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[ Testimony ] Looking back - Thousands of testimonies!!


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Today - New Years day - I will look forward and make resolutions. I like doing that. Sometimes it works out sometimes is doesn't. Last year it didn't because of Covid, but it's a new year. But before I look forward I thought I would look back and specifically at God is my life. I have testimonies - thousands of them - incredible, impossible, testimonies about Him in my life. I wouldn't believe them if I had not lived them.

I'm in my sixties now, so I can look back. He came into my life after I turned 40. It seems like it was in an instant, the specific instant was when I woke up one morning, sat up, then suddenly a voice said, "Read Your Bible". That voice came with such power that it felt like someone had hit me over the side of the head with a 2X4. I was shaking. I had to check to make sure I was ok. I saw a crystal clear vision of my Bible behind my time clock, and turning to look I saw my Bible sitting there just like in the vision. The amazing thing was that I hardly knew I had a Bible. I never read it. I was something my mom had given me many years before. It certainly should have been packed away in an old box in a closet or perhaps the garage, but there is was sitting right next to my time clock. God had some how taken it out of some box and put it there.

I think of that moment as the beginning of Him in my life, but that's not exactly true. He had done things before that I had just ignored, like the time my wife had taken us to church and when the pastor made an alter call, I suddenly felt a hand in the middle of my back pushing me forward. I didn't go forward though. And farther back, when I was about ten, I had go forward when another alter call had been made. I was feeling a neat calm feeling then. I concluded it must be God, so went forward, got baptized, and He seems to have completely disappeared after that.

Still, most of what happened in my life happened after the voice saying "Read Your Bible". I did read my Bible, and it was touch going at times. It took me 9 months to finish it, but weird things started to happen. Spiritual things like dreams, vision, and premonitions. The weirdest being when I suddenly broke down weeping when I read about Jesus going to the cross. I couldn't get it out of my head that I had killed Him. Four gospels and four times I broke down weeping the same way. I didn't cry. I never cried. It was something that a man like me did. So what was with that. I certainly wasn't around 2000 years ago, so I couldn't have killed Him, but in my spirit that was all I could think about. -- It was just weird.

It kept getting weirder. I also broken down crying at the end of Revelation. I didn't have the "I killed Him" thoughts then. So I don't know why to this day that happened, but my life had turned spiritual. That actually worried me a lot. To this day I don't really like the strange spiritual things of God, but He is spirit, so it is hard to not have those things in your life. And in my life they came and happened.

I had been going through a divorce when He came into my life. I had moved out and was in brothers house when Fathers day came around. The first one without my two kids in my life. It was about 5 AM and dark outside when suddenly I felt the presence of God in the room, and the presence was incredibly powerful. I sat up wondering what was happening, when I saw a greenish cloud start to develop across the room. I was like something straight out of a ghost movie. It swirled into a face of a lady as it came towards me. The presence had become so strong that I couldn't breath. It kissed me on the forehead and it felt exactly like someone had put a spot of oil there, and then it disappeared, which was important because I desperately needed to breath. So I wound up gasping for air. That was perhaps the weirdest thing that ever happened to me, but not by much.

Because those spiritual things were happening and they worried me, I wanted to make sure it was the Lord. So I decided to pray for the gift of tongues. The Bible had said it was a gift of the Spirit, and it said is edified us. Silly me, I thought "edify" meant justified as opposed to teaches us. So I started praying for the gift of tongues, to make sure the spiritual stuff was from the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray "Jesus Christ, I want the gift of tongues". Then I waited two days. Then prayed for it again, and waited another two days. Then I pray for it again asking Him, "How long does it take God to give me the gift of tongues? A thought came back to me saying, "You are not ready yet." I responded, "Well, make me ready." Thinking back on it, that was the first conversation I ever had with Him, but at the time I wasn't sure what had just happened.

That night about 2 AM I suddenly woke up, feeling the presence of God. It was not as powerful as when I got that kiss, but something was up, and I was sitting up wondering what when I suddenly swallowed a bug. Well I thought it was a bug until as it went down my throat it felt like it was fire. It hit my stomach and my whole chest felt like it burst into flames. It felt like a really bad case of heart burn. Then I realized. I got the gift of tongues! Tongues came down like tongues of fire. So I got on my knees, put my hands together, and opened my mouth, but nothing came out. I felt silly.

