This is an irrevocable truth that cannot be altered. Every creation has to have a creator. There is nothing that man has created that he cannot also destory. Therefore, every creation is at the mercy of its creator. We humans exist. We got here somehow. We could not have therefore come from anything inferior because everything in this world has a purpose. Every building, object, plant, animal, has a design and a purpose in the universe. And every design presupposes a designer or it wouldn't be a design! But those who rebel against God use different words for design even though they mean the same thing. They are not fooling people by semantics except others who can be easily fooled.
So since every creation of man is at the mercy of man, so is man at the mercy of his creator, because without his creator, he could not exist. A creation originates in the mind of the creator which by definition, makes the creator superior to even conceive of his creation! And creations are always clueless as to the intelligence of their creator.
All creators know the weaknesses of their creations much better than their creations know them because the creator designed them in the first place. This is why Jesus says; "no student can be greater than his teacher" because if the student eventually does know more than his teacher, then his teacher would no longer be his teacher.
Therefore, the traits of an ape or primate can never produce the traits of a human being because they never existed in the primate to begin with! If they had, then the primate wouldn't be a primate, he would be at least as complex and intelligent as his offspring. But evolutionists claim the traits that humans have came out of thin air to the offspring. They use the word "mutation" when that's impossible because mutation can only occur on characteristics already present in a cell, not those which are not present. And that is why no mutant is ever consider superior to its parents, but instead, an aberration.
So since every creation of man is at the mercy of man, so is man at the mercy of his creator, because without his creator, he could not exist. A creation originates in the mind of the creator which by definition, makes the creator superior to even conceive of his creation! And creations are always clueless as to the intelligence of their creator.
All creators know the weaknesses of their creations much better than their creations know them because the creator designed them in the first place. This is why Jesus says; "no student can be greater than his teacher" because if the student eventually does know more than his teacher, then his teacher would no longer be his teacher.
Therefore, the traits of an ape or primate can never produce the traits of a human being because they never existed in the primate to begin with! If they had, then the primate wouldn't be a primate, he would be at least as complex and intelligent as his offspring. But evolutionists claim the traits that humans have came out of thin air to the offspring. They use the word "mutation" when that's impossible because mutation can only occur on characteristics already present in a cell, not those which are not present. And that is why no mutant is ever consider superior to its parents, but instead, an aberration.