To God the father the son Jesus and the holy spirit- Lord I am writing to you because I can get my words better on paper than my lips but I saw this as a more permanent approach. father I am always waiting at the door of your heart, knocking calling begging for you to open. I dont have any other purpose or any other desire in this life but you, I have no need for money or nice things I would even go hungry and thirsty for the rest of my life if it meant I could have you like I want. Many times I begged you to take everything from me even my limbs if You would just give yourself to me. barganing with you to know you to love you to have you.
I have a very greedy heart for you dear lord, even just yesterday I was so hungry for you crying out for you to give yourself to me and saying dont you dare hold back with a playful but serious tone.I dont understand the purpose of me being alive on this earth knowing that my flesh bounds me from you. How easily lord you could take my life how easily i could rest in the hands of death himself as I am always weary and needing eternal much so death seems enticing, but you refuse to let me die. i I somehow know i cannot die even though sometimes just to finally be with you I wish it.
Im not special im not strong im not even a good christian as I cant even seem to obey the simplest commands from you. But even so how deeply I love you and care for you, I have never loved or desired anythingso much in my entire life. Never did I even think such a love could exist or ever make ones soul moan. You know this moan Father, i know you hear my heart cry for you and hear my soul moan for you. I feel it moaning as well as hear my heart crying for you but I cant ever have you like I want.
I do not suspect I will have many treasures or crowns or glory in heaven nor do i seek it but what Im after is you. I pray this prayer moves your spirit tickles your heart and tears your eyes and i pray you bless me with riches but not riches of money or jewels but the riches of your heart all of who you are for those are the riches I have sought after exhaustively.
I will promise this dear Lord- however much you give me i will give back double even tripple if possible
I have a very greedy heart for you dear lord, even just yesterday I was so hungry for you crying out for you to give yourself to me and saying dont you dare hold back with a playful but serious tone.I dont understand the purpose of me being alive on this earth knowing that my flesh bounds me from you. How easily lord you could take my life how easily i could rest in the hands of death himself as I am always weary and needing eternal much so death seems enticing, but you refuse to let me die. i I somehow know i cannot die even though sometimes just to finally be with you I wish it.
Im not special im not strong im not even a good christian as I cant even seem to obey the simplest commands from you. But even so how deeply I love you and care for you, I have never loved or desired anythingso much in my entire life. Never did I even think such a love could exist or ever make ones soul moan. You know this moan Father, i know you hear my heart cry for you and hear my soul moan for you. I feel it moaning as well as hear my heart crying for you but I cant ever have you like I want.
I do not suspect I will have many treasures or crowns or glory in heaven nor do i seek it but what Im after is you. I pray this prayer moves your spirit tickles your heart and tears your eyes and i pray you bless me with riches but not riches of money or jewels but the riches of your heart all of who you are for those are the riches I have sought after exhaustively.
I will promise this dear Lord- however much you give me i will give back double even tripple if possible