- May 17, 2010
- 337
- 55
Sharing The Sin Of Eve
The ignominious 'glory' of Eve in the Garden of Eden is that she shared her sin after her own self-indulgence. Even today that pattern of sin is still being practiced. Whenever a man or woman flaunt their evil they are actually sharing their sin as Eve did in the Garden of Eden when she offered the forbidden fruit to Adam.
Immodest dress, gossip, haughty attitude, etc., are all indicative a person sharing their evil. Eve's first act in the Garden of Eden after her sin was using her knowledge of Good and Evil to procreate even more evil by sharing the forbidden fruit with Adam.
Consider that homosexuals all act feminine to mimic Eve sharing her sin in the Garden of Eden. It is no coincidence that whenever a person desires to promote sin they take on a feminine mannerism to reveal their true intent to promote evil as Eve did in the Garden of Eden.
Notice that all the ghettos of the world are actually populated with very generous people as they all share their sin with each other. Every person in a ghetto is eager to pass along their 'addiction' to evil as a noble act of sharing the 'sin of Eve'.
It is interesting that in John 8:11 Jesus told a prostitute, that he just saved from an angry mob ready to stone her, to “...Go now and leave your sin.” While Jesus shielded the prostitute from the judgment of man he did not shield her from the judgment of God. Jesus Christ would ultimately pay the price for the prostitute's sin but she would still experience death which was God's original judgment against mankind.
It is important to realize that when Jesus saved the prostitute from the angry mob she also needed to be saved from the second judgment which is hell. When a person believes in Jesus Christ they are leaving all their sins at the cross as Jesus took all of our sins upon himself to shield us from God's anger.
Believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who is God the Son become man, and rest assured that God the Father's anger and judgment of our sin will be satisfied whereupon we will have an eternal life in heaven surrounded by God's love, and not experience his anger in hell.
God Bless
The ignominious 'glory' of Eve in the Garden of Eden is that she shared her sin after her own self-indulgence. Even today that pattern of sin is still being practiced. Whenever a man or woman flaunt their evil they are actually sharing their sin as Eve did in the Garden of Eden when she offered the forbidden fruit to Adam.
Immodest dress, gossip, haughty attitude, etc., are all indicative a person sharing their evil. Eve's first act in the Garden of Eden after her sin was using her knowledge of Good and Evil to procreate even more evil by sharing the forbidden fruit with Adam.
Consider that homosexuals all act feminine to mimic Eve sharing her sin in the Garden of Eden. It is no coincidence that whenever a person desires to promote sin they take on a feminine mannerism to reveal their true intent to promote evil as Eve did in the Garden of Eden.
Notice that all the ghettos of the world are actually populated with very generous people as they all share their sin with each other. Every person in a ghetto is eager to pass along their 'addiction' to evil as a noble act of sharing the 'sin of Eve'.
It is interesting that in John 8:11 Jesus told a prostitute, that he just saved from an angry mob ready to stone her, to “...Go now and leave your sin.” While Jesus shielded the prostitute from the judgment of man he did not shield her from the judgment of God. Jesus Christ would ultimately pay the price for the prostitute's sin but she would still experience death which was God's original judgment against mankind.
It is important to realize that when Jesus saved the prostitute from the angry mob she also needed to be saved from the second judgment which is hell. When a person believes in Jesus Christ they are leaving all their sins at the cross as Jesus took all of our sins upon himself to shield us from God's anger.
Believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who is God the Son become man, and rest assured that God the Father's anger and judgment of our sin will be satisfied whereupon we will have an eternal life in heaven surrounded by God's love, and not experience his anger in hell.
God Bless