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Making it crime for churches to speak against homosexuality


A bill in Congress makes it a crime for pastors and churches to speak against homosexuality

Message to pastors and other Christians: Just keep your mouth shut

If pastors and other Christians don’t aggressively oppose a bill now in Congress, in the near future they will be subject to huge fines and prison terms if they say anything negative about homosexuality.
The proposed law would make it a crime to preach on Romans Chapter 1 or I Corinthians Chapter 6. Or even to discuss them in a Sunday School class. If churches and individuals want to keep the government from telling them what they can and cannot preach and teach about homosexuality, they better get involved now!
House bill H.R. 1592 and Senate bill S. 1105 would make negative statements concerning homosexuality, such as calling the practice of homosexuality a sin from the pulpit, a “hate crime†punishable by law. This dangerous legislation would take away your freedom of speech and your freedom of religion. Consider what has already happened:

* A California lawsuit which is headed to the U.S. Supreme Court would make the use of the words “natural family,†“marriage†and “union of a man and a woman†a “hate speech†crime in government workplaces. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has already ruled in favor of the plaintiffs!

* CNN and The Washington Post both reported that General Peter Pace, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was fired because he publicly expressed moral opposition to homosexual behavior.

For the Alliance Defense Fund’s summary of this bill, click here.

Take Action

We are looking for one million Americans willing to take a stand and not allow a small group of homosexual activists to take away our freedoms. Can we count on you? Click on the link below to sign our Petition to Congress in Defense of Religious Freedom.
Please forward this to others, especially your pastor, and ask them to get involved in protecting our freedoms of speech and religion. This threat to our religious freedoms is real!

Sign the Petition to Congress Today

Posted on behalf of I have their permission. ;)
I am assuming this was posted in the end times forum because this is perhaps one of the "sign of the times" with apostasy growing rampant.

I know. I see outside agencies both governmental and non-governmental along with various legislation that is slowly eroding the thinking of Christians so that they play along with this stuff. I will tell you something else that is going to happen. If we preach sin and hell to little kids, that will one day be deemed "emotional abuse" and some so-called child-protection agency will step in and remove the children while penalizing the teachers and parents.

I had a falling out with my church over "background checks" for teachers who are mostly the kids' OWN parents for cryin' out loud. I was totally against the checks claiming that this will be an infringement on our own religion---- what if a repentant criminal decides to work with kids (the teachers always work in pairs)? Indeed we had that happen already when someone into drugs repented and led the youth choir and she did this for years and did a terrific job.

Now, all of a sudden, this puritanical, self-righteous society today won't allow for repentance--- that's the CORE teaching of the bible---- a sinner now doing God's work. I actually had some "Christians" claim that since I was against that stuff, that "I must have something to hide". Yeah, that's like going against the 5th amendment and hissing away their rights.

I noticed your home is in Australia. Are you native of that country? I find that many times foreigners are more "American" mindset than Americans themselves! They seem to understand personal freedom and rights better. Many Americans are too lunk-headed to see their rights are being chipped away slowly, and may even quote (out-of-context) Romans 13.

I'm getting close to 50. I don't understand the thinking of this generation, but I seen things change radically in the last, say, 15 years.
And this is only the beginning.

I recall hearing several months back that at least one state is considering doing away with marriage altogether. Any kind of marriage. If such nonsense passed, even Christians couldn't marry (unless they did so out of state) and ministers would no longer be allowed to perform marriage ceremonies!!! This simply cannot be allowed to happen...

Another thing is how they're trying to completely outlaw spanking. I'm as much against abusing a child as anyone, but a deserving swat does not equal abuse! I was spanked when I needed to be, (and sometimes even when I didn't- like when I got blamed for something I didn't do) and I didn't end up in a mental institution because of the trauma!

They're just taking away more of our rights, and will continue to do so unless we get serious and say ENOUGH!!
They're just taking away more of our rights, and will continue to do so unless we get serious and say ENOUGH!!

I agree. Except the thing that I am concerned with is that the people themselves do not know their rights and seemed to be brainwashed into believing certain stuff these days.

On another forum, a poster pointed out a news article where Santa delivered something like 37,000 copies of the Constitution to the president. I quipped that maybe all of the politicians and many Americans should get the same present for Christmas! Those of us who preached the constitution as the founding father intended (such as the Libertarian Party or Ron Paul) are deemed radicals. This generation has no clue how alien they think to the founding fathers: it's two different worlds now. (Maybe what this generation of kids needs is a good spanking from the founding fathers.) :-D
The churches who do speak out against homosexuality or sin in general are growing fewer and fewer thanks to the 'seeker sensitive' lie. Of course this is nothing but apostasy anyway. I believe God will use persecution to separate his people from apostate religious systems, and eventually the true church will have to go underground.
The grey areas are disappearing quickly, who will stand or fall is becoming more and more evident.

This verse always comes to mind in relation to this topic..

"And I heard another voice from heaven saying, 'Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities'" (Revelation 18:4,5)