Sabbath Issues


CF Ambassador
Sabbath Overseer
Feb 1, 2013
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Friday 8-18-23 6th. Day Of The Weekly Cycle, Elul 1 5783, 59th. Summer Day

Views On The Sabbath:

Saturday 12-25-21 Tevet 20, 5782 7th. day of the weekly cycle, 5th. Winter Day

I Posted this 6-11-19

Is there anyone that keeps The Sabbath Day Holy, from Sunset on the 6th.Day/Friday until The ending of The 7th. Day at Sunset, on Saturday by The Gregorian Calendar.

If so being on one accord for that event to happen, We want to thank God for your Faith in doing just that as a start to perfection. Every Sabbath , Sabbath Scriptures: About Sabbath Scriptures , Sabbath Day In The KJV

Sabbath Day, Please Read all.

Sabbaths , Judging one another about the Sabbath .

I have reason to believe of the above study, that The Sabbaths and the Feast Days/Holy Convocations goes together for his/Jesus customs as him and The Apostles, went in the synagogues. Luke 4:16 , Acts 17:2

Acts 17:2

Righteousness is a position. When you become saved you are considered in right standing with God. ... Holiness is the quality of being holy, a life that is full of godly character. Righteousness is to be upright in God, to be blamless. A righteousness man is also a holy man, both of them work together.

Ephesians 4 KJV

Love, Walter and Debbie

If interested: Please open transcript
Last edited:
Friday 8-18-23 6th. Day Of The Weekly Cycle, Elul 1 5783, 59th. Summer Day

Views On The Sabbath:

Saturday 12-25-21 Tevet 20, 5782 7th. day of the weekly cycle, 5th. Winter Day

I Posted this 6-11-19

Is there anyone that keeps The Sabbath Day Holy, from Sunset on the 6th.Day/Friday until The ending of The 7th. Day at Sunset, on Saturday by The Gregorian Calendar.

If so being on one accord for that event to happen, We want to thank God for your Faith in doing just that as a start to perfection. Every Sabbath , Sabbath Scriptures: About Sabbath Scriptures , Sabbath Day In The KJV

Sabbath Day, Please Read all.

Sabbaths , Judging one another about the Sabbath .

I have reason to believe of the above study, that The Sabbaths and the Feast Days/Holy Convocations goes together for his/Jesus customs as him and The Apostles, went in the synagogues. Luke 4:16 , Acts 17:2

Acts 17:2

Righteousness is a position. When you become saved you are considered in right standing with God. ... Holiness is the quality of being holy, a life that is full of godly character. Righteousness is to be upright in God, to be blamless. A righteousness man is also a holy man, both of them work together.

Ephesians 4 KJV

Love, Walter and Debbie

If interested: Please open transcript
I do brother! I keep Shabbat, though not because of any specific doctrine or church. I just kind of started doing it during the lockdowns in 2020 after rereading Ephesians 2:11. All of the churches local to me closed during that time, so I started reading the Bible with my wife and children and somehow the connection was made. If I'm grafted into Israel, shouldn't I be keeping the commands that God gave to Israel to keep forever? May God bless you and yours my dear brother in Christ.