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[__ Prayer __] Oppression and Others defining me


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I've dealt with the oppression of people defining who i am and oppressing me by not letting me fit in, labeling me, picking at me and calling me names or having no boundaries to what they do to me. They aren't better than me and i don't think that i'm better than them, but what they're doing and have done to me is not okay. How do i deal with this oppression and make it better?

All opinions are welcome.
It's hard to give advice without knowing the exact situation. Honestly, the best thing is probably to get these people out of your life to what extent you are able. If you can, you need to set firm boundaries and if those boundaries are not respected, it's not wrong to go no contact and cut them out of your life. Sometimes certain people are not good for our health and well-being, and while we are asked to love and forgive, sometimes we need to do so from afar.
Okay so this is going to sound weird. So when I was in college this one girl would give me drama. She would put me down and shake her head tis tis everytime I'd say something to my friends. She then tried to out friend me to my friends. I just let it go as best as I could. She even told my friend that other people told her she was crazy. After I graduated I didn't realize how much pressure she had put on me. It was a load of my shoulders. Then I stsreatching, reba. Let me tell ya. Take Barbra Jean and make her a manipulator and a bully. This was that girl. I couldn't believe how much weight was off my shoulders. She was just like her, but in an evil way. I felt so better getting her out of my life. I was always nice to her even when she was rude to me and she talked about me to my friends. I'm more mature than that. I just let it go. If they are real friends then they will know and if they don't they don't. It isn't my place. She always talked about who she would marry and one day she did. I saw a picture of her husband and he had the most get away from me look I have ever seen. I congratulated her for finding her husband and she went over board about how they are so in love. That is the only picture she has. She just is to into herself. I want her to have a happy marriage. I don't think hers is going the way she planned. You can't just keep manipulating people to get what you want. I don't know if they are still together, but I felt bad for the guy because she clearly is crazy. My life changed drastically when I didn't see or hear from her anymore. It was a relief. If anyone has watched, "Lost in Space" before..the Dr. Psychologist lady. If your familiar you know what I'm talking about. Take her and Barbra Jean together. Bottom line sometimes you have to remove people from your life for your own health and those around you.
There's this one person that i really need to have out of my life. It's not like im attached to her or anything, but she makes it like i should be living the way that shes living because thats the way people should live and how im living is just wrong. I hang out with all the wrong people and its so judgmental. So, anyway she talks about me behind my back and doesn't really want to make time to hang out with me. So, i should just leave her right?
I've dealt with the oppression of people defining who i am and oppressing me by not letting me fit in, labeling me, picking at me and calling me names or having no boundaries to what they do to me. They aren't better than me and i don't think that i'm better than them, but what they're doing and have done to me is not okay. How do i deal with this oppression and make it better?

All opinions are welcome.
Hello blessedly_me23.
Stay here with us and learn about our God, yours, mine and the rest of the planet. We all go through the same troubles at one time or another and our Lord Jesus teaches us how to defeat our enemies.
We used to defeat our enemies by punching them in the face.
Then we met the Savior and he taught us we can't win that way because the people we hate aren't really our enemies. He will teach you that you're really going to war against evil spirits which control people like that girl who's making you angry.
Jesus will teach you how defeat them.
Are you guys familiar with Dr. Physiologist lady Off of "Lost in space" and Barbra Jean off of "Reba?" You feel me?
Yep. They kept the characters name Dr Smith.....but wait....didn't she assume her identity to escape harm? I forget. And Barbera Jean..,ugh.
I've dealt with the oppression of people defining who i am and oppressing me by not letting me fit in, labeling me, picking at me and calling me names or having no boundaries to what they do to me. They aren't better than me and i don't think that i'm better than them, but what they're doing and have done to me is not okay. How do i deal with this oppression and make it better?

All opinions are welcome.
Toxic relationships abound. Seems about the only time I meet really cool people are in my dreams. Lol. ....But yeah.. cut toxic relationships from your life wherever possible. Hard to grow when someone is constantly ripping you up.
There's this one person that i really need to have out of my life. It's not like im attached to her or anything, but she makes it like i should be living the way that shes living because thats the way people should live and how im living is just wrong. I hang out with all the wrong people and its so judgmental. So, anyway she talks about me behind my back and doesn't really want to make time to hang out with me. So, i should just leave her right?
You shouldn't have to be a slave. Talking about you behind your back is a red flag. Obviously she has issues. Can't rause a grown woman, just like one Can't raise a man.
You can be nice to them and be aquantents, but you need a safety net of friends who speak life into you not death. Of course hen your mad you can't be like Nehemiah in the bible and pull their hair, but you can be assured that there are other people out there. Being alone and hurt is so hard, but I find that when I find true friends they met the need because they had that need too. Sometimes you just have to go alone. It's hard. God says to guard our hearts. Noone is perfect, but God. Communication is key. When I was at school I was a loner, but then in college and church I found friends. "He prepares me a table in front of my enemies." "Life and death are in the tongue." Now that I'm out of college I don't have as many friends. People will come in and out of a relationship within times. Not on a bad note, people just are in a different stage in life or just getting married, going to a different church, move away ect. They are lessons and definitely some people are easy to love. It's the hard ones we just pray, but respect ourselves and have boundaries. You don't need people hurting you. You need a safety net. Your core friends. Jesus will always be faithful to you.
I think the ones that are arrogant and think they are better than me are the ones that are oppressing me. Making me seems like to other people i am an old head or just a junkie on the streets so everyone can treat me badly.
Psalms 116: 10
I believed, even when I said,
"I am severely oppressed."
In my alarm I said,
"Everyone is a liar"

And i do believe that everyone that is oppressing me is a liar. They lied their way into being in the position of oppressing me
I heard somone say to me that rejection is your protection and will lead you in the right direction because it is not what happens to you as much as it what happens in you. Jesus is closer than a brother. Those arrows were meant for you, but God guard you. We have to guard our hearts and also know people are not God at some point we will be frustrated and that is where God is our first love. Noone is perfect and noone can meet all our needs or be in our presence 24/7 ect.
I guess. That's how i'll start looking at it now since im not in that situation anymore. The bible says that the past has passed away. So i should leave it for dead right?
What would i like done about this?
Psalms 72: 4 says,
"May he vindicate the afflicted among the people,
help the poor,
and crush the oppressor"

That is what i would like to be done.

I can only pray that it happens.
Psalms 59: 4
"For no fault of mine, they run and take up a position.
Awake to help me, and take notice."

I have spoken before that i felt like my enemies, the wicked and evil are taking up positions "jobs" to cause chaos in my life.

As it goes on to say,
Psalms 59:5
"Lord God of Armies, you are
the God of Israel. Rise up to punish all the nations;
do not show favor to any wicked traitors." Selah

So the enemies that i'm having trouble with along with the wicked and evildoers will receive their punishment."


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