The Bible tells us that "
NOTHING is too difficult for God"
& Jesus consistently encourages us to
persist in prayer - as in the Parable of the Unjust Judge
Masters Commission to contact determined prayer warriors
MCIN - Masters Commission International Network
... their participation with this years Master's Commission conference Momentum and allowing people to beleive ... jobs, register to start a masters commission or become an affiliate, and ...
Do you know that their annual
global conference is in
Healing = wholeness - very much as
shalom does
The fruits of all God's blessings are sown by the Spirit in our spirits thru the eternal Word of God
Strengthen both pray-ers' & ill ones' roots to increase fruit
"Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS..."
"Be thankful to God in ALL circumstances"
"The Lord inhabits the praises of His people"
The Peace that passes understanding comes from the Sole Soul Supplier
I don't know your friend, Thess..
but I absolutely guarantee that this is being read by folk with friends & families whose illnesses are psycho-somatic
"Even tho' He slay me, yet will I praise Him!"
"This is the victory that overcomes the world: even our faith"
That's not misplaced faith, of course, but the 'sure & certain hope' of the faith once for all delivered to the saints' - in Man's Maker's Manual, the Bible
You can call that a W.R.A.P..
Wellness & Recovery Action Plan for each & every one of us
"As a man thinks, so is he"
Many are weak & ill thru fear/worry/anxiety
All 3 mean the same
All 3 are opposites of that total childlike faith/trust/confidence in God
Whatever our condition as readers here..
"Fix your eyes on Jesus, the Author & Perfecter/Completer of our faith"
"He who has begun....
will bring it to completion"
Must go!