Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, 'Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it.If the LORD delights in us, then He will bring us into this land and give it to us, a land flowing with milk and honey. Only do not rebel against the LORD, nor fear the people of the land, for they are our bread; their protection has departed from them, and the LORD is with us. Do not fear them." . . .
"But my servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit in him and has followed Me fully, I will bring into the land where he went, and his descendants shall inherit it." (Numbers 13:30; 14:8-9; 24)
The passage is taken from this week's Torah Portion (Numbers 13:1-15:41). The "land" which Caleb's descendants would inherit was the city of Hebron-but he would have to wait forty more years for them to do so. Ten of his fellow-spies, terrified by the giants they had seen there, gave an evil report which succeeded in turning the people's hearts away from God's promises.
Forty years ago this Thursday (June 7, 1967, following the Gregorian Calendar) for the first time in over 2500 years Hebron fell again into Hebrew hands.
Earlier that day Israel had taken Jerusalem from Jordanian soldiers with a great loss of life-but at 6:00 that afternoon Hebron, the place where God had conversed with Abraham, where the Patriarchs and their wives are buried, where David had begun his Kingdom, was yielded up without a shot.
A generation has passed - and Israel is again faced with giants and bad reports. Encouraged by her poor showing in the war last summer (not to mention her embarrassing display of confusion and irresolution in its aftermath), Syria has continued purchasing and deploying advanced weapons systems from Russia and Iran, and is deploying her troops and equipment in a battle array unprecedented since the Yom Kippur War of 1973.
This morning a member of the Syrian parliament actually confirmed that his nation is indeed actively preparing for a summer war with Israel - although at present it is still claimed that Syria believes Israel will start the war.
Earlier this week, with words eerily echoing similar predictions made by Egypt's Nassir to his countrymen in the buildup to the '67 war, Iran's President Ahmadinejad promised that "in the near future, the world will witness the destruction of Israel".
Yesterday's HaAretz reports that "Egypt and Iran will hold a round of talks in the coming days aimed at restoring full diplomatic relations."
In the meanwhile, the past three weeks have witnessed the unprovoked launching of more than 300 homemade "Kassam" rockets into Israel's sovereign territory from northern Gaza, causing death, wounding and destruction.
As the city of Sderot is turning into a ghost town, the Israeli government, perhaps fearing the accusing mantra of "disproportionate response" from the nations is choosing only limited responses.
At the same time, the military is voicing an uneasiness with the possibility of a possible major ground incursion into Gaza for fear of having Israel's forces bogged down in Gaza should war breaks out in the north.
This morning there was a protest in Hebron by left wing Israelis against "40 years of unlawful occupation" . and daily there are reports that our government is considering opening new "peace talks" with Syria, with the foregone conclusion that the bargaining chip would be the return of the Golan Heights, also taken during the '67 War.
Today, 40 years after the beginning of the War which released vast portions of her ancient homeland into her hands, almost none of that territory can be said to be 'non-negotiable" -and Israel stands disoriented, anxious, vulnerable and confused.
Yet, we know that it was something beyond natural Israel which brought the victories in 1967. It was a war of spiritual as well as physical dimensions whose repercussions were experienced throughout the world - and are continuing.
Israel's God is not disoriented - and we believe another move in His program regarding His chosen Land and People to be eminent. Although according to the Gregorian calendar the rendering of Jerusalem and Hebron into Jewish hands occurred 40 years ago this Thursday, the anniversary, using the Hebrew calendar, actually occurred the 16th of last month.
On that day we believe that God released a sign of things to come in the center of His city. Although it dawned a clear day, we have heard from a number of unrelated sources about a burden which was released to intercessors both within and outside of the city to pray for a "downpour" of rains. Now.the middle of May is already past the time of the latter-rains each year; the most which ever happens is a sprinkle-then there is no more rain until October.
However, there came a time in mid-afternoon as the parades were beginning to get underway when the skies over the city became dark. Soon there was an absolute deluge or rain pouring into the middle of Jerusalem!
In northern Israel there were only a few scattered showers; on Jerusalem's outskirts there were mere sprinkles, a few miles away at Ben Gurion Airport there was no rain at all. But in Jerusalem there was flooding! Cars got caught in rushing torrents and had to be abandoned (we have photographs of this)- The evening newspapers spoke of the freak floods which had forced the remaining Re-Unification celebrations to all be cancelled.
