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[ Testimony ] Little voices...


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Nicole Cuse

I just wanted to share this. While traveling with my children (ages 6, 3 & 2) we were listening to the song Our God is an Awesome God. I hear little voices singing along so I quickly turn off the music and there singing along were the two girls (ages 6 & 3). Amazing how they knew the words only listening to the few times. What was even better was once I turn the music back on I peek back at them thru the rearview mirror and ever time they would say God they would point up to the sky. They told me that they love God and that is one of there favorite songs. God is good!
I just wanted to share this. While traveling with my children (ages 6, 3 & 2) we were listening to the song Our God is an Awesome God. I hear little voices singing along so I quickly turn off the music and there singing along were the two girls (ages 6 & 3). Amazing how they knew the words only listening to the few times. What was even better was once I turn the music back on I peek back at them thru the rearview mirror and ever time they would say God they would point up to the sky. They told me that they love God and that is one of there favorite songs. God is good!
The children know all about life, but alas once they grow up many loose sight of what that life is.
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To many times we pretend young kids can't understand God and salvation so we don't even try to teach them. Instead we only tell them cute stories about a nice man who saved a lot of cute fluffy animals on his boat, or of angles that look more like fairies flitting about in the air and doing nice things for us. Yet I've given the salvation message to very young children like this and prayed with some to accept Christ. Most I've lost touch with, of course, but today two I'm thinking of in particular are well into their adult years, have proven their Christianity through their actions, and do indeed point back to that day as they day they learned of and accepted the gift of salvation. These young kids understand and are more readily accepting than most adults!
Matthew 18
2 He called a little child and had him stand among them. 3 And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5 "And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me.

One of my favorites due to people always saying I need to grow up. :biggrin2
That's one of my favorite songs too.
The children know all about life, but alas once they grow up many loose sight of what that life is.

Education is what's left after you forget everything they taught you in teach them young without under estimating their capacity to learn. Amen Brother!
So happy to hear that you little kids could sing christian songs in such a little age!
I think it is God's love for your kids, hope they could get more love from God!


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