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[ Testimony ] Seeing is weird


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I regularly hear the Lord telling He wants me to see more with my spiritual eyes. When I do seek to see with my spiritual eyes it's interesting but weird.

For example I was just driving back from the post office recently and decided to check what I might see with my spiritual eyes. The first thing I picked up was a large ghostly looking brake on a car that pulled up next to me. So I asked the Lord "What does that mean?" And my eyes went to the rest of the car which turned out to be an old corvette. Then I heard the Lord talking to me saying, "You can often tell a bit about a person by what type of car they drive. This person likes the sporty fast life style, so I need to keep and extra large brake on him so I can save him."

Ok, I was thinking, that was wired but made some sense when I notice an extremely large hamburger with my spiritual eyes. So again I asked, "What does that mean, Lord?"

"I want you to take your wife for a hamburger when you get home", the Lord responded.

So I got home and took her to get a hamburger. We set down and they brought us the tray. I started to tell her about the weird things I had seen, just like I explain above. I was telling her about the brake and corvette and she suddenly said, "OH My, look!" She was pointing to the paper fast food places put on the tray. That had a picture of an old corvette like the one I had seen the brake on, and she had first seen it at the exact moment I began telling her about the brake on the corvette. That is just weird, and I had to know that God had put it all together.

So I hear Him tell me I need to take more time to see with my spiritual eyes, which causes me to spend more time asking Him, "What does that mean". Then He talks to me more, giving me wisdom and showing me how He can bring all things together. So I can see that it is good for me to spend more time trying to see with my spiritual eyes, but it is weird seeing things like a ghostly looking brake and big hamburger. So I don't spend a lot of time doing it.

Still He has told me, "Karl, you wouldn't drive a car with your eyes closed, so why do you go around with your spiritual eyes closed. You could get into a crash!"

Acts 28: 26, 27 saying Go to this people and say, "You will keep on hearing but not understand; and you will keep on seeing, but will not perceive; For the hearts of this people has become dull, and with their ears they scarcely hear, and they have closed their eyes; otherwise they might see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart and return, and I would heal them."

So I have to try and see more because He tells me and because it causes me to hear more, and all that gives me more understanding from God.


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