Ben Avraham
- Apr 25, 2021
- 825
- 191
PARASHAH; “Noach” GENESIS 6:9-11:32
The Torah says; “Noah was a righteous man, perfect in his generation, and Noah walked with Elohim”
Noah was a “Tzadik” a righteous man. This is a powerful statement since, in his days, the whole populated earth was corrupt, yet he and his family decided against “going with the flow” and decided to follow YHVH in His ways.
The name “Noach” in Hebrew only has 2 letters. The “Nun” and the “Chet” if the name is reversed, putting the “Chet” first and then the “Nun” we get the word “Chen” which means “grace” The name “Noach” sums “58” in gematria, so does the phrase “Yah Gadol” (Great is God) So we have the “God who is Great” who shows “grace” to Noah, who is righteous in the face of a corrupt, fallen world of evil men, women, and giants.
We know the story, it is one of the most popular stories from the Bible. Elohim decides to destroy the world with a flood of waters, saving only Noah and his family, and representatives of the animal kinds. He is commanded to build an ark, a “floating barge” a rectangular box-car type of vessel. In feet, it measured 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high. It had rooms or animal stalls, three floors, a door in the side, and ventilation all around.
Using biblical measurements, it was 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high. A cubit is about 18 inches, it would be from a man’s elbow to the tip of his middle finger (more or less). The total was 380 cubits, length + width + height = 380. In Hebrew letters, this sum would equal “Sheen + Pey” with the symbolism of “The all-consuming fire speaks” Elohim is about to judge and tear up the world with a watery judgment, and he speaks to Noah, who is the only one faithful to HIM.
Now, we can see something else in these numbers. The “area” of the ark, using the original Biblical measurement of the cubit would be 300 x 50 x30 = 450,000 square cubits in area. We see the numbers 4, 5, and 0. If we look at the symbolism of these numbers, we see 4 (earth) 5 (grace), and 0 (eternity). Is it possible that Adonai is saying, through these measurements, that despite earth’s judgment (through the flood) grace will be given (to Noach) because he is a “Tzadik” a righteous man? Grace is indeed “eternal”
He also says to seal it within and without with “pitch” or “tar” which would make it water-proof. Interestingly, the Hebrew word is “K’fer” very similar to “Kafar” which is “covering” This word is used during “Yom Kippur”. During Yom Kippur, the blood of the animals “covered” the sins of the people for one year. This “covering” on the ark would also “seal” Noah and his family inside the ark for the same amount of time, for a year.
The ark was a haven for Noach and his family, as YESHUA is our “ark of safety” and we are “sealed” with his Ruach HaKodesh. Outside, the world is judged, yet we are safe inside the love and shalom of Yeshua
The world would perish under the water judgment, yet YHVH would make a “brit” (covenant) with Noach and his family. They would be safe and sound, and of course dry inside the ark for a year. The word for “ark” in Hebrew is “Teivah” It has three Hebrew letters; “Tav” “Beit” and “Hey”. The ancient Hebrew meaning of these letters together would be “behold the house of the covenant” The ark would be their house for one year a temporary house that was under God’s “covenant”.
The only other place in the Torah where the word “Teivah” appears is in Exodus 2:3 when Miriam, the sister of Moshe, makes an “ark” (Teivah) and places Moshe inside the ark and places it in the Nile River. There is a parallelism between Moshe and Noach! Both were placed inside “Teivot” (arks) which were simply rectangular boxes made to float on water. Both were guided by HaShem and brought to a specific place. Moshe was brought to the palace steps to be received by the pharaoh’s daughter. Noach was brought to the mountains of Ararat (in Turkey). Moshe was a righteous man as well as Noach. Moshe was the redeemer of the Jewish people in Egypt and led them out of slavery. Noach redeemed ALL of mankind through his DNA, thus preserving the human race.
Inside the ark, the DNA of all humankind would be safe. Had not YHVH chosen to save Noah and his family, and instead, destroy all of humankind, today, we would probably be plants, trees, or flowers. Also remember that in the days before the flood, it never rained from the sky, but from under the ground. When the rains finally came, the people outside the ark probably freaked out big time! We also must realize that Noah and his family were saved from destruction not only because they were a righteous family, but also, because the Messianic prophecy must be fulfilled through humankind, the "Seed of the woman would crush the head of the serpent (Satan)
Another thing we can note about the ark is that was divided into three parts. The bottom deck (where probably all the heavier animals were kept) the middle deck and the top deck (where Noach and his family probably lived). The Tabernacle was also divided into three parts, the outer court, the inner court, and the Holy of Holies, where the “Ark of the Covenant was kept”
We can also see three parts of the “Ark of the Covenant” (the outside, the inside, and the cover) “Elohim” is “Three” the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Av, Ben, Ruach HaKodesh. The Spirit of Elohim lived within the Ark of the Covenant, the Tabernacle, and of course was with Noach and his family, inside the ark.
