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The Salvation Army was founded by a Methodist Preacher by the name of William Booth. Its mission was to share the message of repentance and salvation through Jesus Christ alone. Booth sent many people all over England burdened to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He sent two women Kate and Mary Jackson to Leeds to oversee a mission there. They laboured in Leeds for a couple of years and nothing happened. These young ladies toiled every day giving all they had without any return. Then one day they wrote to William Booth, “Would you kindly move us to another station? We’re so tired and disheartened. We’ve tried everything that we’ve been taught to do. Please move us to another location”

Booth sent a telegram back with two words written: “Try tears!”

Those two sisters began to pray and travail for souls and they finally experienced real revival. Kate and Mary did just as General Booth said, and God moved mightily. The Leeds Salvation Army church soon became the largest outside of London.

William Booth was a man like Nehemiah who knew the power of prayer. He also knows the power of tears; he had unlocked the missing link in today's church. We preach, we share, we have events, but something is missing, he knew the truth of Psalm 126:

5 Those who sow in tears
shall reap with shouts of joy!
6 He who goes out weeping,
bearing the seed for sowing,
shall come home with shouts of joy,
bringing his sheaves with him.

We sow, and we do not reap. I wonder why? All through the Bible, we have people who wept and cried openly, for whatever reason: Jeremiah, David, Paul, Peter, and Jesus Himself.

I want to focus on the man Nehemiah. He was an amazing man! He was a man of power, a man of prayer; I love Nehemiah. If you are building a work for God, this is a "how to book”, but it starts with tears and it starts with power.

Nehemiah was a unique man. Let me say some things about him. It says he was the kings' cupbearer, but he was much more than that; he was one of the kings' inner circle, a trusted friend. Look at chapter 2. He had the ear of the king, and the king notices his manner and wanted to know how long he would be away.

Let’s see Nehemiah's reaction was to the news coming from Jerusalem:

He was interested in the work vs. 2

He could have kept doing his job for the king... after all Jerusalem wasn't his problem. But his heart was still in his homeland. I suppose it's a bit like me. Although I am far away from the UK, my heart and my prayers are still there for my beloved homeland. It's like Paul in Romans 9:1-4. He's the apostle to the gentiles, but his heart still yearns for his own people. How interested are you in God's work? Not just in your own church, but do you know what's going on around the world and how God is working?

He made an immediate response vs. 4

It says as soon as he heard these words; these words obviously struck a chord deep within him. So often when we hear something, we put our response off. Nehemiah didn't just hear these words, but he acted immediately. In a race, the athlete’s reaction time to the starter’s gun is all important. Let me ask you Christian: What’s your reaction time like? When something comes to your attention or needs to get done, how long does it take you to get involved?

He had incredible passion for prayer vs. 4 c/f Ezra 9

Both Ezra and Nehemiah were people who knew their God and were able to pray fervently and effectively See also Daniel 11:32. We go to prayer meetings and we have private prayer, but do we pray like these guys did? You and me think we pray, but we don't really pray? Do we weep, do we mourn for days on end? No wonder Nehemiah had not only the king's favour, but also more importantly God's... and now you can understand why.

He interceded for Israel vs. 5-6

To stand in the gap means to intercede like Moses did in Exodus 17 when Joshua fought Amalek, the children of Israel at Jerusalem who were either unable or unwilling to pray for themselves, so Nehemiah took on that responsibility. He took it on and prayed passionately and fervently. How is your intercession for your fellow believers? Who are you standing in the gap for?

He implicated himself in Israel's sin vs. 6-7

He didn't absolve himself from the sin of the people of Israel. He didn't say, "Well I've been here, so you can't blame me!” He blames himself for being part of the problem! Judah had rebelled and he had rebelled also. He didn't put himself on a pedestal, but he admitted his sin.

He invoked God's promises vs. 8-9

Remember back to Joshua 24, Deuteronomy 6 and 28, God said to the children of Israel, "You had a choice. You can choose to serve Me or not, but here is what will happen if you don't serve Me.” Nehemiah reminds God of His promise. Look at the promise at the end of verse 9; although the people were outcasts and scattered, God had promised to bring them back. Remember if God promises something, He will always bring it to pass... amen

He had an intimacy in prayer vs. 5-11

Nehemiah was a man of prayer and therefore a man of power. We get a glimpse into his prayer life here in this prayer. It is so intimate, so full of power; you ask how should we pray for God's work? His prayer is the blueprint. Do we pray like this??

He was instant in prayer ch1:4 and ch2:4

Paul says in 1 Thess 5:18 to pray without stopping. That doesn't mean you pray 24/7, but that your first reaction to any given situation is like Nehemiah's. In Chapter 2:4, he was asked by the king, "What is your request?” He could have said what he wanted, but before he spoke, he prayed. If we prayed before we speak, how different the outcome would be.

He had a godly influence on those around him

Nehemiah was a trusted adviser to the king. The king wanted to know in chapter 2 how long Nehemiah would be away for. Why was he concerned about this? Because he knew that Nehemiah gave good advice. He was truly the salt and light in the court of the king. Let me ask you... if you left your place of work or school for a period, how much would you be missed? Look at verse 6 of chapter 2; it pleased the king to send me, what a testimony of Nehemiah's character.

He had integrity

The king gave things into the hand of Nehemiah because he knew that he could be trusted. He knew that he wasn't going to run off and build another city somewhere else, Nehemiah was a man who could be trusted. Can You? The king granted him what he asked, for the good hand of the Lord was upon him, the hand of the Lord doesn't bless those who can't be trusted.

He inspected the damage and dealt with the main issue ch 2:11-16

Nehemiah is now in Jerusalem and one of the first things he does is to go and inspect the walls. Before he can put anything right, he had to see what had to be done. He was a reformer, who did reform Israel, but he saw the main problem and that was that the wall was broken down. Look at his words in Chapter 2:17. Sometimes we need to address the main issue and leave the rest till later.

He inspired others ch 2:18

In vs. 18, he gives a rallying call to the workers. These workers are totally demoralised. They have given up building the wall, but here comes Nehemiah and he just totally inspires them to the point that they say, "Let's build the wall!” What an inspiration he was! Do you inspire others by your actions and your words?

He ignored persecution ch 2:18-20

Sanballat and Tobiah are two of the nastiest characters in the whole Bible. They were persistent through the whole book of Nehemiah. Don't they remind you or anyone? Yes the devil. These tactics they use are the ones he uses; from open ridicule, to discouragement, to seeking to plant corrupt officials within the Jewish people. His reaction is, and look at the end of verse 20, our God is going to prosper and you two and I use these words carefully, YOU CAN GO AWAY, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE HERE.

Maybe next time we suffer ridicule and discouragement, you should tell the devil, to go away; he has no right to be here... amen.

This all happened because one man wept and took prayerful action. He wept and prayed.
We sow in tears and we reap in joy.
The Lord wants you all to know this... you cannot reap without weeping.
Before you can start to do a work for God, you have to weep over the state of man.

William Booth was asked what training he would give his officers. He replied that he would hold them over the flames of hell to smell the torment of the unsaved.

Finally, we have the reason why all this happened.

God intervened!

At this point of history, he raised up a man like Nehemiah to rebuild the walls and to reform the people of Israel. The walls of our Churches are as broken down as in Nehemiah's day. God is looking for men and women who he can use to rebuild and reform.

Are you that man or women?
God bless you
