This was from another site, and asks a question that surely should be known by Christ's very own? Or is satan having so much babbling going on that the 'sincere' ones are looking for answer's from the wrong group of Jer. 17:5 ones & are not finding that most of these are the reason for the questions, instead of looking as Christ REQUIRES in Matt. 4:4 for ALL ANSWERS? --Elijah
[FONT=Verdana,arial]Rebecca363 wrote: [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana,arial]What things must a group have to constitute a religion?[/FONT]
Two complete Truths are required. Isa. 5:3 Has the 'TRUE' House of Christ from verse 1 on based upon Psalms 77:13. (Virgin Fold IN ALL DOCTRINE) But Number one must be the Eternal Christ of this House! It takes [BOTH] to be in Christ!
Christ alone is not having Christ, as the party is OMITTING HIS ETERNAL WORD OF WHAT MAKES HIS CHURCH! (Matt. 18:17-18!) And even this Virgin Isa. 5 'house' (church, Sanctuary, Vineyard) alone needs NO comment. John 12:42-43.
Most of the today ones of today, (Rev. 17:1-5) have neither Christ's Virgin House or Christ's REQUIRED Exodus 25:8-9 Pattern of HEAVENS 'HOUSE'! (Sanctuary) Many are even lone rangers, the such that are bottom/line loose cannon's who claim to follow Christ like satan's 'singular' rebellion in heaven started, that can take orders from NO one, INCLUDING CHRIST! And these false 'teachings' would just find the same rebellion in heaven that satan started to begin with. I,I,I,I,I take [Orders] from NO ONE! Isa. 14:12-14
[FONT=Verdana,arial]Rebecca363 wrote: [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana,arial]What things must a group have to constitute a religion?[/FONT]
Two complete Truths are required. Isa. 5:3 Has the 'TRUE' House of Christ from verse 1 on based upon Psalms 77:13. (Virgin Fold IN ALL DOCTRINE) But Number one must be the Eternal Christ of this House! It takes [BOTH] to be in Christ!
Christ alone is not having Christ, as the party is OMITTING HIS ETERNAL WORD OF WHAT MAKES HIS CHURCH! (Matt. 18:17-18!) And even this Virgin Isa. 5 'house' (church, Sanctuary, Vineyard) alone needs NO comment. John 12:42-43.
Most of the today ones of today, (Rev. 17:1-5) have neither Christ's Virgin House or Christ's REQUIRED Exodus 25:8-9 Pattern of HEAVENS 'HOUSE'! (Sanctuary) Many are even lone rangers, the such that are bottom/line loose cannon's who claim to follow Christ like satan's 'singular' rebellion in heaven started, that can take orders from NO one, INCLUDING CHRIST! And these false 'teachings' would just find the same rebellion in heaven that satan started to begin with. I,I,I,I,I take [Orders] from NO ONE! Isa. 14:12-14