Over the years I've encountered a steady diet of commonly held notions about the Bible and is why many say they don't believe. The list includes:
1. Story of Genesis. The earth older than thousands of years.
2. Story of the Great Flood. There is no geological evidence for it.
3. Destruction of entire cities by the hand of God, as well as the Israelites ordered to kill every man, woman, and child in conquered areas. How can a loving God allow this? In general, people inevitably ask the question about how a loving God could allow pain in general in their lives since we have all been mortally wounded in some way and at some juncture in our lives.
To get things rolling, lets start with one at a time by starting with number 1.
As for myself, I've struggled over the years with the notion that science points to an earth much older than thousands of years. I could understand if there were only one method to measure the age of the earth because it might be skewed in some way, however, there are three unrelated ways to measure the age of the universe pointing to about 15 billion years.
I read a book called, "Genesis and the Big Bang" by Gerald Schoeder. He is both part theologian and scientist. He did some digging and came up with some ancient Jewish scholars who came to some pretty startling conclusions based soley on the original Hebrew translation of Genesis. They all concluded that the time being discussed in the first 6 days of Genesis are not really 6 literal days but were much longer. He then comes up with his own theory as to what each day literally represents. He theorized that since time is not constant and can be manipulated by such things as speed and mass, much of time since the initial Big Bang has been warped. With the universe being estimated to be about 15 billion years old he theorized that in each day of Genesis time halved. That means that day one was 8 billion years, day 2 was 4 billion years, day 3 was 2 billions years etc. The astonishing thing is that if you compare day 5 in the Bible when life was created in the waters, it matches the era of the Cambrian explosion when science says that lie exploded in the waters on earth etc.
From his perspective, the problem lies in not taking the original Hebrew text literally enough and not the other way round.
1. Story of Genesis. The earth older than thousands of years.
2. Story of the Great Flood. There is no geological evidence for it.
3. Destruction of entire cities by the hand of God, as well as the Israelites ordered to kill every man, woman, and child in conquered areas. How can a loving God allow this? In general, people inevitably ask the question about how a loving God could allow pain in general in their lives since we have all been mortally wounded in some way and at some juncture in our lives.
To get things rolling, lets start with one at a time by starting with number 1.
As for myself, I've struggled over the years with the notion that science points to an earth much older than thousands of years. I could understand if there were only one method to measure the age of the earth because it might be skewed in some way, however, there are three unrelated ways to measure the age of the universe pointing to about 15 billion years.
I read a book called, "Genesis and the Big Bang" by Gerald Schoeder. He is both part theologian and scientist. He did some digging and came up with some ancient Jewish scholars who came to some pretty startling conclusions based soley on the original Hebrew translation of Genesis. They all concluded that the time being discussed in the first 6 days of Genesis are not really 6 literal days but were much longer. He then comes up with his own theory as to what each day literally represents. He theorized that since time is not constant and can be manipulated by such things as speed and mass, much of time since the initial Big Bang has been warped. With the universe being estimated to be about 15 billion years old he theorized that in each day of Genesis time halved. That means that day one was 8 billion years, day 2 was 4 billion years, day 3 was 2 billions years etc. The astonishing thing is that if you compare day 5 in the Bible when life was created in the waters, it matches the era of the Cambrian explosion when science says that lie exploded in the waters on earth etc.
From his perspective, the problem lies in not taking the original Hebrew text literally enough and not the other way round.