moniker said:
If that's what you meant then I don't see how we're arguing. :P You should change the 'facts' to 'observations' though.
When and how did the causes of incliment weather change? Meteorology is rather difficult to make any form of accurate predictions, at least make them early enough to matter, but I wasn't aware of the overall understandings to have had a paradigm shift anytime recently.
The bible makes it quite clear that God causes the weather. In Genesis God said that he will every once in a while, display a rainbow to show the covenant he made with Noah that he would never allow a world-wide flood again. And, Mark 4:41, "Even the wind and the waves obey him!"
Every ancient culture has God that is responsible for the weather the crops etc. Are we to believe their Gods as well or only yours?
But what "scientists do, is as you say,
observe these phenomena, i.e. pressure changes, wind speed, wind direction, and analyze the chemicals in them because all they know is what they can see.
What else is there? It is called science. It measures and tests what is known and observed.Anything else is called speculation.
But they cannot cause or change them.
On the contrary they can change them. Ever heard of seeding the clouds for rain? Many claim mans behavior is influencing the weather right now.
Only God does that. And that's why meteorologists can't even predict the weather accurately, or stop it.
Meteorologists can't always make accurate weather predictions because there are too many variables involved. In other words they still lack certain information. Will they always lack this info? Who knows it's one of those areas that answers are waiting to be discovered. It doesn't mean God is up there manipulating Doppler.