- Oct 19, 2005
- 3,472
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I have been struck several times by the passionate appeal by Christ in Revelation to repent & return to our first love, and how Christ so graciously offers for us to buy of him gold and balm for true riches and healing, all given by his grace. Nothing could more beautifully portray the pursuit of sanctification to follow Christ and having fellowship with him. We are to be the pure bride of Christ, and as it mentions in Revelation 19:7-8, "Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready. And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. " Heavens knows how many times I fall short of that standard but I truely have moments when my heart yearns just to be close to God, and I get a sense of how David longed to be in the house of the Lord so he could be closer to God as in Psalm 27.
I heard this song recently which, as it turns out, is a secular song but when I was scanning through radio channels and heard this song for the first time immediately the concept of the believer's love for Christ came to mind - and even Christ's love for us to bleed on the cross for us. It also shows, I think, how our love for Christ can seem crazy to the world but is like nothing we've ever experienced before (that Jesus would die for us - what love!) - and why we would never give it up. This song moved me tremendously:
Do you truly long to return to your first love? Ah, that we all would!
I just wanted to share that while it was on my heart.
God Bless,
I heard this song recently which, as it turns out, is a secular song but when I was scanning through radio channels and heard this song for the first time immediately the concept of the believer's love for Christ came to mind - and even Christ's love for us to bleed on the cross for us. It also shows, I think, how our love for Christ can seem crazy to the world but is like nothing we've ever experienced before (that Jesus would die for us - what love!) - and why we would never give it up. This song moved me tremendously:
Do you truly long to return to your first love? Ah, that we all would!
I just wanted to share that while it was on my heart.
God Bless,