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[ Testimony ] My Testimony My Quest


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I can't remember a time when I did not believe in God.

For years I could not remember my "come to Jesus" moment. There were many times I came forward, prayed the sinners prayer been water baptized... but none of them really stood out as "the" point of conversion.

When I went back, beyond my first coming forward when I was 9 at the Church of Christ my own father water baptized me two years before his death... to when I was 5 or 6 in kindergarten at the Community Church all the other kids had gone for the day the teacher patiently waited with me for my very tardy mother to pick me up. I feared the worst as I always did that something awful happened to her so I was upset. Miss Maggard had me sit in one of the small classrooms to wait with my head down on the table.

I looked up at the calendar and the top was a picture of the Lord's crucifixion. By then Miss Maggard had explained the Gospel to me (the whole lot of us in the class). And it actually was not on my mind when in my fears and wild imagination there came a calm. I felt compassion. Not from me, for me. I felt love like I had never known and peace. It was the Lord. And somehow I knew I was his from then on. For he had claimed me.

That was my come to Jesus moment. My conversion. My no longer being my own.

I spent the next several decades bearing this in mind only on occasion. Like the time I read how the Puritans kept sabbath (I was a history buff in those days and loved reading about people like Nathan Hale) and I suggested we do the same in our home to my Dad. He looked at me like I was from outer space or something. But I instantly felt the pleasure of my Heavenly Father who was pleased with where my heart was.

But mostly I spent those decades in pursuit of my being my own.


Which is why the conversion time got lost in my memory even after coming back from my prodigal pursuits and being part of the Jesus revival movement in the 1990s.

That's my testimony. My Quest will have to wait for I am out of time.
Very interesting.
I felt sorry for you because of the teacher making you put your head on the desk. :sad
It is never too late to turn back to Jesus!!!
Thanks. It was a means to keep me calm, as I recall. Not a punishment. Miss Maggard was a very Godly lady. I did not know just how Godly until I read her obituary a couple years ago. Here's a copy of that obit and my comment at the time to the website:


Ruby Maggard, a dedicated Christian educator, died on February 4, 2010 after a long illness. She was born in Lothair, Kentucky (Perry County) on December 5, 1926. Family, friends, medical staff, and Hospice professionals ministered to her in a compassionate manner.

Miss Maggard became a Christian at a young age and served the Lord faithfully throughout her life. After graduating from Eastern Kentucky University and pursuing graduate studies at Cincinnati Christian University, she taught at Mountain Mission School, a home for seriously disadvantaged Appalachian youth located in Grundy, Virginia.

While teaching in Virginia, Ruby was introduced to the Sunset Beach Christian School in Haleiwa, Hawaii. After learning of the great need for Christ-centered education in Hawaii, she moved to the islands and served as a missionary teacher. Ruby continued her educational ministry by responding to an invitation to join the student life staff at Kentucky Christian University, Grayson, Kentucky. While serving at Kentucky Christian University, she also helped churches in the region develop Kindergarten programs and provided leadership for many different Vacation Bible School programs. During her time in Grayson, members of her immediate family developed serious health conditions and Ruby returned to Richmond to help care for their needs.

After returning home, she served as the founding teacher for the Gardenside Christian Church Kindergarten. For 32 years, Ruby challenged her Gardenside students to grow academically while teaching them about God’s Word and His creation. She was also a very active member of the Big Hill Avenue Christian Church in Richmond where she provided leadership in the areas of Sunday School, Junior Church, Vacation Bible School, and visits to the elderly.

For nearly 50 years, Ruby taught young people about God’s love and shared with them the Good News of Jesus Christ. As a Christian educator, it is very fitting that her educational ministry continues to demonstrate the power of multiplication. Ruby helped transform the lives of thousands of students through her teaching. Now, the thousands she instructed are positively impacting the lives of tens of thousands of others on behalf of Jesus Christ. The world is a much better place today because Ruby, a true servant leader, made herself available to be used by God.