The next day I told my mom what had happened. It turned out that my mom spoke in tongues??? How had I never known that? She advised me to just put out a noise and let the Lord take it from there. And that night I prayed again. Again I got woken up in the middle of the night and this time my chest was on fire when I awoke. So again I got on my knees, put my hands together, and put out the letter "A". I had decided to do that, and I found myself saying three words or syllables. I didn't know which. It was "A shew a". That was it. So what was it. The next day again I went over to my moms. She was a bit busy when I got there, so I pick up a paper she had gotten. It was the Messianic times, or something like that. As I read I saw this word "yeshua" and it got my attention instantly. That was the word I said, except I started it with an "A". I had not seen that word before, but I could tell in context that is must mean Jesus. I did. I confirmed that with my mom. So the first word I said in tongues was Jesus in Hebrew. He is just weird. And that was the beginning of my walk with Him.
The most important thing in my life happened not too long after all the above. I was driving to work one day when I got an idea I decided to test. I figured that if we all thought God could hear us, even when we prayed inside our heads, He must be able to communicate with us inside our heads also. After all, who would put in a one way telephone line? So I came up with an idea to test it. I decided to ask Him which lane of the freeway I should be in. I was on my way to work and it didn't really matter which lane I was in. So I asked Him, "Lord Jesus Christ, which lane of the freeway should I be in? Then I considered that next thought that came to me - and it was ......"Your ok".

Well, that didn't work like I had hoped. It was just like a thought in my head and nothing special. Still, why did it come back "Your"?? If it was my thought then wouldn't it have come back, "I'm ok"?

I tried it again, and the same things happened! Ok, it was pretty unclear. Who knows if that was God or just me thinking weird. But a bit further down the freeway I saw a bunch of big trucks coming down the on ramp. I was next to the slow lane and they were gong to slow down the whole freeway. I needed to get over to the left. Ah - but let me try that test first.

So inside my head I asked, "Jesus Christ, which lane of the freeway should I be in?" The thought came back, "You need to be in the right lane."

AUGHHH - "I don't want to be in the right lane I want to be in the left lane! The right lane is going to slow down!!" That idea just upset me.

Then a calm still thought came through like a little voice to me, "Well, do you want to listen to me or not?"

I froze in amazement. He was real. I got into the right lane, and every truck came down in front of me an they all got over one lane. The rest of the freeway instantly clogged up, but I was the only car in the right lane and I went my it all. I was amazed. I started trying to talk to Him about everything in my life. What clothes to wear? What food to eat? Nothing was too small to talk to Him about.

That changed my life! Suddenly He was Him - the One who talked to me. Everything changed. Oh - it certainly had gotten weird before I learned that Him and I could just talk, but knowing that we could just talk was what really made the difference. It took some time, but we became friends. Me and the One through whom all things were created were friends. It was incredible!!

But you know, being friends with God is not always all you think it will be.
The Lord had me telling people at work about Him. Oh - I wanted to. If I could be friends with God surely they too could all be friends with God. What a great message!! They surely would all want that! ---- Or not.

For about the next nine months I told people at work about Him. That got me fired of course! Oh - He did lots of incredible things. I did mention thousands of testimonies in the OP. Well, I wasn't lying! He did sooooo many things, still very few wanted to hear about Him.

Let me see - there was the girl God head of carpal tunnel in both wrists. First the right wrist, which was the most painful for her. Then the left wrist right before I got fired.

And there was the lesbian lady who was seeing a doctor because she wasn't having her period anymore. I had her pray to Jesus Christ and that problem was solved. Still getting healed by Him and turning to Him are two different things. I got a counselling for that.

And there was the seemingly innocent young Catholic girl who said she always went to church with her parents, which turned out to be one big lie. The Lord had me get her a Catholic of her own, with her name on it. She didn't want it. I didn't know the, but of course He did, but she was actually a gang banger and was in a huge scheme using fake credit cards to rip off the company. I heard they stole over $30,000 and they took that innocent looking young lady off to prison. God tried to help her. I got another counselling.

I think the most interesting thing was when I asked Him for help hiring a few people. That was part of my job, and knowing Him certainly must be helpful when hiring people!!!??? I picked up about 100 applications and let Him tell me who to bring in, and He did tell me. He had me bring in two people who looked like what we would hire.

One had been making and selling jewelry on her own. In the interview I found out that jewelry she was making and selling were spiritual stones for new age and dark magic shops - oh no! But I tested the spirits and it was Him, our Lord Jesus Christ, who want me to hire her. I know. He wanted me to tell her about Him. That is what He is up to. Where it is written that He wants none to perish and where it is written that the work of God is that all should come to know the Son - well He is serious about that!! So I tried to hire her, and she told me she wanted the job and would take it. But I told Him that certainly the demons would tell her what she was up to - And indeed she called me back about 15 minutes later saying she could not take the job. Ha - I told Him so!

