Keeping the law


Aug 31, 2009
Something to think about!!!!

Statement: ".. (until) heaven and earth pass away the law will stand.

The reply: It certainly will, But not over those in Christ. We are already seated in heaven. "and hath made us to sit in heavenly places" Eph 2:6. There is no utility left for the law once we have graduated from school to Christ: "the law was our schoolmaster, to lead us to Christ. But now that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster". ---“the law was our schoolmaster, to lead us to Christ. But now that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster"

Statement: "..The Schoolmaster was/is human teachers.

The reply: It was as it says: the law. What is the use of our using scripture as referee, if most want to bend meaning when the obvious doesn't suit them?

Statement: "..You say Jesus lived by faith/belief, who did he believe in? Faith in what?

The reply: Not what, Who: God the Father. (Just like Abraham).

Statement: "..He believed in the perfect laws of God and followed them.

The reply: You can't have faith in the law: that is an oxymoron. "The law is not of faith" Gal 3:12.

Statement: "..The Greek word plerhosau, means “to be filled withâ€Â

The reply: Now "keeping" has been dropped and the word "keep" used to replace it. This is the proper meaning. But you can't have it both ways. It does indeed mean "to be filled with" (past tense). Which is in accord with what has been said: it means not to keep, but to bring into consummation, fill up fully, fill to the brim, satisfy.

Statement: ".. Jesus came to be filled with the law"

The reply: This statement is in reversed order. The law was fulfilled with Jesus, not Jesus with the law.

Statement: "..Jesus was saying that his life in the flesh was finished. And he gave up his spirit.

He was stating far more than the obvious. He was declaring that all was accomplished (fulfilled).

A scripture verse:
Romans 3:31: "Do we then nullify the law through faith? May it never be! On the contrary, we establish the law." --- To establish the law does not mean to keep it. This verse teaches us that our coming to Christ by faith, instead of law, forced by the impossibility of keeping the law, is that which establishes the law, tacitly. In other words, the law is established (set in place) with regard to its utility: to bring us to Christ. This is what it means to establish the law through faith. There is no intention here whatsoever to teach us that the law still abides over us and we are to keep it.

Statement: "..The above verse says nothing to that effect it says just the opposite.

The reply: It says as I have said it says. It is for others to give proper consideration to the careful wording Paul uses and to the contextual emphasis.

Statement: "..Christ became the law by living perfectly by the law,

The reply: Christ became nothing: He was and always has been everything, thus: "before Abraham was, I am". Christ is the law because He is God. Which is not to say that God is what the law is, but that God is now our law.

Statement: "..The law was only a way of life that nobody had ever followed completely until Christ who encompassed the law bodily.

The reply: Christ did not follow the law, for "the law is not of faith". The same principle that applies to man (no one shall be justified by the works of the law), applied to Christ, for as well as being God, He was also a man. Christ came to demonstrate """""that only God was acceptable to God,"""" (thus "there is none good but God"), and such demonstration was necessarily only possible by staying within the confines of the Godhead spiritually. To follow the law, would be to venture outside that Godhead (for the law is external to God, not internal to Him, being that which proceeded from the Creator to the creature). To follow faith, was to stay within the Godhead, for faith is internal to the Godhead, comprising the trust of the Son in the Father.

Statement: "..We are only under the authority of the Spirit if we live in a manner pleasing to God and he commanded us to live by his laws

The reply: "Without faith it is impossible to please Him" "The law is not of faith".

Statement: "..God does not change.

The reply: It is not a question of whether God has changed, but a question of what God intended all along. God's unchangingness is not defined by that which he never intended to maintain, but in the everlasting covenant: Christ Jesus: "Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever". The new covenant includes none of the old. That is why it is new.

Statement: "..And God the Father like Abraham taught the law and followed the law.

The reply: The law was given by Moses, not before. If the law Abraham followed was the same as that inscribed by Moses, then Abraham was in transgression of it not once, but twice, in his bearing false witness concerning Sarah. And perpetually in transgression of it in his not keeping a sabbath. Therefore the "all my laws" of Gen 26:5 means something other: the law of faith. Thus "Abraham believed God and it was accounted unto him as righteousness". What did he believe? That God would make of him a great nation, simply because God said so, and not because of anything Abraham had to do.

Statement: "..The Law still exists and it lacks nothing.

The reply: It lacks a few things, for one, truth. "The law was given through Moses, but ... truth came by Jesus Christ". If the law had brought truth, Christ would not have had to bring it: it would have already been here.