The Torah says; “Noah was a righteous man, perfect in his generation, and Noah walked with Elohim”
Noah was a “Tzadik” a righteous man. This is a powerful statement since, in his days, the whole populated earth was corrupt, yet he and his family decided against “going with the flow” and decided to follow YHVH in His ways.
The name “Noach” in Hebrew only has 2 letters. The “Nun” and the “Chet” if the name is reversed, putting the “Chet” first and then the “Nun” we get the word “Chen” which means “grace” The name “Noach” sums “58” in gematria, so does the phrase “Yah Gadol” (Great is God) So we have the “God who is Great” who shows “grace” to Noah, who is righteous in the face of a corrupt, fallen world of evil men, women, and giants.
We know the story, it is one of the most popular stories from the Bible. Elohim decides to destroy the world with a flood of waters, saving only Noah and his family, and representatives of the animal kinds. He is commanded to build an ark, a “floating barge” a rectangular box-car type of vessel. In feet, it measured 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high. It had rooms or animal stalls, three floors, a door in the side, and ventilation all around.
Using biblical measurements, it was 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high. A cubit is about 18 inches, it would be from a man’s elbow to the tip of his middle finger (more or less). The total was 380 cubits, length + width + height = 380. In Hebrew letters, this sum would equal “Sheen + Pey” with the symbolism of “The all-consuming fire speaks” Elohim is about to judge and tear up the world with a watery judgment, and he speaks to Noah, who is the only one faithful to HIM.
Now, we can see something else in these numbers. The “area” of the ark, using the original Biblical measurement of the cubit would be 300 x 50 x30 = 450,000 square cubits in area. We see the numbers 4, 5, and 0. If we look at the symbolism of these numbers, we see 4 (earth) 5 (grace), and 0 (eternity). Is it possible that Adonai is saying, through these measurements, that despite earth’s judgment (through the flood) grace will be given (to Noach) because he is a “Tzadik” a righteous man? Grace is indeed “eternal”
He also says to seal it within and without with “pitch” or “tar” which would make it water-proof. Interestingly, the Hebrew word is “K’fer” very similar to “Kafar” which is “covering” This word is used during “Yom Kippur”. During Yom Kippur, the blood of the animals “covered” the sins of the people for one year. This “covering” on the ark would also “seal” Noah and his family inside the ark for the same amount of time, for a year.
The ark was a haven for Noach and his family, as YESHUA is our “ark of safety” and we are “sealed” with his Ruach HaKodesh. Outside, the world is judged, yet we are safe inside the love and shalom of Yeshua
The world would perish under the water judgment, yet YHVH would make a “brit” (covenant) with Noach and his family. They would be safe and sound, and of course dry inside the ark for a year. The word for “ark” in Hebrew is “Teivah” It has three Hebrew letters; “Tav” “Beit” and “Hey”. The ancient Hebrew meaning of these letters together would be “behold the house of the covenant” The ark would be their house for one year a temporary house that was under God’s “covenant”.
The only other place in the Torah where the word “Teivah” appears is in Exodus 2:3 when Miriam, the sister of Moshe, makes an “ark” (Teivah) and places Moshe inside the ark and places it in the Nile River. There is a parallelism between Moshe and Noach! Both were placed inside “Teivot” (arks) which were simply rectangular boxes made to float on water. Both were guided by HaShem and brought to a specific place. Moshe was brought to the palace steps to be received by the pharaoh’s daughter. Noach was brought to the mountains of Ararat (in Turkey). Moshe was a righteous man as well as Noach. Moshe was the redeemer of the Jewish people in Egypt and led them out of slavery. Noach redeemed ALL of mankind through his DNA, thus preserving the human race.
Inside the ark, the DNA of all humankind would be safe. Had not YHVH chosen to save Noah and his family, and instead, destroy all of humankind, today, we would probably be plants, trees, or flowers. Also remember that in the days before the flood, it never rained from the sky, but from under the ground. When the rains finally came, the people outside the ark probably freaked out big time! We also must realize that Noah and his family were saved from destruction not only because they were a righteous family, but also, because the Messianic prophecy must be fulfilled through humankind, the "Seed of the woman would crush the head of the serpent (Satan)
Another thing we can note about the ark is that was divided into three parts. The bottom deck (where probably all the heavier animals were kept) the middle deck and the top deck (where Noach and his family probably lived). The Tabernacle was also divided into three parts, the outer court, the inner court, and the Holy of Holies, where the “Ark of the Covenant was kept”
We can also see three parts of the “Ark of the Covenant” (the outside, the inside, and the cover) “Elohim” is “Three” the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Av, Ben, Ruach HaKodesh. The Spirit of Elohim lived within the Ark of the Covenant, the Tabernacle, and of course was with Noach and his family, inside the ark.