What could all this mean? The following is a word sent out by our friend Chuck Pierce the following day:
During our Feast of Tabernacles Gathering on October 14-15, 2006, the Lord spoke to us and said: "Plant your feet! Ready yourself for change! You are entering a year of shaking and quaking! This year will be known as the Year of Holy Spirit! This will be the year the RIVERS will rise! Watch where the heavens open and floods (physical) reach the earth, and document those places! Those are places targeted for a Holy Spirit invasion. Rising flood waters will cause you to move to higher ground.
As the River of Holy Spirit rises you will find yourself moving to the high places. I will position My people on the high places this year. As you worship, I will cause ruling thrones of iniquity to topple. Like Dagon, their head will fall before My Presence!
Get ready! I shake loose wicked structures. Watch in the night and watch Me manifest in the light!"
We cannot miss this sign. For Jerusalem to flood, God is saying to us, "I am opening the heavens over you, filling the rivers, cleansing the land, and letting you know that I am ready to pour Myself upon My people."
*That God would release angels to guard her borders.
*That plots to draw Israel into a war would be exposed. Although wars will come, we pray that Israel will only enter one in the timing of the Lord. Pray that no war break out until there is a government in place in Israel of God's choosing.leaders of integrity, courage and humility.
*For a spirit in the Body of Messiah in Israel like that which was in Caleb.a "different" spirit, which sees things from God's perspective. Pray for the Body not to "murmur" and speak unbelief and fear to each other-that our tongues be lit with the Fire of the Spirit rather than the fires of gehenna (James 3:6).that we will see with eyes of faith and speak into being on earth God's will as it is in Heaven!
*We will write more on this shortly.but there is a very critical youth and young-adult worship conference set for the end of June. It is called One Thing -and there are hundreds of young people coming from Europe, the U.S., Africa and Israel who will be attending and there are powerful speakers and worshippers coming from the nations as well as Israel.
Please pray for protection for God's purposes for a great outpouring and equipping to take place for this conference - specifically, that there will be no terrorist attacks or overtures of war before it takes place, which would frighten people and groups into cancelling. We believe that this is a critically important event which will set courses for the future-and that the Lord is strongly asking us to guard it!
*For God's saving grace over His Land - that it will be preserved within the boundaries and under the authorities of His ordination.
*For the release of the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem in the streams of which His floods portended.for conviction, cleansing, filling and new life!
Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, 'Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it.If the LORD delights in us, then He will bring us into this land and give it to us, a land flowing with milk and honey. Only do not rebel against the LORD, nor fear the people of the land, for they are our bread; their protection has departed from them, and the LORD is with us. Do not fear them." . . .
"But my servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit in him and has followed Me fully, I will bring into the land where he went, and his descendants shall inherit it." (Numbers 13:30; 14:8-9; 24)
The passage is taken from this week's Torah Portion (Numbers 13:1-15:41). The "land" which Caleb's descendants would inherit was the city of Hebron-but he would have to wait forty more years for them to do so. Ten of his fellow-spies, terrified by the giants they had seen there, gave an evil report which succeeded in turning the people's hearts away from God's promises.
Forty years ago this Thursday (June 7, 1967, following the Gregorian Calendar) for the first time in over 2500 years Hebron fell again into Hebrew hands.
Earlier that day Israel had taken Jerusalem from Jordanian soldiers with a great loss of life-but at 6:00 that afternoon Hebron, the place where God had conversed with Abraham, where the Patriarchs and their wives are buried, where David had begun his Kingdom, was yielded up without a shot.
A generation has passed - and Israel is again faced with giants and bad reports. Encouraged by her poor showing in the war last summer (not to mention her embarrassing display of confusion and irresolution in its aftermath), Syria has continued purchasing and deploying advanced weapons systems from Russia and Iran, and is deploying her troops and equipment in a battle array unprecedented since the Yom Kippur War of 1973.
This morning a member of the Syrian parliament actually confirmed that his nation is indeed actively preparing for a summer war with Israel - although at present it is still claimed that Syria believes Israel will start the war.
Earlier this week, with words eerily echoing similar predictions made by Egypt's Nassir to his countrymen in the buildup to the '67 war, Iran's President Ahmadinejad promised that "in the near future, the world will witness the destruction of Israel".
Yesterday's HaAretz reports that "Egypt and Iran will hold a round of talks in the coming days aimed at restoring full diplomatic relations."
In the meanwhile, the past three weeks have witnessed the unprovoked launching of more than 300 homemade "Kassam" rockets into Israel's sovereign territory from northern Gaza, causing death, wounding and destruction.
