.... I now continue. I have noted that many religious leaders hold to a belief that only their flock need to hold to a standard. So, for example, they will call for church members to not engage in sex outside of marriage. Simulateously, they will say "not to judge" those that don't hold to this standard. I say this is plain wrong and if your pastor says something like this, call them out. The standard is the standard and you have the right to push the standard and NOT fall into the fallacy of saying "oh, well we don't want to push our morality on others" as we live in a multicultural secular society where all can choose their own relgion. Sure, all other groups can choose their morality, but it does not follow that others are exempt from sin as such.
I am sick of being told that "God loves all of his children equally" and then being told that I personally must hold to standards while other people are to be given some exemption on racial, religious, or gender lines as if to say "they don't need to hold such standards." Where I live (Canada) if someone wants (or feel they need) to go on welfare, they can do such. But even with our reputation of liberal social safety nets, anyone doing such goes through procedures such as interviews and providing documentation proving they are in need and further, making a plan to take the absolute first job available and curing any personal issues that may be contributing to your unemployment. No one seems to think that this is unacceptable as "thou shalt not judge". Yet, for raising money for other causes like Haiti, if I have any reservations about the practises going on in that country, I am evil for "judging". RIDICULOUS... and as we see now, Haiti will never be cured or saved unless somebody starts demanding people uphold some sort of standard. Because when you come right down to it the disaster that is Haiti was caused less by an earthquake than by patterns of mass rape and promiscuity that have led to a population explosion of unwanted children. To turn a blind eye on these practises is simply not Christian because you are in fact loving the sin.
And I can keep bringing up other isssues.....