Ruby, who was a member of the Richmond Community Christian Church, is survived by three siblings: Grace M. Bowles, Bruce Maggard, and Joyce M. Edwards; seven nieces, nine nephews, more than thirty great-nieces and –nephews, and more than ten great-great-nieces and -nephews. She was preceded in death by the following immediate family members: Father - Israel D. Maggard, Mother - Martha M. Maggard, Brother - Ivan “Buster” Maggard, Sister - Loyce M. Dundon, Brother - Herman Maggard, and Sister - Bessie M. Jackson.

The funeral service will be conducted at 11:00 a.m., on Monday, February 8th at the Oldham, Roberts & Powell Funeral Home, 1110 Barnes Mill Road in Richmond, Kentucky. Burial will follow in the Richmond Cemetery. Visitation will be 2-6 p.m. on Sunday, February 7th at Oldham, Roberts & Powell Funeral Home. Memorial contributions are suggested to the Hospice Compassionate Care Center, 350 Isaacs Lane, Richmond, KY 40475 or the Richmond Community Christian Church, 230 Boggs Lane, Richmond, KY 40475.

In 1967, Miss Maggard was simply a beautiful, Godly Christian lady who was my kindergarten teacher. It was in her classroom one day after class waiting for Mother to pick me up that I was born again. I always knew how special Miss Maggard was to me. Not until after her death and reading the obituary above did I learn just how special she is to many many others (and to the Lord).
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At the time, you do not know how extensively the Lord is working in your life... arranging things, bringing certain people into your life. And the influence people and environments have on others makes me feel profoundly blessed in my own experiences and profoundly sad for people (especially children) today.

I was clueless at the time. I remember glimpses mostly of that time. And what an impact was made on my life and my eternity there and then.
My Quest is a simple one. Truth.

Unencumbered truth.

For the things we attach to truth (though they are untruth often through the vehicle of human traditions) long held by vast numbers of people for generations if not thousands of years... hinders the truth. Makes the truth of waning effect on the world as the absoluteness of truth is lost to relativism and cynicism. Christ is the way the truth...? Wait a minute, there are millions of truths out there... forget about it... I'll just plod on through life the best way I know how...

And the world is going to hell in increasing measure. While we gatekeepers of truth do nothing about this. Beginning with checking out what we believe. We all unintentionally add to the truth our baggage of suppositions, predeterminations, and doctrines we never really checked out for ourselves. The Bible is clear. Take no one's word for it. Check out all things even that which you (believe) is the Holy Spirit instructing you.

2 Peter 1:20–21 (AV)
20Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
21For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

1 John 4:1 (AV)
1Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

1 Thessalonians 5:21 (AV)
21Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

Acts 17:11 (AV)
11These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
Think of it, from the apologetic / defense aspect of truth... any untruth you attach to truth from Church tradition or whatever finds you defending untruth AS truth along with the actual truth. So, best case scenario: when another perceives you cannot distinguish between the actual truth and the untruth your credibility is nullified. Worst case: the truth is put on par with untruth nullifying the truth. Is it any wonder that Pilate stared Truth Personified in the face and said cynically; "What is truth?"

The world looks at the Christian faith as just another "truth" {wink wink} not the actual absolute truth that it is because of the way we in the body of Christ have diluted and nullified the truth with our traditions.
Thank you for sharing your testimony and quest! I really appreciate all that you have put forth!

May the Lord richly bless all that you put you hand to!
Thank you so much!

Only problem with being a truth seeker / teller is that people aren't keen on what you have to say.

It's like becoming the Bizarro Elvis "The audience has left the building!"

But we must remain true to the Truth regardless.
Thank you so much!

Only problem with being a truth seeker / teller is that people aren't keen on what you have to say.

It's like becoming the Bizarro Elvis "The audience has left the building!"

But we must remain true to the Truth regardless.

I fully agree with you! A lot of threads have gotten shut down, and divisions in the church started because people are not in agreement with what God has to say. They would rather stick to what they have been taught or what is comfortable. We will be praying for you and your quest!


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