As the city of Sderot is turning into a ghost town, the Israeli government, perhaps fearing the accusing mantra of "disproportionate response" from the nations is choosing only limited responses.
At the same time, the military is voicing an uneasiness with the possibility of a possible major ground incursion into Gaza for fear of having Israel's forces bogged down in Gaza should war breaks out in the north.
This morning there was a protest in Hebron by left wing Israelis against "40 years of unlawful occupation" . and daily there are reports that our government is considering opening new "peace talks" with Syria, with the foregone conclusion that the bargaining chip would be the return of the Golan Heights, also taken during the '67 War.
Today, 40 years after the beginning of the War which released vast portions of her ancient homeland into her hands, almost none of that territory can be said to be 'non-negotiable" -and Israel stands disoriented, anxious, vulnerable and confused.
Yet, we know that it was something beyond natural Israel which brought the victories in 1967. It was a war of spiritual as well as physical dimensions whose repercussions were experienced throughout the world - and are continuing.
Israel's God is not disoriented - and we believe another move in His program regarding His chosen Land and People to be eminent. Although according to the Gregorian calendar the rendering of Jerusalem and Hebron into Jewish hands occurred 40 years ago this Thursday, the anniversary, using the Hebrew calendar, actually occurred the 16th of last month.
On that day we believe that God released a sign of things to come in the center of His city. Although it dawned a clear day, we have heard from a number of unrelated sources about a burden which was released to intercessors both within and outside of the city to pray for a "downpour" of rains. Now.the middle of May is already past the time of the latter-rains each year; the most which ever happens is a sprinkle-then there is no more rain until October.
However, there came a time in mid-afternoon as the parades were beginning to get underway when the skies over the city became dark. Soon there was an absolute deluge or rain pouring into the middle of Jerusalem!
In northern Israel there were only a few scattered showers; on Jerusalem's outskirts there were mere sprinkles, a few miles away at Ben Gurion Airport there was no rain at all. But in Jerusalem there was flooding! Cars got caught in rushing torrents and had to be abandoned (we have photographs of this)- The evening newspapers spoke of the freak floods which had forced the remaining Re-Unification celebrations to all be cancelled.
What could all this mean? The following is a word sent out by our friend Chuck Pierce the following day:
During our Feast of Tabernacles Gathering on October 14-15, 2006, the Lord spoke to us and said: "Plant your feet! Ready yourself for change! You are entering a year of shaking and quaking! This year will be known as the Year of Holy Spirit! This will be the year the RIVERS will rise! Watch where the heavens open and floods (physical) reach the earth, and document those places! Those are places targeted for a Holy Spirit invasion. Rising flood waters will cause you to move to higher ground.
As the River of Holy Spirit rises you will find yourself moving to the high places. I will position My people on the high places this year. As you worship, I will cause ruling thrones of iniquity to topple. Like Dagon, their head will fall before My Presence!
Get ready! I shake loose wicked structures. Watch in the night and watch Me manifest in the light!"
We cannot miss this sign. For Jerusalem to flood, God is saying to us, "I am opening the heavens over you, filling the rivers, cleansing the land, and letting you know that I am ready to pour Myself upon My people."
*That God would release angels to guard her borders.
*That plots to draw Israel into a war would be exposed. Although wars will come, we pray that Israel will only enter one in the timing of the Lord. Pray that no war break out until there is a government in place in Israel of God's choosing.leaders of integrity, courage and humility.
*For a spirit in the Body of Messiah in Israel like that which was in Caleb.a "different" spirit, which sees things from God's perspective. Pray for the Body not to "murmur" and speak unbelief and fear to each other-that our tongues be lit with the Fire of the Spirit rather than the fires of gehenna (James 3:6).that we will see with eyes of faith and speak into being on earth God's will as it is in Heaven!
*We will write more on this shortly.but there is a very critical youth and young-adult worship conference set for the end of June. It is called One Thing -and there are hundreds of young people coming from Europe, the U.S., Africa and Israel who will be attending and there are powerful speakers and worshippers coming from the nations as well as Israel.
Please pray for protection for God's purposes for a great outpouring and equipping to take place for this conference - specifically, that there will be no terrorist attacks or overtures of war before it takes place, which would frighten people and groups into cancelling. We believe that this is a critically important event which will set courses for the future-and that the Lord is strongly asking us to guard it!
*For God's saving grace over His Land - that it will be preserved within the boundaries and under the authorities of His ordination.
*For the release of the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem in the streams of which His floods portended.for conviction, cleansing, filling and new life!