Folks, I think we're relaxed enough that I can get away with posting this.
Forty years ago, when I was a new Christian, a very Godly man in our church was vehemently opposed to Santa Claus. He taught strongly that it is a sin to teach your children that there was a Santa Claus, quoting Scriptures about lying and the requirements to teach your children the truth.
Meanwhile, I had learned in school that many of the false gods were benevolent, while others were evil. None of them were almighty. I came to believe that Santa Claus is a benevolent god, but he is a false god nonetheless. Since God is jealous, He forbids us to have other gods, so we should not teach our children to obey Santa Claus.
I explained this in a college class one day, and the president of the college got me aside afterwards and said:
"I wouldn't tell people I believed that if I were you."
Forty years ago, when I was a new Christian, a very Godly man in our church was vehemently opposed to Santa Claus. He taught strongly that it is a sin to teach your children that there was a Santa Claus, quoting Scriptures about lying and the requirements to teach your children the truth.
Meanwhile, I had learned in school that many of the false gods were benevolent, while others were evil. None of them were almighty. I came to believe that Santa Claus is a benevolent god, but he is a false god nonetheless. Since God is jealous, He forbids us to have other gods, so we should not teach our children to obey Santa Claus.
I explained this in a college class one day, and the president of the college got me aside afterwards and said:
"I wouldn't tell people I believed that if I were you."