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  • Focus on the Family

    Strengthening families through biblical principles.

    Focus on the Family addresses the use of biblical principles in parenting and marriage to strengthen the family.

  • The Gospel of Jesus Christ

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    There is salvation in no other, for there is not another name under heaven having been given among men, by which it behooves us to be saved."

reach and teach devotions

To see all my reach and teach devotions in Chinese/English and hundreds of devotions in English, please click on this link.


10 And also all that generation were gathered unto their fathers: and there arose another generation after them, which knew not the Lord, nor yet the works which He had done for Israel.

11 And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord, and served Baalim:

12 And they forsook the Lord God of their fathers, which brought them out of the land of Egypt, and followed other gods, of the gods of the people that were round about them, and bowed themselves unto them, and provoked the Lord to anger.


Someone once said that Christianity was one generation away from getting totally wiped out. And while Christ promised that not even the gates of hell shall prevail against the church, we must be careful to not become so worldly that we are no longer salt and light to those who are without Jesus.

Throughout their wilderness wanderings, the children of Israel, were told to train the next generation regarding the great works of God. They were told to bind the word of the Lord on their wrists and to keep His word before their eyes.

How was it then that this new generation did not know God? In Joshua 24, when Joshua asked the children of Israel, if they would serve the Lord, they said Oh yes, we will serve the Lord.

What were they doing?, they had forsaken their responsibilities to train their children. Look at verse 10, which says, “…there arose another generation which knew not the Lord…”. The reason they did not know the Lord, is because their parents did not raise them to know the Lord. The result was a generation in bondage to their enemies.

What was the previous generation doing?

More to the point, what are you doing to train the next generation of believers?

Has your church got a Sunday school?

Is it reaching out to the youth in its locality?

As a parent...are you teaching your children and grandchildren the truths of the bible?

As I said at the start, Christianity is one generation away from being lost. Therefore, I urge you to to pass on this glorious faith to your family. One of the jobs of the church is to train and teach the next generation of leaders.
Like Moses did with Joshua

Like Paul did with Timothy and Titus

Like Barnabas did with Mark

Like Jesus did with the twelve

What are you doing to prevent the next generation from being lost?

God bless you


A Society Without Standards

Denis Lyle

Judges 2

Episode 36: The Language of the Gospel

Christian Horstmann
| Family Discipleship Podcast

Christian Family Reformation

Training Children in Wisdom

Voddie Baucham | Gospel According To Proverbs

Kabwata Baptist Church

A Generation Which Knew Not the LORD

Rev. Philip Millen

Judges 2:1-10
John 15:1-6

J. C. Ryle
| Gospel of John

Grace Audio Treasures








Centipedes - God’s Instruments
By Jan Moser

Warning: In order to arrive at the lessons that God taught me during this past week, you will be reading some graphic info about creepy crawly bugs. I will not be offended, if you cannot read it!

Psalm 139:16 NASB “Your eyes have seen my formless substance. And in Your book were written all the days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was not one of them.”

I have always known that this encouraging Psalm proves that God is looking out for us even before we are born - but there is more to it.

When they built our home, they evidently disturbed the home of a family of centipedes in the woods, and during some years, the “hundred leggers” (their nickname) try to reclaim the home! This is one of those years. Spraying helps slightly - and traps help more; however, sometimes, a stubborn one or more will persevere. The moment that “took the cake” was when I found one in the bed!! I normally automatically try to see purposes in everything, but I honestly didn’t WANT to see a purpose in a 100-legged creature inside the house! Did I mention that they have 200 eyes?? I do appreciate that they eat spiders, but that doesn’t mean that I want to share a residence with them!!

But in the midst of this, God brought the above verse to my mind, to teach me about perspective and priorities. So evidently, even a centipede can be part of God’s ordained will. There are no coincidences.

Merriam-Webster defines “ordain” as “to destine…to issue an order.”

That thought blew my mind. Could it really be true? To be honest, I would rather that God NOT include creepy crawly bugs in His will for me! While I am brave about some things - like bees or bloodwork - I am a wimp when it comes to these bugs.

But then, God put another thought into my protesting mind. There are people who have to live with creepy bugs 24/7. They can’t just spray or call an exterminator, because they live on the streets, or in countries without basic infrastructure and/or under the control of violent criminal gangs who control towns and supplies, like in Haiti.

God has used this experience to spur me to pray even more for those who are living in such oppressive deprivation, and to do what I am able to help, through trustworthy organizations. I hope that you will join me!