Hope you don't mind John, but I'm moving this to Movie and TV Reviews thread.
Well, we did go to see the movie and I'm ready with my review and I'm not going to include any spoilers:
Loved it!!!! :smt023 (OK, nobody really thought I was going to hate it did they?)
Of course, I'm a Chronicles of Narnia fan, but honestly it's a very good movie both from a secular and a Christian POV. For the 'secular' side of things, the action is quite good, and the movie put more tension between Peter and Caspian than the book ever does which is very effective. The story is a bit darker than the LW&W, as the children are dealing with a murdering usuper and as they are a bit older. But, the humor is better too, there are some real LMBO moments. The FX is great as well, and the time is definately here for Lewis' world of Narnia to be experienced on the big screen.
From the Christian POV, I found the movie to be a very realistic picture of the true walk with Christ. If the LW&W could be an allegory of Christ's death for us and our redemption, Prince Caspian is an effective story of how one's walk with God ain't always easy. There are no easy victories here, no clear ways. Everyone has to struggle with what is right and what is wrong and just what Aslan would have them do. In the end, despite all their best efforts, they learn that they still need to rely upon Aslan and His timing rather than upon one's own wisdom or lack thereof, but also that Aslan is a rewarder of those who stand for Him. Also, they face consequenses, and the consequenses are not easy ones to face, up to and including others dying for one's mistakes. Again, taken as a metaphor for our walk with God, we see that Christianity isn't exactly a "Let's pray a prayer at an alter and then life will be rosy and fine" journey, which is all to common a theme these days. But, what I also took from it is that the spiritual battle is one worth fighting. Also very effective in the film is just how seductive temptation can become if one begins to listen to it. The whole scene with the wer-wolf, hag and the White Witch shows just how easily one can be trapped by the enemy if one starts down that path.
There are quite a few battle scenes and some of the subject matter; the reason why Caspian becomes a target of Miraz, the truth about Miraz and his father and the nastiness of the nasty characters earns this movie it's PG rating. It's nowhere near as violent or as 'adult' as the LOTR series, and both my 8 year old and my 10 year old loved it. Parent's of younger children will need to know that it's not a Winnie-the-Pooh kind of film. But, if your kids love the LW&W, they should also love this one as well.
As for it being better or worse than the LW&W: Opinions will differ. I actually liked it better, because I think it's spiritually deeper. My husband like the LW&W more. The family next to us like LW&W more but raved about what a good movie this was, but the people I walked behind on the way out of the theater liked this one better. Which probably means that the producers did a very good job capturing the essence of both the book and the first film yet again. I find myself really looking forward to Voyage of the Dawn Treader and how they will bring that story to life.