NO, it was, & is not missed. The last one seen was Laodicea who became the synagogue of satan.
I don't want to say yer a little slow E, but, uh, in case you missed it, Satan operated then and today in 'every individual sanctuary.'
Jesus reminded the Pharisees of this fact, here:
Matthew 12:5
Or have ye not read in the law, how that on the sabbath days
the priests in the temple profane the sabbath, and are blameless?
Where Truth is found therein, that would be THE MIND/HEART, the 'individual members' who are in Truth know and understand this fact of 'evil present within them' by SATAN and do not seek to cover it up or defer the fact only unto 'others.' When that fact is deferred unto others they have in fact fallen themselves, individually. The results which are blame and accusations ONLY unto others and the heaping of forgiveness upon themselves. It's called 'self justification.'
And we see Philadelphia on the scene at the same time of the [[END]] period, who ARE KEPT in Rev. 3:10 from the 666 testing. (hour of testing temptation)
The hour of testing or trial comes upon the whole world. That would be one 'undivided' from Satan. Division comes from Truth. You are not Satan. Neither are the RCC members. But ALL are affected by same.
Satan is Satan.
And as was old Israel with the Remnant making up the Acts New Church, so does this sixth church replace Laodicea. Rev. 12:17. (compare Matt. 10: 5-6 on & verse 15?? and the question marks are for you, not me!;))
Any construct of scriptures you have inevitably ends up to suit where you think you or your group are personally justified and all the 'other people not. That is a common form of scripture handling. Not to mention the fact of the lack of basic integrity when it comes to acknowledging sin within in themselves and how they handle those facts.
IF?? You will get out your K.J. & read Rev. 3:6-17 you will find in the verses just one set of true Virgin doctrines (not the Rev. 17:1-5 stuff!) for these two candelstick churchs.
There is a 'real virgin' and a 'pretend virgin' within everyone E.
The problem IS NOT THAT OF DOCTRINE!! (Got that??) And the problem was that of only CHRIST & the Love that was maintained for Him!
The SDA's particular version of so called truth has led them to ride on their little self justification donkeys and attack the windmill of the RCC. It's quite funny actually. But kind of sad as well. You see hatred of 'the other guy' or the 'other group' is the mark of those in darkness. None of these are honest within themselves. And in fact they can't be. It's not possible. The king of darkness will not allow that and in reality it is God who keeps all these groups utterly divided. That will continue until thee END, that END being of Satan, not the RCC or it's members. That group is just like any other. Viewed from the outside by fleshly observation, none of them looking within with the Candles of HIS TRUTH found in Revelation.
Did you know that the Menorah is to be lit outside the entrance of your own home, preferably on the left side of the door? It is meant to illuminate the 'inward parts.' You see that is where evil comes from. By the time you see it on the outside, which visions are facts beyond any doubt, it is merely an extrapolation of internal matters that ALL have. Do you hear ALL? All?
(compare Isa. 5:3 AGAIN!!) and when one loves Christ it has to be COMPLETE LOVE, no second place 'LUKEWARM' sick stuff!
Those who love God in Christ carry the mark of honesty to the scriptures regarding the facts of their own pitiful condition, that of the Laodicean church which ALL members of the church should understand. We are 'all' wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked.
We are ALL so because of the presence of evil and sin, which same is OF THE DEVIL.
There is your Laodicean Candle.
Now listen to the voice of your own group:
17Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods,
and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
Yes, 'your' group is so RICH with SPIRITUAL have need of's them OTHER GUYS!
Yeah, it's the RCC members alright...
sure's just them, surely not your group!
very sad really. Drone like. Automatic programming. Coming from 'all' the churches who have the condition and they ALL have it. If anything at least the RCC members are a LITTLE more forthright about their SINs. But then they turn around and 'sell' riddance and cleanliness to deceive their people that it is GONE...well, temporarily anyway...til the next session.
And this whole denomination were all PARTAKERS of the dirt AGAINST CHRIST in the membership! Again, the doctrines ARE NOT ANY ISSUE SEEN THERE! Rev. 18:4 applies to ALL CHURCH'S satanic GARBAGE!!!
Yes, the matters within every church spoken by Jesus applies to every person individually.
Rev. 1:
29 He that hath an ear,
let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churcheS.
Anyhow you will find of these two, one was kept in verse 10 there, while the other was to be spewed out & did indeed become the synagogue of satan, (verse 9) as Eccl. 1:9-10 & Eccl. 3:15 has it the exact same as with old Israel.
There is and remains one to be spit out of every individual.
That is the final division that we all anticipate. Well, those not mixed anyway.