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[__ Prayer __] Please pray for me as i search for a new job


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I am just tired of the junk in my current job their miscommunication and then getting upset when things go wrong. I tried to get an early shift and had to leave at 11am on Friday to get full 8 hours in to avoid the snowstorm/blizzard and they apparently didn't understand the time I was going to come in along with other things they don't communicate with.

So I had it, I need something else. I hope I can find a better job than the one I have but I may just have to find something temporary.. I'm so very tired of this and some of the other things that go on. I'm not good with finding jobs so finding a new one will be a miracle on it's own. But I'm sick and tired of it!

I've also mentioned many times the women there getting on my nerves that's just part of it apparently..
I am praying for you. it is not easy to find a job. and it is also not easy to deal with less than supportive coworkers. I know from experience. I pray that you find something that you can feel fulfilling and meaningful and reasonable people. In Jesus name, Amen
I am praying for you. it is not easy to find a job. and it is also not easy to deal with less than supportive coworkers. I know from experience. I pray that you find something that you can feel fulfilling and meaningful and reasonable people. In Jesus name, Amen

Thank you and yeah it isn't easy to find a job particularly if you're regularly dealing with supervisors who don't communicate effectively enough which is what I'm having to deal with now... it's a problem too because I'm not very good with communication either.
It's hard because everything is done online now. Have to becareful with how much information we give out. I don't know if "" helps or not. I don't know much about it. I pray something will come up.
It's hard because everything is done online now. Have to becareful with how much information we give out. I don't know if "" helps or not. I don't know much about it. I pray something will come up.

Well it's fairly easy to find out if something is in the area which I tried a while back and didn't really find anything.

Yeah unfortunately it seems I may have to stick with my current job for awhile.
I mentioned this before about having to deal with lusting women in the workplace, well this quality lady is really getting bad in the way I'm getting headaches from her.. I haven't even talked to this lady in like 5 years. It makes no sense why this is continuing from her and its borderline harassment though cant prove anything because 'shes just doing her job'. Right now I'm dealing with a headache and well cant really take any days off right now.. so its just not good at all.


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