I did hire the other girl He wanted hired. Now she seem good! She had even helped out in a paying job in a children's ministry in a very good Christian church, one summer. Yet after I hired her, the Lord had me ask her where she was from. I told the Lord that she was obviously from right here, but I asked anyway. It turned out that she was from Russia. She was actually Jewish and had come over officially because of religious persecution but she had never seen any of that. Well - she explained, her father was Jewish, her sister had converted to Christianity, and she was "pagan", she explained.

"Your pagan!", I asked.

"Yeah", she explained. She casts spells and read Tarot cards. She told me that I would be surprised at the incredible things she saw happen. She told me that her Christian sister never saw anything incredible happen, but she did.

"Hummm" I told her. "I am Christian and I have seen God to lots of things." And she would find that out, because I ask Him to hide her Tarot cards and He did. But stupid me, I had to find out if He did it so one day a few weeks later I asked her if she had been using those Tarot cards. She told me she could find them. Of course that just got her looking harder, and He let us have our free will. So I apologized to the Lord for doubting and ask what I should now do. He told me to have her read them that night and He would take them over. She agreed and He told her to keep talking to me.

I was due a vacation, which I started after that conversation and when I came back a week later she was gone. The last thing she told me was the He had told her to keep talking to me.

Face it - people just don't want to get to know Him
He did a whole lot more at that job before I got fired. I must have talk to 40 employees about Him and He always did something to back me up. Still, persecution is promised and I got fired.

So He got me another job. The day He got me that job, and between interviews, while eating lunch from Mac Donald's and sitting in my car, He suddenly pulled me out of my body. I was looking down at the back of my head. Then I looked out at the horizon and was thinking that I could just go across the ocean and take a look at Australia. It is an incredible feeling to be outside your body. You don't think about anything like having to work, make money, have food, and so on. It was only for a few moments, but it was like what some others had written about when being out of their body. There just doesn't seem to be any worries and suddenly not having worries is just such an incredible freeing experience.

Then the Lord spoke to me and said, "Karl, do you think I can take you any where I want?"

Ok - I was only maybe a foot out of my body but in that situation, what can you answer. If He can do that He can take me any where. So I answered, "Yes". Then He put my spirit back in my physical body.

I then had to go to the upcoming interview, and failed it miserably!! But, the job I had interviewed for in the morning called me back and I had that job!! It was the better one anyway.

To keep me from being fire from that job He started giving me parables to tell the people.


There was this guy stranded on a desert island. It was dark and he was a little cold from the wind coming off the sea. He was groping around in the sand for something to start a fire with so he could get warm and see.

He finds this lamp, and rubbing the lamp.... whooossssshh OUT COMES A GENIE!

Genie... "I am the Genie in the lamp, and I will give you three wishes"

Guy... "Hey man, I don't believe in Genies"


Guy... "I'm sorry man, but I don't believe in Genies."

Genie... "I AM THE GENIE, I can give you great wisdom, or I can give you authority over ALL THE POWERS OF THE WORLD! What is it you want?"

Guy... "Look man, I was just hoping for a little fire."

whooosssshhhh .... the guy is on fire!


the fire goes out

Guy... "Maybe you are a Genie. What was that thing you said? Oh yeah.. great wisdom. GIVE ME GREAT WISDOM"

Genie.... "Believe in Genies."

Guy... "THAT'S IT???"

Genie... "Believing is great wisdom."

Guy... "Ok.. Ok.. what was that other thing? Yeah.. authority over all the powers of the world. GIVE ME AUTHORITY OVER ALL THE POWERS OF THE WORLD!"

whooosssshhhh .... the guy is sucked down into the lamp!



Guy... "Yeah... but I'm going to have to serve anyone who rubs the lamp"

Genie... "That's right."

