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Bible Study Multiple Events

multiple Events Dreams and Visions


Weeks ago I had dreams, and 13 years ago, in this dream, there were two towers, one on the Island, in the sea, one of gold and one of silver.

Then as I look from midway from the two towers out in the sea, I saw the sun afar off, and as I look back at the two towers, I saw thousands of people fleeing away from the towers swimming towards the sun.

Then in a flash, I was on the ocean, then I look around me then everything was gone away, Then I look into the ocean, I saw beneath me endless darkness of the deep, all I saw, were shadows moving around me, and then found myself on my bed.

In the second dream, I was in a hotel top flood with my father, I was in one room, my father across from me in another room, and my father was watching the TV.
Then I heard a loud noise outside the window, as I look out the window, I look to my right, I heard celebration, then suddenly to my left side, I was two identify aerial phenomena, from the sky, they pass they came down and pass the window, from the point of my view from the window, and came at the down at the celebration, to destroy the celebration, as I turn to my father, to tell Him, I saw in the TV, the celebration was on 42st, on Broadway, the people were celebration committing acts of adultery and vanish, an explosion from the aerial phenomena.

The third dream, in New York City I was downtown, in the middle of the street, I was people panicking looking for loved ones, then I look down the street, I was in a line of people waiting, I got in the line to see what was the line about, at the front the line, I was two persons, evaluate individual people, the people were giving their money to evacuators’ as I walk to them, on my hand I had currency to give to the evacuators’ in anger I said how much of our lives are you going to take from us, then in anger, they gave the money back.

In the fourth dream, I saw myself jumping from the air, as I came down, there was snow on the ground, the snow broke my fall I was fell in a park again it was New York City, to be precise Central Park.
I had a weapon in my hand, then suddenly I was people panicking running towards me, for fear I said to then, let’s go into the city, as I look at the city, the people were running away from the city into the park, I walk up the hill I was a gate, a place of the fortress, the people gave up the possessions to enter the fortress, there were two men at the gate, and took their possessions but deceive them, and did not open the gate, then the people were lost with no hope, I not see what their fear so much in the city, but just fear

The fifth dream, I came out of the building was into New York City, as I walked toward 42nd I saw women and men dancing in a cage glass sculptures made out of glass exposed on both sides of the street and people around them, as I walk toward 42nd walking on 42nd between 7th Avenue and 8th as I saw the glitter of lights, by midway the, scene change of between 7th Avenue and 8th changes Suddenly I fell down and I was gasping for air, and Suddenly, as I got up the glitter of lights vanish, then I saw futuristic cars but the city was in ruins, I was an old man walking with a cane and I ask him what!!! Happen here, he says there is a shift change, and then suddenly the air turns to poison and woke up gasping for air.

The Six dreams, but this one was from the third dream, Manhattan City was in ruins, and this dream was two of the same in different dreams in two different events, pointing at the last two events.

The seventh dream, Weeks ago, I saw myself in a foreign country, these people were Suddenly, standing huddle to each other, as I walk around them, they have seen very tall, quiet then Suddenly a man riding a white horse came out of no were saving many of them.

The eighth dream, the same place, European dug trenches were hiding, and family hid in them.

In the ninth dream, I was in the middle of a battle, I saw family running wild in many different directions, as I look down the street, the people ran down the street, and huge orange gas overwhelm them, gasping for air, as I saw this I ran, and orange gas overwhelms me as well I woke up, gasping for air on my bed.

The 10th dream, I was in the Middle East, in this dream, it was already active, I saw towers of glass, in this event the clouds open the sky and whirlwind me down and swept everything in its path, the people in white robes called abayas, had nowhere to go because the sand blinded they and fell down praying and die from fear

The 11th dream, many years ago
I had a dream and the dream became a vision in this vision I saw the valley of churches, thousands of churches, they were all types of churches some small and some were tall, there was something unique about them, They were beautiful and old fashion, made of Cedarwood, and then; there I notice something, unique about them.

Musical notes were coming out of these Churches and the musical notes were going up towards the heavens, they were so many beautiful and brilliant in colors.
It was like a kaleidoscope in the sky, and then in the middle of this valley of Churches, there was a very, very great and huge church in the center of the valley of churches.
They were two altars one in the inner Church and another in the outer Church a gravestone with the initials L. C. and the word Babylon

It was very Gothic; as I walk into this Church then I saw an altar in the inner Church, with the initials B. G. and the word Sardis?
And a gravestone, an altar with a Mythical beast called Centaur beast are exceptions

The Centaur beast had a cross crushing the Centaurs back and in front of Centaurs were four black wolves with no eyes, on the bottom of the gravestone was two skulls were four eyes and beside the skull was the year, I cannot tell the year
As I got closer I noticed, I saw many types of statues it had silver and gold, gemstone, red and purple, and scarlet, a man with long hair.

This church was the prettiest church of all. But was one thing missing that there was no sound, no musical notes I thought because there were no people, but there were people just like the other churches why?
I did not understand. As I looked into the sky the musical notes got lower but soothing to my ears and suddenly a ladder Came down from heaven and went on top of the little churches with the musical notes.

