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Seven Churches


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Quote: It's important to keep in mind that each of these messages applies to all of the churches and the believers therein, including those in existence today.
"He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.�
The text contains seven exortations to be an "overcomer" or as the ESV translates it "one who conquers" This was not so much a test of spirituality as it was of faithfulness. In the end we will be forced to stand for Christ or bow to Anti-Christ.

Here is a excerpt from that contains some important insights:

"Overcomes = this Greek verb nikan (from which we get our English word nike which means to conquer).

Nikan can refer in a metaphorical sense to either an athletic contest or military battle.

One can be an overcomer in two ways in the New Testament: (1) salvific and (2) sanctification. The difference is one of conditionality. John states in I John 5:4-5, "For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the worldâ€â€Âour faith. Who is the one who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?" This is clearly salvific in nature. Our salvation is not conditional. 1 John 5:1 indicates that to be born of God, one must believe. Belief is not mere intellectual assent, but life transforming commitment to Jesus Christ. The result is eternal life.

However, the overcomer in Revelation is vastly different. The overcomer in Revelation is one who perseveres to the end. He remains faithful under difficult circumstances. "The overcomer is the individual Christian who enjoys special benefits in eternity for refusing to give up his faith in spite of persecution during life on earth." (J.C. Dillow, The Reign of the Servant Kings, 481) Revelation lists thirteen rewards for the overcomer:

(1) Authority over nations (2:26)
(2) Name not erased from book of life (3:5)
(3) Inherits the earth (21:7)
(4) New name on a white stone (2:17)
(5) Eat of hidden manna (2:17)
(6) Pillar in temple (3:12)
(7) Sits on Christs throne (3:21)
(8) Tree of life (2:7)
(9) Not hurt by second death (2:11)
(10) Morning star (2:28)
(11) White Garments (3:5)
(12) Name of God, city, and Christ written on him (3:12)
(13) Name confessed before the Father and His angels (3:5)

The rewards and the warnings make no sense unless some believers will not receive them because of their unfaithfulness. Why warn a person about something he cannot lose? We can debate what is lost, but there is no debate that something is lost with grave consequences to follow (See I Cor. 3:16 and I John 2:28).

Those individuals in the seven churches who are not overcomers are promised:

(1) War with the sword from the Lords month (2:16)
(2) To be thrown into the great tribulation (2:22)
(3) Children killed with the pestilence (2:23)
(4) To receive according to their deeds (2:23)
(5) Come like a thief (3:3)
(6) Spit out of the Lords mouth (3:16)
(7) Reproof and discipline (3:19)

The overcomer in Revelation can lose his reward. It is not eternal. To compromise in the face of physical danger will have severe consequences during the persecution by Antichrist and when one stands before the Lord in judgment.

The apostle Paul states in 2 Corinthians 5:10, "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad." Paul indicates a "pay back" for the "bad" done in the body. What the "pay back" is for bad deeds is not indicated, but there is a "pay back."

Tonight, I want to begin our study of the seven churches of Revelation 2&3. Before we begin, let me outline the presuppositions that I am bringing to the text, based on the context of this part of Scripture.
The seven churches

Hi JM. The seven churches, and all of Revelation for that matter, cannot be applicable today to us, the ecclesia/body of Christ.

Paul is our apostle and teacher. To him was revealed many secrets regarding the church/body made up of believing Jews and Gentiles.

While we are in this present age, it is a different administration of God.
It is like a parenthesis between Israel's rejection of the kingdom being re-offered after Christ's ascension (The signs and wonders starting with Pentecost were primarily to convince Israel), and the start of Daniel's 70th week, after the body of Christ has been caught away (raptured) meeting him in the air.

The blessings we have in Christ include justification, sanctification, glorification (not yet). Ephesians, that glorious epistle which, to me, exceeds all the others of Paul, tells us that in the heavenlies, God has already prepared spiritual blessings that will undoubtedly be far beyond anything we could ever dream of. Potentially we are seated with Christ, reckoned as sons. joint heirs with Christ.

In Eph. chap.3, Paul, writes of the administration (dispensation) of the grace of God, given to him for us, the nations. A secret was made known to Paul, that we would be a special body made up of both believing Jews and Gentiles. And this secret was not made know to other generations, but now only to His holy apostles and prophets. And, IMO, these apostles and prophets were those working and witnessing with Paul. Not the 12 back in Jerusalem, for this was not revealed to them.

Maybe I diverted a bit, but now to the seven churches (ekklesia). I inserted "ekklesia" because it's important to know that the word doesn't automatically mean "church." It means "that which is called out" from Young's Concordance. While "church" is the predominant translation, "assembly" is used in three places Acts 19:32, 39, 41 (AV).
"Synagogue" from Young's C. means " a coming together", and in Jas.2:2 we read, "For if there come into your assembly a man...", where the word for "assembly" is "synagogue--Gk".

What am I leading to? Just that the seven churches could just as well been translated "assemblies" or "synagogues."

Again, in my studies, a careful research convinces me that Revelation is still future. John tell us he "was in spirit in the Lord's day" Literal Trans.
Now "the Lord's day" is just another way of saying "the Day of the Lord" with the emphasis on "day", for that is where John was taken "in spirit."

There are many quotations, references, allusions all to the OT.

To conclude, we, in the body of Christ are called "saints". We are set-apart to fill the body, to bear fruit of the Spirit, and while none of us is perfect, we will appear before the bema, the judgment seat of Christ, in the heavenlies.
There, we will gain or suffer loss of rewards. We are saved by grace, kept saved by grace, will be caught up to the heavenlies and there witness to the spirit beings in the celestials, the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.

God bless