please pray for my friend Angela. She is Catholic, and she believes in God, but doesn't know Him. PLEASE please please pray for her! :'( I love her so much. Pray that God regenerates her heart, that the Holy Spirit reveals her sin to her, that God grants her repentance and gives her faith, that she experiences God's love and finds joy in Him and is saved and that she'll love Him forever and ever as her Saviour and Lord and Treasure. I usually cry after everytime I talk to her just thinking about her being apart from God. So please pray for her, please. Pray for anything/everything else you can think of! I know this prayer request is not much different from many others, but my soul aches for this prayer to be answered, and I don't feel like I'm ever going stop hurting until my friend is in God's arms.
God Bless,
-- jack
God Bless,
-- jack