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[__ Science __ ] Sin = good by the Bibles logic

The bible says that what makes something good is that it is valuable. By that logic sin must be good, since it is valuable to things.

When the bible talks about what is good it says that it is good because it is valuable in the opinion of god. Turns out everything the biblical god talked about in his opinion as being good was just things that were valuable to something. Turns out everything that god created was valuable according to the biblical god, as well as things he didn't create, since they all played a role in his plans.
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The bible says that what makes something good is that it is valuable. By that logic sin must be good, since it is valuable to things.

When the bible talks about what is good it says that it is good because it is valuable in the opinion of god. Turns out everything the biblical god talked about in his opinion as being good was just things that were valuable to something. Turns out everything that god created was valuable according to the biblical god, as well as things he didn't create, since they all played a role in his plans.
I am extremely curious now as to what Bible you have been reading? Sin is a result of free will; which God did Bless us all with. God does not expect any of us to be perfect; but He will hold us responsible for the choices that we make. We must all find and hold balance within ourselves.
God does not expect any of us to be perfect;
Actually He does.

47 "And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so?
48 Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect."

Matthew 5:48 NKJV

But we have proven over and over and over again that we are incapable of doing so, therefore, In His great love for us, He provided a way out (see 1 Corinthians 10:13). He gave us His Son, Jesus, to atone for us in our place. This is His gift to all willing to accept it.
Actually He does.

47 "And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so?
48 Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect."

Matthew 5:48 NKJV

But we have proven over and over and over again that we are incapable of doing so, therefore, In His great love for us, He provided a way out (see 1 Corinthians 10:13). He gave us His Son, Jesus, to atone for us in our place. This is His gift to all willing to accept it.
Sorry but I looked up the KJV of Matthew and 1 Corinthians. For the quote of Matthew, the entire book needs to be read of Chapter 5 to give the full meaning; not just bits and pieces
What I read in 1 Corinthians 10:13 was something my grandma used to tell me; God would never place more of a burden on me than I can bear. It did not mention Christ; and Christ did not die for all future Sin's of Mankind. That's like saying anyone can do anything, as long as they go to Church on Sunday and take communion; all Sin's are simply forgiven because some preacher (pastor, minister, priest or whatever) says so.
Actually He does.

47 "And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so?
48 Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect."

Matthew 5:48 NKJV

But we have proven over and over and over again that we are incapable of doing so, therefore, In His great love for us, He provided a way out (see 1 Corinthians 10:13). He gave us His Son, Jesus, to atone for us in our place. This is His gift to all willing to accept it.
I woke up this morning thinking about the Book of Matthew. No where in Chapter 5; or anywhere else in the Bible, does it say Men must be perfect to be worthy of God's Grace. My reading of Chapter 5 gives me an understanding of all the things a man can do to be more like Our Heavenly Father; but it does not say you must do these things or else.
I am extremely curious now as to what Bible you have been reading? Sin is a result of free will; which God did Bless us all with. God does not expect any of us to be perfect; but He will hold us responsible for the choices that we make. We must all find and hold balance within ourselves.
I think the OP is a troll on here to irritate Christians. Don't feed the trolls! Ignore them/block them.
I think the OP is a troll on here to irritate Christians. Don't feed the trolls! Ignore them/block them.
I do understand what you are saying; but my last 2 post addressed another member, not the "troll" if that is who did the OP. And I guess I've always thought being a good Christian, meant never turning your back on another. Even if the OP doesn't "see" or "accept" the light; he (or she) is worth a few minutes of my time to make the effort.
Men must be perfect to be worthy of God's Grace.
Perfection is His benchmark. For us to earn our salvation requires us to live a perfect life. But as I said, we have proven our inability to meet that requirement. Enter Jesus. God loves us so much that He gave His one and only Son... I think you know the rest. If not, see John 3:16-18.
Perfection is His benchmark. For us to earn our salvation requires us to live a perfect life. But as I said, we have proven our inability to meet that requirement. Enter Jesus. God loves us so much that He gave His one and only Son... I think you know the rest. If not, see John 3:16-18.
Now I understand what you are trying to say; I think. I don't see how 1 Corinthians 10:13 ties into any of that; for Christ to "atone" for our Sin's.
I guess I always thought Christ came to Teach about the road to righteousness and salvation; not to just die for all the "imperfection" of man that still exist on this earth today.

By the way, I tend to say Christ in my post. Were I come from to address any older person (or especially family member) by their first name alone is considered disrespectful. Unless said person has given me permission to do so.
Now I understand what you are trying to say; I think. I don't see how 1 Corinthians 10:13 ties into any of that; for Christ to "atone" for our Sin's.
I guess I always thought Christ came to Teach about the road to righteousness and salvation; not to just die for all the "imperfection" of man that still exist on this earth today.

By the way, I tend to say Christ in my post. Were I come from to address any older person (or especially family member) by their first name alone is considered disrespectful. Unless said person has given me permission to do so.
You're okay. Jesus didn't have a first and last name as we do today. Christ is a title. Jesus is/was His name.
Hey All,
Just to add to the conversation, we have from Matthew 5.

Matthew 5:48
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

So Jesus did say to be perfect.
On our own, this is impossible.
This impossibility, through our sins, shows us we are in need.
When we receive Jesus, we are cleansed of all our sins.
This makes us spiritually perfect before God.

Colossians 1:28
Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus:

Through Christ, and His attornment, we say that we are perfect.
We, as new creatures in Christ, have been made perfect.