Statement: "..Jesus was saying that his life in the flesh was finished. And he gave up his spirit.

The reply: He was stating far more than the obvious. He was declaring that all was accomplished (fulfilled).

Statement: "..You are putting words in Jesus’ mouth that he didn’t say.

The reply: Rather, others are isolating His words from the greater body of scripture, because they don't like the implications.

Statement: "..And until he puts death under his feet the prophets have not been fulfilled.

The reply: "He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me .. is passed from death into life". Fulfilled.

Statement: "..The word faith means to believe and those who believe in the law follow the law.

The reply: The word faith means to believe in the person of God, not simply to believe. Thus 2 Thes tells us "all men have not faith". Faith is the evidence of unseen things. The unseen 'thing' is Christ's person and his accomplishment for us. Faith is the evidence of Christ and his accomplishment for us. In short, faith is Christ, who is all things. There is no such thing as faith outside of Christ, for outside of Christ, there is no evidence of unseen things.

Statement: "..Faith means to believe in something and we are to believe in the law.

The reply: Again an oxymoron. You can't have faith in something which is not of faith. Faith and law are mutually exclusive ("the law is not of faith"). Faith is not that which keeps the law, but that which ignores the law. That is the central essence of faith. We are to have faith in Christ, as opposed to the law. We are to deny ourselves and step out of the boat and onto the water with Faith (trust and confidence) that God will hold us up. Trying to keep the law will not hold us up because we cannot keep the law.

This testimony of the Spirit of Jesus will be beneficial.

Rom 7:25-8:1
25 I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin. KJV

We keep God's laws through the empowerment from heaven by grace. This is the power of the gospel.
Adullam said:
We keep God's laws through the empowerment from heaven by grace. This is the power of the gospel.

Where sin abounds, there grace much more abounds.

Rom 5:20-21
20 Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound:

21 That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord. KJV

Adullam said:
We keep God's laws through the empowerment from heaven by grace. This is the power of the gospel.

If you really believe this then are you now keeping the law, ALL OF IT?

I think you are wrong. The Power of the gospel is that it can save those that live in sinful flesh and still sin.

I believe it is an erroneous belief that the children of God (those born of the Spirit) have their sinful flesh nature changed to a sinless condition. --- I believe this idea has sent many people to Hell. --- Many, who would believe in the gospel of grace, see into themselves and see that their sinful thoughts and actions in the flesh have not gone away. They then think that they can’t be a child of God since many teach progressive perfection in the flesh.

Just like Paul in Romans 7, every child God “â€Ââ€ÂWANTSâ€Ââ€Â†to stop sinning but there is no one that can do that while living in bodies of sinful flesh. A person who claims they do not sin is being deceitful with God.

A tragic story:

When I was about 25 years old I worked for a factory in Chattanooga, Tennessee. One night when I was working the third shift the security guard came and told me that a man was at the gate wanting to talk to me.

It was a fellow worker at the plant who worked on the first shift and he was very distraught about Christianity. He said he wanted to be a Christian but it just didn't seem to work for him.

I found that he had been talking to some Christians that were telling him that if he was a Christian he would stop sinning. He wanted to stop sinning but he said he couldn't because he still had those fleeting thoughts of sin in his mind and, of course he was told that if you think it you have done it in your mind. He wanted to know what I believed about it.

I told him that Jesus came to save those that could not save themselves; to do for them what they could not do, that to believe in Jesus is to believe in what He did on the cross and to trust that it has saved you.

I also told him that I still sin (I was being honest) and that everyone sins. He said what he had been told by other Christians, that if he sinned he was not a Christian and that I must not be one either since I said I still sinned. A week later this young man killed himself.

It is obvious that this young man had emotional problems. It is also obvious that the Holy Spirit was convicting him of his sins so that he would turn to Jesus. But I saw, first hand, what the message of the self-righteous does to those that are seeking to be a Christian. They don't go in themselves (because they still sin too) and they prevent others that would go in from doing so, all because they want to see themselves as better, and more righteous, than others.

Matt 23:11-13
11 "But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant.
12 "And whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.
13 "But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men; for you neither go in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in.

If I show anything to the world let it be the love of Jesus Christ for mankind and what He has done on the cross for all that will place their trust (faith) in Him.

But the religious want to make a show that they do not sin any longer.

Now if someone should say that I should have told him I no longer sinned because God has changed me, then I would be bearing false witness just as those that did it to him and those that do it today.