- Dec 20, 2019
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- 112
Today’s Scripture
“For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church.” Ephesians 5:29, ESV
Today’s Devotion
You’ve just been asked to explore an unknown land. There are no stores, outfitters, or online deliveries available. You’ll be on your own. What do you need to survive and succeed?
Your list might include food, water, shelter, cooking equipment, and tools. But don’t forget about your shoes. You’ll need a good solid pair – actually, pairs – of shoes for the journey.
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark faced such a situation during their Corps of Discovery expedition in the early 1800’s. Shoes wore out quickly. How quickly? Sgt. John Ordway, a member of the Corps, wrote in his diary: “The men are dressing (deer) skins to make themselves moccasins as they have worn them all out in the plains. One pair of good moccasins will not last more than about two days, will wear holes in them the first day and patch them for the next.” Footwear was so important to the Corps of Discovery, that the men would spend time every night mending or making moccasins. For the men, footwear was self-care.
Speaking of self-care, how do you care for yourself? It seems a selfish question, but God thinks it’s important enough to mention in Ephesians 5:29. We’re told to care for ourselves as Christ cares for his bride. Also 1 Corinthians 6:19 reminds us that our body is a temple for the Holy Spirit.
You can’t give what you don’t have. You can’t serve God or your spouse if you’re constantly running in worn-out moccasins. Is God nudging your heart and whispering that it’s time to tend to some personal needs? Maybe it’s time to rest, exercise, or seek wise counsel. Whatever it is, do it so that you can serve Christ and your spouse from a place of wholeness and health.
It’s time to mend your moccasins.
Today’s Prayer
Heavenly Father, I need your help to make time to mend my moccasins so that I can continue to serve you and my spouse. Show me where I need to invest in self-care. Amen.
The post MARRIAGE DEVOTION: MEND YOUR MOCCASINS appeared first on Focus on the Family.
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