You're in my prayers, Danacovert, I like how you phrased it: "...this new adventure of having a good and positive attitude..."
A way to find easier footing on this new adventure of yours: When anything negative, whether it's a thought, something someone says, etc., turn it immediately via prayer to our Lord. His shoulders are certainly broad enough to handle woes. Plus, we are told to turn to Him with everything. Once you've turned the issue over to our Lord, then you don't have the problem to fester within you. And remember to give thanks for all that happens to you, both the good and the bad, to our Lord. Also, keep in mind that our Lord loves you dearly; you are precious to Him. When you think of His smiling at you, you're going to smile as well, and that will lift your mood and quicken your pace towards a happier, healthier relationship with our Lord.
Be blessed!