A latter of gold it was such a beautiful latter, and tall people with candles on their hands like a flaming torch on each side of latter of it, and then the people walk up, laughing and singing songs and hymns, the musical notes were so brilliant in color.
It overwhelmed me with love and peace.

But the big church, the very huge Church had no latter on it why?
Why didn’t come to this Church?
the people of that Church created and built their own ladder to reach the sky.
When they finish they worked so hard.

They fashioned with their own gold and silver and diamonds and put their own candles, they were so proud, you could see the pride in their faces.
Then the people they took their latter and put it against the wall of their Church to climb up, so many people, hundreds and thousand claiming up the ladder, but the people were rushing, one on top of each other, people rushing desperately

Not worried of others why? And as they got almost to the top of their ladder, it collapsed on them and a very strange sound came out of them as they fell to the ground why?
And then I saw suddenly, what happened to these people; the earth open up and swallow up the Church collapsed and its people.
It's a pity Daniel isn't around today to interpret all these dreams of yours. Maybe we can find someone as wise. Nevertheless, the ongoing theme seems to be desperation, fear and destruction (with a few good dreams thrown in). Since these are dreams you had over the years, I have to admit I been feeling a sense of godlessness and behind the scenes events since 2011. They were clearly supernatural. I have another forum friend that I used to say to her "I got one of those ominous feelings again" and she'd say the same. Sometimes something came out from the blue that the rest were not expecting. So I hear you. You seem to get more into dreams (I do too, but also daytime impressions).

But let me tell you a quick story of an event that actually happened: My son just moved into a new home in Long Island January 2020. We were staying the entire weekend and then both my son, his wife and young granddaughter left for the day on Monday for work/daycare and we decided to stay until late Monday morning to have the whole day to drive as we took off from work. Well, while my wife was showering, I was in the dining room reading and suddenly there was a loud, terrible crash in the kitchen. ALL the plates on this one shelf just flew out of a cupboard as if pushed and there was broken glass all over the place... we were cleaning it up for 2 hours. I said to my wife how strange this was (my son already knew that shelf was tilted and things could fall out... he had to fix it). But first thing that went through my mind was I wondered if that was indicative how the decade was going to go. I never saw such a mess! Sure enough, this was early March when the pandemic was just starting up,and here it is 2 years later with residual effects of that, and now economic and war troubles. I sensed that the start of the pandemic was the formation of the soon Great Tribulation. So keep recording those dreams. You may find that there's symbolism in them and won't happen literally that way.
It's a pity Daniel isn't around today to interpret all these dreams of yours. Maybe we can find someone as wise. Nevertheless, the ongoing theme seems to be desperation, fear and destruction (with a few good dreams thrown in). Since these are dreams you had over the years, I have to admit I been feeling a sense of godlessness and behind the scenes events since 2011. They were clearly supernatural. I have another forum friend that I used to say to her "I got one of those ominous feelings again" and she'd say the same. Sometimes something came out from the blue that the rest were not expecting. So I hear you. You seem to get more into dreams (I do too, but also daytime impressions).

But let me tell you a quick story of an event that actually happened: My son just moved into a new home in Long Island January 2020. We were staying the entire weekend and then both my son, his wife and young granddaughter left for the day on Monday for work/daycare and we decided to stay until late Monday morning to have the whole day to drive as we took off from work. Well, while my wife was showering, I was in the dining room reading and suddenly there was a loud, terrible crash in the kitchen. ALL the plates on this one shelf just flew out of a cupboard as if pushed and there was broken glass all over the place... we were cleaning it up for 2 hours. I said to my wife how strange this was (my son already knew that shelf was tilted and things could fall out... he had to fix it). But first thing that went through my mind was I wondered if that was indicative how the decade was going to go. I never saw such a mess! Sure enough, this was early March when the pandemic was just starting up,and here it is 2 years later with residual effects of that, and now economic and war troubles. I sensed that the start of the pandemic was the formation of the soon Great Tribulation. So keep recording those dreams. You may find that there's symbolism in them and won't happen literally that way.

This is called the Last Days
Acts is in the New Testament, not the Old but the New
if I may
Acts 2:17-18 (KJV) And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:

Note: they shall prophesy: not a new revelation, but prophesy

Joel 2:28-29 (KJV) And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.

Mark 1:2-3 (KJV) As it is written in the prophets, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.
The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.

Note: if any prophecy that not comes true

In Deuteronomy 18:22 (KJV) When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follows not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.

the dreams are warning
Yes,and I remember the prophecy also says that the young men will see visions and the old men dream dreams. I guess that puts me also into the dreaming category. LOL
Yes,and I remember the prophecy also says that the young men will see visions and the old men dream dreams. I guess that puts me also into the dreaming category. LOL
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1 Thessalonians 5:21 (KJV)
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
Job 34:4 (KJV) Let us choose to us judgment: let us know among ourselves what is good.