we remained friends, and we still have that connection, but it is not running my life anymore. I relaize now that even though I loved him, there was something else there. Something dark that brought us together. It was as if there was something unnatural and sexual, something attracted to us together. I can not describe the way I felt with him. All that I understood was that we bonded together, we both had spiritual crisis's and presences, and that something drew us together.
Now this is where my question is finalized.. I just wonder, again, how demons interact with people. I wonder if they do draw people together or to places. I wonder how much physical power demons hold. I know that jesus is stronger than any other spirit, and I do not fear these demons. I never have, I;ve always known gods power. I just wonder... are these things possible? Can all of these things be connected? Does this mean that I was a human at the ? I just don't know.
I wonder if this is something