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What is proverb 14 1 sermon?​

Verse 1 states, “The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish tears it down with her own hands.” The house is a symbol for describing a person’s life. A wise woman is well grounded in her life. She has and applies the values that she has learned. If those values are based on God’s Word, then she will gain respect from others.

She will be known as an honest, caring person. If married, she will be a strength and support to her husband. There is a saying, “Behind every successful man is a good wife.” This is so true. A marriage is the joining together of a man and woman. When each fully love and support one another, the two become much more.

By the same token, a woman can quickly destroy a reputation. In many cases, the reputation of a young woman (or man) is initially based on that person’s parents and family. “She comes from a good family” can open doors. But if that person is irresponsible, dishonest, resentful, or lazy, that good opinion will quickly evaporate away.

Doors of opportunity close, and a negative reputation is very difficult to repair. There is another saying, “A wife cannot make her husband’s career, but a foolish wife can destroy his career.” A godless, foolish marriage can only lead to misery, conflict, and failure.

What does proverb 14 2 mean?​

Verse 2 states, “He who walks in his uprightness fears the Lord, but he who is devious in his ways despises Him.” The focus will be on the second part of this passage. Why would a person despise God?

It is one thing to dismiss or simply ignore God, but when the subject of God’s existence comes up, the reaction is much more intense than should be expected. Why is there an automatic rejection of God’s Word? Why do people flock to embrace theories and wild speculations that are opposed to God and His will?

The answer is actually very simple. Such people see the order of the universe. They see and apply the basic principles of science and engineers that are precise and reliable. They see the infinite evidence of design and variety in nature. But if they accept the reality of God and His Will, then they must also accept His complete sovereignty and power.

For the godless, that is unacceptable, because then they must also accept that God will judge every person based on hiss, or her, actions. The fear that they experience is not the loving fear of the righteous, but the terrifying fear of the wrath of the Living God.

What does Proverbs 14 4 mean?​

Verse 4 makes an odd comparison, “Where no oxen are, the manger is clean, but much revenue comes by the strength of the ox.” A new business is ready to open. The building and all the contents are brand new. The floor is in pristine condition.

There is one way to insure that the store will always remain in that condition, and that is to never open for business and open the doors for customers. Customers come in, and employees and managers have to deal with their demands. The floor gets scuffed and dirty and must be cleaned frequently. Shelves must be restocked. But the business brings in money and grows.

An active life is messy. When a person builds a life, there will be unexpected problems that occur. Even good events come with their consequences. A couple have wanted a child for several years. Finally, their prayers are answered.

There is great joy, but there are also sleepless nights, dirty diapers, later an energetic toddler that will get into anything and all the other “joys” of parenthood.

Likewise, the spiritual life of a righteous person will be messy. Each Christians is told that his/her life is to be a living sacrifice to God. Service for the Lord will be messy. A Christian will experience rejection. Friends may be lost.

Commitment as a Christian involves the commitment of time within a congregation and a community. There is the daily challenge to avoid actions or conduct that seemed perfectly fine before.

But like the farmer and his oxen, or the businessman and his successful business, the righteous actions of a Christian will reap benefits and blessings far beyond whatever effort may be expended.

What does Proverbs 14-10 mean?​

Verse 10 states, “The heart knows its own bitterness, and a stranger does not share its joy.” No one fully knows what is in another person’s heart. A married couple, who have been happily married for many decades, may know one another better than anyone else; but there is still exists that secret part within each person. A brave face before others may hide inner anguish, and a person may experience joy that is never shared with another.

So how does this apply to Christians today? In dealing with others, there is no way to know what a person has experienced in his/her life. It is easy to form opinions based what is seen, but a Christian must always be aware that there may be more behind a person’s actions and attitudes. Christians are to love one another despite differences, and not because they are alike.

It is easy to fall into the trap of judging another or thinking that “I’m better than him”. Remember, a person’s inner thoughts may be kept secret from others, but those thoughts cannot be hidden from God. All people have their struggles and one would do well to remember verse 10.

What does Proverbs 14:12 mean?​

Verse 12 includes a clear warning, “There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.” No! I want to do it my way! A young boy, or girl, may insist on their “right” to do something a certain way when older and wiser heads know it is a mistake.

In day to day living that can be a problem, but when those actions are contrary to God’s Will, the consequences are eternal and the results will most certainly lead to death.

The blessings offered through Jesus Christ are beyond imagining, but those blessings are conditional. Some proclaim that God is Love, therefore in the end all will be saved because He is Love. Yes, God is Love, but that does not negate the fact that He expects people to obey His Will.

Both the Old and New Testaments clearly declare that in the end, all will be judged; and those who decided to do things “their way” and refuse to change will discover their terrible mistake in the end.

Verses 20, 21 and 31 carry similar thoughts.​

What does Proverbs 14:20 mean?
“The poor is hated even by his neighbor, But those who love the rich are many.”

What does Proverbs 14:21 say?​

“He who despises his neighbor sins, But happy is he who is gracious to the poor.”

What is the meaning of Proverbs 14 31?​

“He who oppresses the poor taunts his Maker, but he who is gracious to the needy honors Him.”

How should a Christian treat people of different economic backgrounds? This is a very important question. James criticized congregations that showed preference to richer visitors and members over poorer. Salvation is not dependent on how much money a person has. In fact, Jesus said that wealth can actually be a hindrance to salvation!

Wealthy people can help, share, finance, or invest in someone else’s plans. In other words, “I want to be his/her friend because of what that person can do for me.” That is not a Christian attitude. Jesus was not wealthy. Most of the disciples were not wealthy men. Paul was content whether he had much or little.

On a day-to-day basis, each person can be treated respectfully. A person who can help someone in need gives honor to God. A short dash cam video showed a person on a motorcycle stranded on a busy freeway. The situation was dangerous. The driver of a heavy truck stopped just behind the motorcycle to shield it from the traffic.

As the rider began to push the bike to the outside edge of the freeway, the truck slowly moved over protecting the bike and rider. When the rider was safely at the side, he waved “thank you” to the truck driver and the driver waved back. They did not know one another, and probably never would.

Good people help people. Christians have a responsibility to help people out of a love and concern for that person’s soul and to honor God.

Money plays no role in such decisions. A Christian looking for wealthy friends is guilty of envy and covetousness. “If he helps me, look how much good I could do for the Lord.” That attitude is the Devil’s trap. Jesus said, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”
Too many in the world look on the poor with distain, but the offer of salvation through Jesus Christ is open to all.
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