Keep walking everybody.
May God bless,
So Jesus did say to be perfect.
I am curious, what would "perfection" look like in your view? Christ did lay out a few things in Matthew chapter 5; but I have seen various view's as to what people believe about those versus. Christ did say thou shalt not kill, but I've encountered a number of people who will "see exceptions" to justify killing.
The bible says that what makes something good is that it is valuable.

Where does the Bible say this, exactly?

By that logic sin must be good, since it is valuable to things.

You'll need to establish your assertion above first before this conclusion is at all warranted.

When the bible talks about what is good it says that it is good because it is valuable in the opinion of god.

Again, chapter and verse, please.

Turns out everything the biblical god talked about in his opinion as being good was just things that were valuable to something.

Does it "turn out" as you say here? I don't see that it does. Show me from Scripture itself that what you're asserting here is actually so.

Turns out everything that god created was valuable according to the biblical god, as well as things he didn't create, since they all played a role in his plans.

"According to the biblical God"? You're talking to Christians; there is no other God.

Also, there is no such thing as a "thing He didn't create." Nothing exists without God.
Good thread and answers by members.

We need to look at the difference between sinners and Habitual Sinners.

Jeremiah chapter 6:27 . I have made you a tester of metals, and my people are ore, that you may observe and test their ways.
6:28. They are hardened rebels, going about to slander, they are bronze and iron, they act corruptly.
6:29. The bellow blow fiercely to burn with fire, but the refining goes on in vain; the wicked are not purged out.
They are called rejected silver, because the Lord has rejected them.

What's the spirtual condition of most people ??

Prophet Jeremiah is testing metals. The people were not soft metal were they could be Refined.
Essentially speaking. It can't be purified. As far as wicked go,
The smelters are shepherds who tell us the truth. Like Jeremiah.
The impurities from the natural silver cant be removed.

Word we're looking at is. INEFFICACIOUS. Meaning, the dross still remains.
So the whole metal is contaminated. Get the picture.

It's only good for junk yard.

We're talking about Reprobates. Because base metal from which nothing of worth can be extracted.

False brethren are contaminated. Either teaching traditions of men and false doctrine. Or listening to fake shepherds and rejecting Jesus and sound doctrine.

They're reprobate silver.
2 Corinthians 13:5. Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves.
13;6. . Now I pray to God ye do no evil ; nor that we should appear approved, but that ye should do that which is honest, though we be as reprobates.

How many people pass the examination ??

Discipline is the key. The holy spirit will never go against God's word.

Any maniac could destroy a abbey, the minister. Destruction is easy.
But building up, edifying body of christ takes patience and hard work.

Your either children of light or children of darkness.

We have choice to choose between satan and Jesus.

Jesus won't force anyone to love Him and repent.

Psalm chapter 9 . The wicked go to sheol, called hell.

We understand this.
The bible says that what makes something good is that it is valuable. By that logic sin must be good, since it is valuable to things.

When the bible talks about what is good it says that it is good because it is valuable in the opinion of god. Turns out everything the biblical god talked about in his opinion as being good was just things that were valuable to something. Turns out everything that god created was valuable according to the biblical god, as well as things he didn't create, since they all played a role in his plans.
Hey All,
Truth_is_powerful729292, please define what you mean by the terms "good" and "valuable" as they have to do with sin.
Sin is allowed, by God, to exist because sin serves a purpose.
Sin will not exist forever.
Please show me one place in Scripture where the God of the Bible called sin good?
Please show me where, in the Bible, God says sin has value?

Keep walking everybody.
May God bless,
I do understand what you are saying; but my last 2 post addressed another member, not the "troll" if that is who did the OP. And I guess I've always thought being a good Christian, meant never turning your back on another. Even if the OP doesn't "see" or "accept" the light; he (or she) is worth a few minutes of my time to make the effort.
And I guess I've always thought being a good Christian, meant never turning your back on another

Not true. Jesus told us not to waste time on those we think do not want to hear the Gospel:

And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet (Matthew 10:14).
Nothing is valuable to God. He doesn't need us or anything else.

Isa 40:17 All nations before Him are as nothing, And they are counted by Him less than nothing and worthless.
Nothing is valuable to God. He doesn't need us or anything else.

Isa 40:17 All nations before Him are as nothing, And they are counted by Him less than nothing and worthless.
True true so true I agree w God, He does not need anything, HOWEVERRRRRRR
As with EVERY SCRIPTURE, I can 1++++ screiptures
that **seem** (= paradox) to **contradict** every other scripture,
I did say EVERY,, but of course thats hyperbole,, you know what I mean.
So God,,,,oh no wait
Please You have FAILED to exgete the verse,
God did not say He has no need for certain souls, He does, What the verse says and you obviously missed is the very very truth that not only does God NOT need THE NATIONS,,, but in fact He is going to destroy all, includes Jerusalem and Washington DC to dust.
PLease EXGETE every word in any verse.
This is a major issue w christians they fail to exgete the super duper duper critical words and thus miss the entire meanings.
Back to topic, obviously God does not like sin.,
God can and indeed does use a man caught in nets of sin = Paul, raging enemy of the young assemblies, over looked Stephen's stoning, etc,,, then God uses Paul, in fact has Paul make a visit to **3rd heaven** gives Paul all the mysteries.
So here is a man great fierce enemy to Yeshua, some decades later flies paul up and gives him all the teachings.
How that for God 's Free Will.
as w all things God, **does not need anything** yet **needs redeemed men**.
Right now the nations are under judgements, Read your newspaper. WW3 breaking out all over the earth. If thats not enough proof that God is dealing w sin, then I can not help you.