You understand that parable, right? When people are feeling cold and need of a little fire in their lives, the Lord shows up. He will set you on fire, for Him to get you to believe in Him. He will tell you that believing is great wisdom. He will give you authority over all the powers of this world, but that just means you are the light of this world and are thus in a lamp. From there you will serve all those who rub the Lamp, Him.
I had that next job and preached in parables, that He gave me. And while I am sure that everyone there knew I was preaching about Jesus Christ, and at least someone told the office that was so. The office came down and gave the whole store instructions about our laws on talking about religion at work (It is against our laws!), they still didn't have anything they could prove. Just a weird guy giving parables. I'm sure it made a difference to those who wanted it to make a difference. And He still found a way to pull off some incredible things

For instance, and I find this ironic - There a Jewish but lesbian lady who worked as one of the managers there. She was having to go in for knee surgery again. This was the third time for the same problem and the doctors were telling her that if it didn't work this time she was not going to be able to continue walking on that knee. She came up to me and asked me if I would pray for her. Of course I would pray for her. I explained that I would be doing it in the name of Jesus Christ. -- "Yeah, Ok", she just wanted prayer and thought that perhaps my prayers might help her. She needed this surgery to work this time!

I prayed and ask the Lord to help her. He did and the surgery worked fine this time :)

I did mention thousands of testimonies in the OP, right?

There were others there also. I wasn't as bold there as the prior job, but He still did lots and lots of things. But I have not cover very many of the twenty plus years I have been with Him. And so let me get with it.

One day I went to work on my day off to work on something He told me He would help my with, but when I got there and asked what I should do He told me to go home because I was quitting. I went home but wanted verification. Wow did He give me verification. I meet with my pastor who told me that God had asked him to quit his job and that is how that church came about. Then we got lightning and thunder as we finished. Then it started snowing and it doesn't snow there! I only saw it snow twice there and the other time was hardly anything and very early in a very cold morning. That was 3 in the afternoon and what had been a warm day - and the rest of the day was extremely weird also. I wound up running in the snow after my car ran out of gas, only to be driving back to my car by a bossy lady who told me to get in her car because she had promised the Lord to help me. He is just weird! I quit and He told me to open up a Christian bookstore for Him.

When I had been driving in the snow earlier He told me, "Karl, isn't it beautiful driving into the storm?"

Ok - how would you respond? Oh it seems beautiful but it is still a storm!
I quit my job, like He told me. I had no more income. I had to figure out how much I did have to get into the lease for the store. I had $77,000, mostly from my retirement funds. It all went and was not nearly enough to cover the two years that I had the Christian bookstore. The Lord got me another $100,000 given to me. When I walked away from that Christian bookstore two years later my net worth was $0. Basically, I owed a couple of thousand and I had a car worth a couple of thousand. That was it.

He had me give away the store to a pastor in another town, because I could believe Him for more. I'm pretty sure the store is still operating in that town, almost 20 years later. When I look back, I can hardly believe that He got me to do it. It was an incredible testimony to me about what God can do to you if you listen to Him. I am not sure that is a great testimony - going broke for the Lord. But I now have my own business selling books on-line. I don't make much but nobody is firing me, and I work from home.

Oh - and the testimonies at the store? Yeah - lots of them. It was a very slow store, but that just meant I could take time to minister to the few people who did come it, and I learn a lot in those years.

Let me remember -

I liked the time when a lady came in wanting donations for a cause and the Lord told me to give her a book. When I told her that the Lord had just told me that it became apparent on her face that she did not know the Lord. I asked her what book she might want, and she didn't know. So I asked the Lord, out loud, "Jesus, what book do you want her to have", and a hardcover book fell off the shelf pounding the hard tile floor and scarring us for the moment. So I went up to the front of the store, picked up the book "Foxes Book of Martyrs" and gave it to her. I think she was starting to understand that she had walked into a real Christian bookstore, with God and all.

There was the time when the intercession team, I was involved with, had to come over to the store because the person with the key for the church didn't show up. So we prayed in the store after closing, and I forgot to lock the front door. A homeless man wondered in hoping for prayer. Someone got a word from the Lord that He needed to accept the Lord into his life, and he did. The presence of God fell on him soo much that he cried and cried and cried. There was a large puddle of tears on the floor.

Oh - and the people I meet there. There was a rather strange but very anointed man that many call the wondering prophet. I like Him, but one day about 30 minutes before closing a lady that worked at a local Christian radio station came into the store. The wondering prophet and a lady I knew who helped be at the store and who was also very anointed both prayed for that lady. She was out!!!!

She got up about 30 minutes later. "Good" I was thinking, "Just in time for me to close". But they prayer for her again, and out she went!! 'Ok' I told myself. 'I can be patience.' She got up about 20 minutes later and they prayed for her again, and out she went a third time. Did I mention that God was weird? Ok, she got up about 10 minutes after that, amazed at what had happened to her. She had heard about that type of thing happening, but this was her first experience with it. I wasn't surprised. I was happy that I could now go home.

