The Lord is always working in every circumstance of the lives of those without His great salvation. Think of her circumstances like God's fingers carefully moving things around just so she will give up on trusting in herself, or the things in this world.
We should ask Him to draw her to Himself, because the Bible says no one can come to the Lord, unless God first draws them. We can also pray for her heart to be made ready to hear the gospel of Jesus, and made soft by God's Holy Spirit, and especially by His word. We should be careful to pray for the Lord to open her eyes and ears to hear and recieve the truth, and for the Holy Spirit to come along side her and tell her what the Lord wants her to know about Him.
I also like to use the prayers in the Bible, because they are certain to do the will of God.
In many books of the New Testament you will find them. :-D
Now, I pray that the Lord will deliver her from the kingdom of darkness, and into the love of His Son, Jesus Christ, and that He will bring other Christians into her life to continually shine the life of Jesus into her own, so she may see Him. I pray that the Lord will break-down every resistance in her flesh to the Truth, Jesus Christ, and get His cords of kindness around her to constrain her heart toward Him. The Lord's word says it is His kindness that leads us to repentence. So I ask that she mayfall on her kness before Him, and be broken on the Rock of Christ. In Jesus name I ask.
And may all her salvation give glory to God Most High, forevermore, even so. 8-)