Update 9/26/05
Hello Everone,
Julie had a rough day yesterday. We were at church and we could sense
that something was wrong but we couldn't figure out what was going on. A
couple of the people on the worship team had red eyes that looked like they
had been crying and there was just an overall atmosphere that sensed
something was wrong. Our pastor's sermon was a good one but again we could
tell that something was wrong. At the very end of his sermon, he somberly
told us that a close friend and member of the church was killed by a drunk
driver on Friday night. The drunk driver was only 17 years old.
Unfortunately, Julie knew the guy who was killed very very well and is close
to the guy's son. So Julie is real upset about it and I am worried about her
health being affected. The funeral is Wednesday morning, so please keep the
family and Julie in your prayers. I am not sure if she is going to be able
handling the funeral so just pray for her strength.
On top of all this yesterday, she was "attacked" online yesterday which
caused her to be extremely upset. I just want to let you all know that
everyone has their own beliefs about God and how things are handled in our
relationships with God, but please do not push your own beliefs on Julie.
She is very very strong with the Lord and for someone to go up to her
telling her that she HAS to do this and she HAS to do that is very upsetting
for her. She was extremely distraught. She has told me she respects other
people's beliefs and that she will not make a big deal out of differences
but for someone to press their beliefs over and over and over, I don't think
is right.
Please do not stop sending prayers and emails to Julie. It really
encourages her to keep going day to day. Please do not let the incident
yesterday to stop from talking about God but please be careful when you are
talking about your specific beliefs. Julie is pretty fragile right now and
very emotional. I hope you all understand. You can email me at
livinglife4jesus@hotmail.com[/email:aa00d] for any concerns or questions or whatever it
may be. Thank you all so much In His Hands, Chris
(You can also see the updates here.........[url=http://www.freewebs.com/julies_heart/updatesonjulie.htm]Julie's Heart Updates[/url]