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Bible Study Malachi 1:1-2:7 and Matt 10:1-11:30

Ben Avraham

MAL 1:1-2:7

The prophet speaks and writes through the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) “Jacob have I loved, but Esau I have hated”. You ask, “Isn't God love?” isn't God all about love? Why does he “hate poor Esau?” The word “hate” has the same meaning as “reject”. YHVH who is “all-knowing” knew even before Esau was born that he would reject HIM, so, YHVH rejected Esau!

Just as God knew Esau even before he was born, so He knows our hearts as well. It's kind of strange that God knows the future of our lives. Yet we do have a choice. Yet He knows what choice we will make. So, where does that leave us? It still leaves us with choices in our lives. It is good to look at the BIG picture. The BIG picture is eternity. What we do in this world determines the outcome in the World to Come. Esau made a bad choice, he chose the things of the flesh and the world and despised the things of God. God knew this ahead of time.

What are we saying here? YHVH (God) is outside of time and space. He lives in the infinite dimension and interacts in the finite dimension which is ours. We are a part of the finite dimension yet one day, we will leave the finite and enter into the infinite. So, don't reject the things of God, or you will have all eternity to regret it.

Polluted offerings, corrupt priests. No wonder God is fed up with Israel, they have gone “the way of Esau” offering God the “leftovers” and not offering with “pure hearts”. It is like today, if we serve the LORD with less than our best, or only with “half a heart” or just because we feel we “have to” then, we are offering “polluted offerings” We should serve GOD with all we have, with the best we have, or not at all!

MATT 10:1-11:30

Yeshua sends out the twelve talmidim, to teach Torah and to share the word that Yeshua is Mashiach, and has fulfilled all the prophecies of the Torah. First to the “lost sheep of Israel” remember that Israel has been scattered to many different countries, many being absorbed by the nations, yet still remember their identity, but even in Israel, there are those who need to know the truth about Yeshua as Messiah, prophesied by Moshe and the prophets.

In Luke 10, Yeshua sent out 70 talmidim/disciples, in pairs, to different towns to prepare for his visitation. So, we can see that He not only had 12 followers, He had many more who followed (of course, only a handful wrote the gospels). Many times, the ministry is shared and it is teamwork. At other times, it is an individual endeavor, such as writing commentaries and sending them out into the Net (like what I do).

The work and ministry of sharing/teaching the WORD of God is not a lone undertaking, it is to be shared by many, and ALL who have that calling. Even Yeshua, God in human form, could not be in all places at the same time, so he sent out his followers, to fulfill the “Great Commission”.

Today, we are equipped with the “gifts of the Spirit” to fulfill this great task, and today we have the internet to help spread the “Good News” whereas hundreds of years ago, only papers and books were available to those who took up that task. We are living in exciting times, let's take advantage of everything that is available to us today. Use all things to the glory of God.

ROM 9:6-13

Very interesting verses; “For not everyone from Israel is truly part of Israel. Indeed, not all descendants are from the seed of Abraham. The Hebrew New Testament says; “Lo kol asher heim mi-Yisrael gam Yisrael” (not all of them who are from Israel also Israel).

If we remember, Abraham had two sons from the womb of Sarah, Ishmael, and Yitzchak, even though both were his sons, the promise was in Yitzchak. The descendants of Ishmael are now the Arab countries. Can we say that they also have the same interests that all believers have? Are they not following another religion? Even though quite a few are born-again believers.

In Israel today we see quite a few cultures and people groups, but not all are direct descendants of Abraham. But let’s go a step further and say; “Not all have the faith of our father “Israel” and many in “Israel” have little or no faith at all, so, how can we have the faith of “Israel” and thus be part of “Am Yisrael?”

It is through the “Yeshua Connection” that we are connected to the Community of Israel. We have been grafted in, and now share the blessings of Israel. The branches of a tree are connected to the trunk and roots. The trunk and roots in this way are represented by Yeshua.

So, to be a real part of “Am Yisrael” to be part of the “Covenant of Abraham” doesn’t depend on blood relation, but “Spirit” relation. One can be a physical descendant of Abraham, and be lost and go to hell, but one can turn that relationship around and be “heaven-bound” through a personal relationship with Messiah Yeshua, the hope of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
