In the Alexandrinus, Sinaitic, Vaticanus Codex did not exist the name JESUS,
For instance, in Matthew 1, was written
You can find most of these Codex in the Web, http://www.csntm.org/Manuscript/View/GA_03
In the Anglo-Saxon Bible Version of the year 1175 did not appear the name JESUS
Gutenberg did not know the name JESUS
In the year 1611 the 48 editors of the King James Version did not know the name JESUS
JESUS is not a Iewish name, it doesn't belong to their tongue and it is strange to their ears: Flavius Iosephus, Saulos of Tarsos and the 72 elders of the Septuagint NEVER mentioned the name JESUS
The 72 writers of the Septuagint, Saulos of Tarsos and Flavius Iosephus mentioned the name of 4 vowels IEsOUs
IESOUS is very different to the name IESHUA, which according to the 72 elders was the name of one of the children of Aser that entered Egypt with Iakob
SHUA is a female Canaanite name
So, the followers of JESHUA, YESHUA, YASHUA, JEHOSHUA worship a canaanite female name
And the worshippers of the name JESUS worship an out of context name, that Paul never knew
Acts 26:14 pantwn de katapesontwn hmwn eiV thn ghn hkousa fwnhn lalousan proV me kai legousan th ebraidi dialektw Saoul Saoul ti me diwkeiV sklhron soi proV kentra laktizein
14 And when we were all fallen to the earth, I heard a voice speaking unto me, and saying in the Hebrew tongue, SaOul, SaOul, why persecutest thou me? it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.
Acts 26:15 egw de eipon tiV ei kurie o de eipen egw eimi IHsOUs on su diwkeiV
15 And I said, Who art thou, Lord? And he said, I am IEsOUs whom thou persecutest.
Many Ancient public Jewish coins show that the true jews used vowels
The eyewitness Iosephus wrote in Wars of the Iews about the 4 vowels of the sacred name
Philo of Alexandria wrote about the 7 vowels that give sounds to the mude consonants
Justin Martyr: one 'a' was added to abraam's first name
Justin Martyr
Justin Martyr lived from about 110-165 CE. He was born in the city of Flavius Neopolis, the modern Nabulus, the territory of Shomron [Samaria], near Yaaqob’s Well; He testified that in his source and the source used by the Jew Thrypho existed the written vowel 'a'
Be these enough to demostrates that the Masoretic Alphabet without the 7 vowels, and their Writing were unknown to Josephus, to Philo of Alexandria, to the 72 elders that edit the Septuagint, to Paul of Tarsos, and to all the writers of the New Testament, none of these ancient writers shew the letter J, for instance, in iews coins of the days of the first revolt appears IRUSLIM: there was not J but I
In the days of Simoun Barchoba appears together the two vowels OU
So, the name IEsOUs is within the names mentioned by Iosephus and testified by the Old Iewish coins; being so, the name JESUS is out of all hebrew context, that fake name was mentioned by Paul
2 Corinthians 11:4
For instance, in Matthew 1, was written
You can find most of these Codex in the Web, http://www.csntm.org/Manuscript/View/GA_03
In the Anglo-Saxon Bible Version of the year 1175 did not appear the name JESUS
Matthew 1:21 (WestSaxon1175)
Witodliche hyo kenð sunu. & þu nemnest his name hælend. he soðlice his folc hal gedeð. fram heora synnen.
Matthew 1:25 (WestSaxon1175)
& he ne grette hye. Heo kende. hire frum-kennede sune & nemde his name hælend.
In the year 1380 Wycliffe did not know the name JESUSWitodliche hyo kenð sunu. & þu nemnest his name hælend. he soðlice his folc hal gedeð. fram heora synnen.
Matthew 1:25 (WestSaxon1175)
& he ne grette hye. Heo kende. hire frum-kennede sune & nemde his name hælend.
Gutenberg did not know the name JESUS
In the year 1611 the 48 editors of the King James Version did not know the name JESUS
JESUS is not a Iewish name, it doesn't belong to their tongue and it is strange to their ears: Flavius Iosephus, Saulos of Tarsos and the 72 elders of the Septuagint NEVER mentioned the name JESUS
The 72 writers of the Septuagint, Saulos of Tarsos and Flavius Iosephus mentioned the name of 4 vowels IEsOUs
IESOUS is very different to the name IESHUA, which according to the 72 elders was the name of one of the children of Aser that entered Egypt with Iakob
SHUA is a female Canaanite name
2 And Judah saw there a daughter of a certain Canaanite, whose name was Shuah; and he took her, and went in unto her.
So, the followers of JESHUA, YESHUA, YASHUA, JEHOSHUA worship a canaanite female name
And the worshippers of the name JESUS worship an out of context name, that Paul never knew
Acts 26:14 pantwn de katapesontwn hmwn eiV thn ghn hkousa fwnhn lalousan proV me kai legousan th ebraidi dialektw Saoul Saoul ti me diwkeiV sklhron soi proV kentra laktizein
14 And when we were all fallen to the earth, I heard a voice speaking unto me, and saying in the Hebrew tongue, SaOul, SaOul, why persecutest thou me? it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.
