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Never a man spoke like this Man!



We all have a time and place where we started our Christian walk. My story begins very young and at my mothers knee. Mom was the adult ladies Sunday school teacher so in a way all the ladies in our church that taught me were taught by her. Like many here we went to church on Sunday and then went home for a good Sunday dinner. And every Sunday Mom would ask what did Mrs. Mable say in Sunday school today? And almost every time I would say, she said, “Randy sit down and be quiet. “ I must have always liked to talk and it is natural for me to want to preach. Any way I cannot tell you how long we followed this routine. But one Sunday we came home from Church and Mom asked what did Mrs. Mable say in Sunday school today? I answered, “Never man spake like this man.â€
It was years later I decided to find out what he said and what it meant. Still this foundation in Sunday school was where I started my study of the bible and By the time I was 16 I was teaching Sunday school. I have studied and taught Bible every since then and have come to love the Bible and books about it. This sermon is my testimony and is dedicated to all the wonderful ladies that taught us in Sunday school. One of the most blessed things we can pass on to our children is a love for the Bible and study of Gods word. In this poem I write of travels to placed I have actually seen, and in the end tell a wonderful truth about finding God. This poem and sermon are my testimony.

I traveled far in many lands.
Where temples of great worship stand.
In cities history remembers as great.
I prayed were pious pilgrims wait.
I prayed where great and lowly pray.
In temples, in countries, in lands, far away.
I traveled the historic Peloponnesian Way,
To Philippi, Thessalonica, and Athens to pray.
I stood in the steps of Paul, and preached
From Mars Hill, where Athens he beseeched.
I walked the shores of Galilee,
And took a boat accost the sea,
I walked the way the Cross Passed By,
Knelt to pray in His tome near by.
Yes, I have seen great temples of worship,
And the reverent souls praying there.
I have traveled many lands to pray
I sought the Master if just for a day.
I found closeness to Him accost the sea,
But I have never been closer to the Master
Than at my mothers knee.

My mother’s gift to me was a love for the bible and what it says, not just the verses and words, but what they mean. How do we apply the Bible to living each day? So I studied to find out What did Jesus say? That caused the officers to say. “Never man spake like this man.†Jn 7:46
Joh 7:46 The officers answered, Never man spake like this man.

He Said!
Joh 4:14 but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst;

The Living water Springing up in ones heart makes a difference that can be seen. The picture here is a moving mountain stream, clean refreshing water. The living water is a symbol for the Spirit. When we accept the work of Jesus the Spirit dwells in us and that refreshing spring of energy and joy can be seen. How often have we seen a new Christian wanting to tell everyone about Jesus? There is a spring, a spirit boiling up in side them so they must tell someone.
First we must have the Spirit of God to move us in His grace. That may be all we know of the bible at that time but with the spirit we have all that is needed to witness and enjoy God’s peace.

I am the bread of life. Joh 6:35 And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.

The Christian needs nourishment to grow, it is the bread and water that are given by Jesus that allows a Christian to grow. Jesus is saying here, “You must learn of me, my word, my teachings, to grow in grace and knowledge. The bread is knowledge.
Being saved is a single event, a second in time. After that event we as Christians grow in Christ, It is the bread of life the knowledge we gain from the word and fellowship with Gods people that aid us in this process of growing to know and understand who Jesus is and what he means to us. .

In the discussion of the Living water and the Bread of Life Jesus is not talking about the physical needs of daily nutrition. We eat to replenish this earthly vessel we live in. We are also a spirit that needs to grow in grace and come to understand our relation to Jesus.

I am the light of the world
Joh 8:12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

Matthew quotes Isaiah to explain the meaning of the light and darkness in this verse.

Mat 4:14 This was to fulfill what was spoken through Isaiah the prophet:

The Light in the bible represents truth, right, and good. The darkness represents sin, unfaithfulness, and rejecting God. When Jesus says I am the light of the world, He is saying I am the answer to sin, I am the answer to the longing in you to know peace.

Joh 1:5 The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

Joh 3:19 "This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil.

If you have thought that the way people in our time think is new or different, you are wrong. The problem has always been people thinking moral right is “What I want right Nowâ€, and moral wrong is “Anything that keeps me from what I Wantâ€. People try to live as close to the world as we can get. How close to the world can I stand and still be called a Christian. When all of your focus is on how close to the world can I live, you are concentrating on the world. It is hard to see truth it is hard to see Jesus. There is another way, a better way. When I was growing up we sang a hymn.

O soul, are you weary and troubled?
No light in the darkness you see?
There’s a light for a look at the Savior,
And life more abundant and free!
Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.
Jesus said I am the Light of the world, Do you try to see how close to the world you can live and still be called Christian or do you Turn your eyes upon Jesus, and seek to know only Him.

The Day HE said Nothing.

There was a day when this wonderful Man stood silent. He stood before the Roman governor. Pilot said to him don’t you know I have to power to set you free or to execute you. What do you have to say? And Jesus answered him with silence. He could have spoken. He had a just answer, He was innocent. But for Him to speak was to condemn me and you. Here stood the God of eternity that spoke the world into existence. He could have rolled the heavens aside and showed all my sin and yours too. But he stood silent. There is a hymn that goes :

He could have called ten thousand angles
To destroy the world and set Him free
He could have called ten thousand angels
But he died alone for you and me.

Well that is true they were there and He could have called them, But the King of kings and Lord of lords Eternal God did not need them. He stood silent in my place because He loved me enough to pay a debt I Could Not Pay!!
Check Romans 8 We are adopted by God, heirs and joint heirs with Christ.
He paid the debt I could not pay and more He gave us a place in the family of God. There is a lot more to being a Christian than struggling to serve God just a sinner saved by grave. I am a child of the King adopted Heir to the throne of God. But that is another sermon for another time.

WE are not worthy in what we can do to go the heaven,
Jesus said we are worth saving and
Adopting as heirs to Heaven.

The day He stood silent means most of all to me.

The water of Life is the Spirit of God, It brings to us Gods grace.
The Bread of Life is the soul feeding knowledge of the word that guides our Faith.
The Light of the world is eternal Truth that shows all who will look the majesty of God.
The Day He stood silent, He paid for all our Sin. And made us heirs to Heaven.
In the eternal presence of Holy God there is a place for me.

Do you hold on to the world and try to see how close to material wealth you can live or do you Look for life to Jesus.