Two years I spent at the store and most days things like that happened.
Ok - I got to stop looking back! There is just way too much there to write about. That was only the first few years with the Lord and I didn't even scratch the surface of what all happened. Where it is written that if all Jesus did in the few short years He was in ministry on earth had been written down that perhaps the whole world could not contain the writings, you need to believe that. He is doing things all the times.

Did I only say "thousands" in the OP? I probably under estimated.

In the time that follow that I have seen Him do soo many things, I can't remember them all. No way. He had me work in a number of ministries at church, like the five years He had me working in a Christian healing ministry at our church. If you need healing you need to go and get prayer, and if you don't see it the first time keep getting it. Still, I would say that about 70% of the people who came for prayer got sometime significant from the Lord the first time! And if they kept coming back that got more and more, until He got them in that lamp. (See the Genie parable above)

And so much more on the streets just for Him. It is a life with God and that is exactly what we are talking about here, right?

So the one thing that amazes me most about this and other Christian forums, is that we don't see thousands of testimonies!! Honestly, that is what sadly amazes me most when He asked me to come and post here.

Anyway, I have some other things to do on this New Years day. I have the future to look and and resolutions to make. Maybe this year I can get more people sharing the awesome things God has done for them?
The most important thing in my life happened not too long after all the above. I was driving to work one day when I got an idea I decided to test. I figured that if we all thought God could hear us, even when we prayed inside our heads, He must be able to communicate with us inside our heads also. After all, who would put in a one way telephone line? So I came up with an idea to test it. I decided to ask Him which lane of the freeway I should be in. I was on my way to work and it didn't really matter which lane I was in. So I asked Him, "Lord Jesus Christ, which lane of the freeway should I be in? Then I considered that next thought that came to me - and it was ......"Your ok".

Well, that didn't work like I had hoped. It was just like a thought in my head and nothing special. Still, why did it come back "Your"?? If it was my thought then wouldn't it have come back, "I'm ok"?

I tried it again, and the same things happened! Ok, it was pretty unclear. Who knows if that was God or just me thinking weird. But a bit further down the freeway I saw a bunch of big trucks coming down the on ramp. I was next to the slow lane and they were gong to slow down the whole freeway. I needed to get over to the left. Ah - but let me try that test first.

So inside my head I asked, "Jesus Christ, which lane of the freeway should I be in?" The thought came back, "You need to be in the right lane."

AUGHHH - "I don't want to be in the right lane I want to be in the left lane! The right lane is going to slow down!!" That idea just upset me.

Then a calm still thought came through like a little voice to me, "Well, do you want to listen to me or not?"

I froze in amazement. He was real. I got into the right lane, and every truck came down in front of me an they all got over one lane. The rest of the freeway instantly clogged up, but I was the only car in the right lane and I went my it all. I was amazed. I started trying to talk to Him about everything in my life. What clothes to wear? What food to eat? Nothing was too small to talk to Him about.

That changed my life! Suddenly He was Him - the One who talked to me. Everything changed. Oh - it certainly had gotten weird before I learned that Him and I could just talk, but knowing that we could just talk was what really made the difference. It took some time, but we became friends. Me and the One through whom all things were created were friends. It was incredible!!

But you know, being friends with God is not always all you think it will be.

Wow Brother! Your testimonies sound extremely similar to some of mine. Especially those Him and you talking testimonies, I have been there! That is exactly how it happened to me except for at the very beginning. And I noticed the same thing that you noticed when talking with Him in your head...He does not talk like I think or talk. At first I was like, hey I don't talk like that or think like that...Duh. Of course not because it was not me, it was the Lord!

And you're right again in that, being conversational friends with the Lord God Almighty isn't as peechy keen cool how you think it would be. He has a way of putting me on the spot and telling me to do things that I do not want to do! Do you think you woud say no to GOD? One would think not, but I have. I eventually gave in, lol.

I love these kinds of testimonies.
Wow Brother! Your testimonies sound extremely similar to some of mine.

Yeah :)

Of course He is personal for us, so what He goes over with and does with one person is not going to be exactly the same as other people, but yes, it should sound some what familiar because He is One God, and lots of things happen when you get to know Him and spend time with Him.

And you're right again in that, being conversational friends with the Lord God Almighty isn't as peechy keen cool how you think it would be. He has a way of putting me on the spot and telling me to do things that I do not want to do!

