Saw her with her young won in the pond on the golf course.I didn't expect this,I have read this route numerous times and passed by that pond as well.she watched me the whole time
I have left her long before I posted that.I'm not stupid to walk into the pond,I have no need. Its near an irrigation meter that I must go there. BASIL reads this route,he has giged gators this size .
The picture reminds me to the bull frogs Dad woudl use as targets for his fly fishing practice . How he could whip that line to a spot as small as a frogs head impressed me.. He would hookem we were to gather them off the bank into a gunnie sack.. Mom hated frying them..
Cell phone makes that look really far,I zoomed in to show the gator.those pepper trees us where I had to go.she was watching me.her hatchling was about 3 ft from the shore and dove.
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