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Bible Study Leviticus 19: "Be Ye Holy, for I AM HOLY"

Ben Avraham

LEVITICUS Chapter 19

This chapter starts with the words; “Ye shall be Holy for I am Holy”. When we look at the original Hebrew we read; “Amarta Aleichem Kadoshim ti’hiyu Ki Kadosh Ani” But there is something different in the two words; “Kadoshim” (ones who are holy) and Kadosh (Holy ONE). The word “Be ye Holy” in the original Hebrew has 5 letters, and the word “Kadosh” has 4 letters. The biggest difference is that the “o” in “Kadoshim” is not present, but it IS present in “Kadosh”. If we write these words in English, they would be “Kadshim” and “Kadosh” Why? There is a missing letter “Vav”

The “vav” is pronounced as either “v” “o” or “u”. It symbolizes the “nail”. Perfect Holiness without sin is only Adonai! He alone has the “vav” He took the “nail” for our sins. Our Holiness is lacking, we are not perfect as we have a sinful nature, therefore, our Holiness can not carry the “Vav”

Chapter 19 deals with quite a variety of commandments; “You shall not profane the name of the LORD thy YHVH; You shall love thy neighbor as thyself, I AM YHVH”. All of the 613 commandments of HaShem have to do with honoring YHVH and our relationship with our fellow man. When we honor and love the LORD with all of our heart, we are honoring and not profaning the Name YHVH, and when we honor and treat our fellow man well and try to establish a good relationship with him or her, we are, in a matter of sense, keeping the whole Torah, (in a general sense). When we are a bad witness before our fellow man, when we are an embarrassment because our sins are brought into the light, then, we are profaning the name of YHVH.

” you shall not curse the deaf nor put a stumbling block before the blind” (19:14) When one talks about another in a negative sense or spreads an “untruth” the “other” cannot hear what is being said, it is as if that person is “deaf”. When we misrepresent the Truth of God, teach or spread false teaching whether on purpose or by error, we are in a way a “stumbling block” before someone that does not know Yeshua “The blind” (spiritually).

“You shall not sow your field with mixed seed” (19:19) because each plant takes away from the soil nutrients, planting a mixture of crops will very soon deplete the soil of all of its nutrients, making the soil useless.

“You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor TATTOO any marks on you I AM YHVH!

That is quite a statement. I am of the opinion that if God wanted us to have tattoos on our bodies, we would have been born with them. Why can’t people be happy with the bodies God gave them? Why do they have to alter them with drawings and markings? But such was the custom of the pagan cultures like the Canaanites, Moabites, etc., and it continues today. However, the blood of Yeshua covers, cleanses and forgives ALL sins, even the sin of tattooing, yet tattooing is one sin that will leave its mark forever! (unless it is somehow removed)

” uncovering the nakedness of ….” Is another way of saying, “having sex” Chapter 20 takes up that topic again along with other topics. Adultery, under Torah's command, resulted in the death penalty, if this were effective today, how many couples would be true to each other, really? Perhaps many more than we imagine. It seems like sexuality is a serious issue with our creator. If it is serious with Him, it should be with us as well.

When we follow the Torah of Adonai and put his commandments into practice with all of our heart, we are consecrating ourselves to Him, as “Kedoshim and Tzadikim” (holy and righteous ones) however always remember, that “SALVATION” comes ONLY through FAITH IN YESHUA! It is our faith in HIM that makes us Holy and Righteous, and this relationship leads us to Holy and Righteous works, which are obedience to his mitzvoth (commandments)

I always try to make this clear. We are not saved by following/obeying God's commandments, we are saved by faith in the complete work of Yeshua on the cross of Calvary. Yet we are saved in order to walk in HIS ways and follow HIS guidelines in his Book of Instruction Before Leaving Earth, (B.I.B.L.E.)

Ben Avraham