And that bit of writing above tells me that you do know Him. Of course I have read a number of your writings in the past and I already knew that. Still, I wonder why we don't see more testimonies? I mean - when ever I come to this section there are lots of prayer request, and some praises, but testimonies always seem to be lacking to me. And I think they are important because they help us all understand that the Lord is alive and active. Our testimonies should help encourage others, and even help the Lord teach others.

For example:

When I was working in the Christian healing ministry the Lord was always showing me things that helped. One of the favorite things He shows me was to get people to make a platform for Him to use. Let me explain.

The Lord of course is always present and has always been present. He is omni-present, but you can make a vision and asked Him to show you where He is; and that platform gives Him the opportunity to give you information.

For example He would often have me ask the person we were ministering to, to bring to mind the place where they like to spend time with he Lord at. Perhaps they had a favorite chair at home where they read their Bible. Then I would have them go to the place in their mind and ask the Lord where He is at in that vision? They might start to see Him behind them, or next to them teaching them, or looking down at them from above with a smile. Of course He is everywhere but He would show up in the vision they provided in a way that He would use to give them personal information.

Let me give a testimony about who He once used this creating a platform for Him to help a young man.

Two parents and their son, who looked to be about 16 or 17 came into the ministry for prayer. The father wanted prayer for all three of them. He was a man that took charge. Both the father and the mother knew the Lord, but the son didn't. The Lord asked me to separate the son a few feet away from the father and mother, and He had the two others in the group I was leading pray for the father and mother. That was good, because one of the two I was with was very close to being asked to lead a group, so I let hear take charge of the prayer for the mother and father and I went to pray for the son.

The Lord was telling me that the son didn't know Him, which was according to what his dad had said of Him. So I lead Him to asking Jesus Christ into his life. He was fine with that. Then I had him seek a word from the Lord, but he could hear anything from the Lord. When I asked the Lord what I should do now, the Lord told me to ask the young man where he was yesterday. It turned out that he was at a family gathering yesterday. The Lord had me ask him to think back to that gathering and remember what it looked like. Then I reminded him that the Lord is omni-present, and so he needed to ask Jesus Christ where He was at the gathering. The son looked around an saw Jesus standing next to his dad.

What you need to understand is that the Lord appeared there next to his dad because in his spirit that is where the young man always pictured the Lord, with his dad but not with him. So I had the young man walk over to the Lord in the vision and ask the Lord if He would be willing to walk with him? He did and heard the Spirit of the Lord tell him that He would love to walk with him. Those were the first words the young man heard from the Lord, but that was just the start of it.

A few weeks later that father again brought his family in for prayer. I ask the son how it was going and he was all smiles. He was now talking to Jesus Christ everyday. The Lord was not just for his dad but for him also. That young man had looked so unhappy the first time I had seen him and now he could hardly hold the smiles back.

So that was a nice testimony about how when we listen to the Lord and follow Him we can lead other people to the Lord and change their lives. I learned a lot from listening to the Lord in that ministry, and saw He changed peoples lives every week.
Still, I wonder why we don't see more testimonies? I mean - when ever I come to this section there are lots of prayer request, and some praises, but testimonies always seem to be lacking to me. And I think they are important because they help us all understand that the Lord is alive and active. Our testimonies should help encourage others, and even help the Lord teach others.

Brother, my whole life is a Testimony to Jesus. I don't think a day goes by without something happening in my life here. But you're right, I don't write them as much as I used to. That does conflict me just a wee bit at certain times but at other times it seems like, they're not always well received and I think the reason is that most of my testimonies since I've moved here are, um how to say this...smaller events than they used to be. Which is not very exciting to most people I think.

Like your testimony for instance. I think that testimony is awesome but I'm like that, lol. But Jesus giving words of knowledge and talking isn't exactly parting the red sea though lol. Since I've been here in Ohio, He's been teaching me to not seek after supernatural events but after Him and His still small voice. It seems that He doesn't mind doing signs and wonders at all but He would rather do bigger events in front of more people so it will increase His harvest by more people turning to Him when He does it. He wants us to learn to discern His still small voice, and obey instantly.

I watch quite a few testimonies on youtube. One of my favorite pastimes! Persevering to be able to hear the voice of the Lord makes one more and more looking at the world spiritually, from the spirit. Talking with the get sensitive to His presence. He's here all the time! I wonder what we'll do today?!
Since I've been here in Ohio, He's been teaching me to not seek after supernatural events but after Him and His still small voice.

Yeah - that is it. It's about seeking His still small voice!

The other things happen because we know Him


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