Acts 26:15 egw de eipon tiV ei kurie o de eipen egw eimi IHsOUs on su diwkeiV
15 And I said, Who art thou, Lord? And he said, I am IEsOUs whom thou persecutest.
Many Ancient public Jewish coins show that the true jews used vowels
The eyewitness Iosephus wrote in Wars of the Iews about the 4 vowels of the sacred name
"A mitre also of fine linen encompassed his head, which was tied by a blue ribbon, about which there was another golden crown, in which was engraven the sacred name: it consists of 4 vowels. [IEsOUs has 4 vowels]"
The Wars Of The Jews Book 5, chapter 5, paragraph 7.
The Wars Of The Jews Book 5, chapter 5, paragraph 7.
Philo of Alexandria wrote about the 7 vowels that give sounds to the mude consonants
XLII. (126) And the power of this number does not exist only in the instances already mentioned, but it also pervades the most excellent of the sciences, the knowledge of grammar and music. For the lyre with seven strings, bearing a proportion to the assemblage of the seven planets, perfects its admirable harmonies, being almost the chief of all instruments which are conversant about music. And of the elements of grammar, those which are properly called vowels are, correctly speaking, seven in number, since they can be sounded by themselves, and when they are combined with other letters, they make complete sounds; for they fill up the deficiency existing in semi-vowels, making the sounds whole; and they change and alter the natures of the mutes inspiring them with their own power, in order that what has no sound may become endowed with sound.
Justin Martyr: one 'a' was added to abraam's first name
Justin Martyr
Justin Martyr lived from about 110-165 CE. He was born in the city of Flavius Neopolis, the modern Nabulus, the territory of Shomron [Samaria], near Yaaqob’s Well; He testified that in his source and the source used by the Jew Thrypho existed the written vowel 'a'
" 'What I mean is this. Iesous, as I have now frequently remarked, who was called Auses, when he was sent to spy out the land of Xanaan, was named by Mouses Iesous. Why he did this you neither ask, nor are at a loss about it, nor make strict inquiries. Therefore Xristos has escaped your notice; and though you read, you understand not; and even now, though you hear that Iesous is our Xristos, you consider not that the name was bestowed on Him not purposelessly nor by chance. But you make a theological discussion as to why one 'a' was added to Abraam's first name; and as to why one 'p' was added to Sara's name, you use similar high-sounding disputations.
" 'What I mean is this. Iesous, as I have now frequently remarked, who was called Auses, when he was sent to spy out the land of Xanaan, was named by Mouses Iesous. Why he did this you neither ask, nor are at a loss about it, nor make strict inquiries. Therefore Xristos has escaped your notice; and though you read, you understand not; and even now, though you hear that Iesous is our Xristos, you consider not that the name was bestowed on Him not purposelessly nor by chance. But you make a theological discussion as to why one 'a' was added to Abraam's first name; and as to why one 'p' was added to Sara's name, you use similar high-sounding disputations.
Be these enough to demostrates that the Masoretic Alphabet without the 7 vowels, and their Writing were unknown to Josephus, to Philo of Alexandria, to the 72 elders that edit the Septuagint, to Paul of Tarsos, and to all the writers of the New Testament, none of these ancient writers shew the letter J, for instance, in iews coins of the days of the first revolt appears IRUSLIM: there was not J but I
In the days of Simoun Barchoba appears together the two vowels OU
So, the name IEsOUs is within the names mentioned by Iosephus and testified by the Old Iewish coins; being so, the name JESUS is out of all hebrew context, that fake name was mentioned by Paul
2 Corinthians 11:4
ei men gar o ercomenoV allon IHSOUS khrussei on ouk ekhruxamen h pneuma eteron lambanete o ouk elabete h euaggelion eteron o ouk edexasqe kalwV hneicesqe
For if he that cometh preacheth another IESOUS, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him
For if he that cometh preacheth another IESOUS, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him
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