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  • Focus on the Family

    Strengthening families through biblical principles.

    Focus on the Family addresses the use of biblical principles in parenting and marriage to strengthen the family.

  • The Gospel of Jesus Christ

    Heard of "The Gospel"? Want to know more?

    There is salvation in no other, for there is not another name under heaven having been given among men, by which it behooves us to be saved."

Non-distinct Sinners


The Jews who believes in God (“Ye believe in God” JN 14:1 - KJV), but not yet in Christ until they see Him, will be translated and restored in fellowship with Him later. These Jewish believers in God will inherit the new earth. But to inherit the new heaven one must believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Non-distinct Sinners

How amazingly different Paul’s method of provoking the Jews “to jealousy” (Rom 11:11), from that pursued by many Jewish mission workers today! For them the Jew must have a “special” place as a Jew. In some quarters they are even organizing “Messianic assemblies” (the Messianic ministry of Christ is over and, to enter heaven, the Jew now must come to Christ like the Gentile does. This Messianic ministry was to the Jew only, but now is removed—NC)!

All this, we cannot but feel, is abominable kowtowing to Jewish flesh, and can hinder their salvation. Jews now are common sinners (Jews who believe in God inherit the new earth, but to inherit heaven you must be Christian—NC), who have for the present been set aside nationally (but not abandoned by God—NC), and must come to rely, as individual sinners, hopelessly guilty and helpless, upon the shed Blood of Christ, and upon Him risen from the dead. It as an awful thing to make present day Jewish claims, when God says Jews during this present dispensation, are no different from Gentiles before Him: but are just—sinners!

There are those who insist that the Jew has a special place right through this dispensation; that he must always be “first” (Rom 1:16; 2:10), that there is a difference, although God says plainly in Romans 3 that there is no difference as to the Lordship of Christ and the availability of salvation to the “whosoever’s,” Jew or Gentile. If Paul were among us today, he would abhor and decry the special, esoteric methods of approach to the Jew in vogue in some pretentious quarters today. Become all things to the Jew, to win him, certainly. Paul did. But tell him the truth that he is just a whosoever.

What the poor Jewish exiles need this hour is a Paul to go right in amongst them with a “whosoever” message for sinners, “provoking them to jealousy” by boasting in a Savior whom their nation has lost—a nation to whom God is not now offering a Messiah (Christ’s ministry of Messiahship which was only to the Jew—NC), but instead salvation, as common “whosoever’s,” non-distinction people, ordinary guilty lost sinners. In Acts 28 God through Paul officially closed the door to the national offer of the Gospel to the Jews (now it’s an individual offer like all—NC); thereafter to treat the Jew as having a special place with God is to deny Scripture.

In Acts 28:25, 28 Paul officially shuts the door to national Israel: “Well spake the Holy Ghost by Esaias the prophet unto our fathers . . . Be it known therefore unto you, that the salvation of God is sent unto the Gentiles, and that they will hear it” (of course not to boast, but there will be mostly Gentile Christians in heaven—NC).

The Gospel has no Jewish bounds or bonds whatever. It is presumption and danger now, to give the Jews any other place than that of common sinners! “No distinction between Jew and Greek” (Rom 10:12) says God. Those who preach thus have God’s blessings. Those that would give and special place whatever to Jews, since that day (Acts 28:28), do so contrary to the Gospel; and, we fear, for private advantage.

Tell Jews the truth! Their Messiah was offered to their nation and rejected. God is not offering a Messiah to Israel now, but has Himself “cast” them “away” (Ro 11:15 - “broken them off” v17 - until their restoration—NC): all except a “remnant,” who leave Jewish earthly hopes, break down into sinners only, and receive a sinners Savior—not a Jewish one! Then they become “partakers of a heavenly calling” (Heb 3:1).

—Wm R Newell (1868-1956)

“The majority of believers today are in legal bondage because they do not see the essential difference between our position and that of Israel under the Law. Israel depended upon their own obedience to get their blessings in the land. Christians receive their blessings because of the Lord Jesus’ obedience in their stead. He paid in full “the wages of sin”—which was death (Romans 6:23): and we have the “free gift of God”—eternal life.” - W. R. N.

MJS daily devotional for May 29

Just whose side are we on? The enemy who would occupy us with ourselves, or the Comforter who would occupy us with the risen Lord Jesus? -MJS

“If we have only learned the Lord at our own side, the tendency is to be occupied with ourselves, or to seek to be an object of consideration; whereas if we have been led by the Spirit to His side, His interests and concerns will singularly occupy us.”

“The natural inclination is to make oneself the center of everything passing, how it pains or cheers oneself, even musing on oneself as if one were the one solitary object for the sunshine or the cloud to rest on. If I am a hero, or a martyr to myself, I look at and regard divine things as they suit my thinking about myself, and not as answering to what He is thinking of me. I am confining the Lord to myself instead of rising up and seeing myself lost in Him, and then following Him in all the greatness and blessedness of His work and ways down here.” -J. B. Stoney (1814-1897)