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Sister Lucia Revealed What Was the Most Important Request of Our Lady of Fatima and the Fatima Apparitions


Fatima, a charming town in Portugal, became the witness of one of the most important and famous apparitions of Our Lady in the history of the Catholic Church. From the moment when three young children told about their meetings with the Mother of God, Fatima became a place of pilgrimage and spiritual search for millions of people from around the world. The history of these apparitions is full of mysteries, and their impact on faith and culture is invaluable. The events that took place in Fatima began on May 13, 1917, when three children - Lucia dos Santos, Francisco and Jacinta Marto - told about their encounters with Mary. The children testified that Our Lady appeared to them as "Our Lady of the Rosary" and gave them several messages.

The apparitions took place for six consecutive months, always on the thirteenth of each month, with the last apparition taking place on October 13, 1917. The central point of these mystical apparitions was the transmission of three secrets by the Mother of God. Lucia was blessed with this extraordinary message, and two of the secrets were revealed publicly in 1941, arousing widespread interest and concern. The first of them presented a vision of hell - a warning about the consequences of sin and the need for conversion. The second secret expressed an appeal to spread the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which spoke of the love and protection with which the Mother of God surrounds all souls.

The third secret, which remained a secret for many years, was finally revealed in 2000 thanks to Pope John Paul II. This third secret has grown into various interpretations, some believe that it was related to the attempted assassination of John Paul II in 1981. Other believers believe that it referred to future challenges facing the Church and humanity. Regardless of the interpretation, her message was an appeal to all humanity for conversion, penance and prayer. The Fatima apparitions had a huge impact on the faithful and believers around the world. The Rosary devotion, which Our Lady emphasized in her messages, became even more popular. Fatima attracted more and more pilgrims who wanted to strengthen their faith and feel the closeness of the Mother of God.

Although the world knows primarily the history of the events of 1917, few people realize that Sister Lucia continued her spiritual experiences after those exceptional days. Sister Lucja, the oldest of three children who were lucky enough to meet the Mother of God, was a soul
accompanying us on earth for many years. Unfortunately, her younger cousins, Francisco and Jacinta Marto, who also witnessed the apparitions, left us early, giving their souls to God. Sister Lucia remained on earth to continue her spiritual mission. Since Mary appeared to the children in 1917, Sister Lucia dedicated her life to God's service and became a nun of the Discalced Carmelites.

She chose the contemplative life and devoted herself to prayer and learning the mysteries of spirituality. Her life was oriented towards fulfilling the message of Fatima and spreading the messages that Our Lady gave them. Despite living in a cloistered convent, Sister Lucia did not forget the importance of the messages given to her. Many years after the first apparitions, in 1948, she had the opportunity to interview John Haffert, co-founder of the World Apostolate of Fatima. In this interview, she emphasized that the most important request of Our Lady of Fatima is to fulfill daily duties and sacrifices in accordance with God's law.

This call to sacrifice one's life and everyday life in the service of God and loved ones is particularly important in the spiritual message of Fatima. During the same interview, Sister Lucia also emphasized the importance of praying the Rosary. This prayer, which Our Lady recommended to children in 1917, was to be a source of spiritual strength and connection with God. Sister Lucy was convinced that praying the rosary would help fulfill life's duties and bring inner peace.
Sister Lucja, despite her life in hiding and separation from the world, played a key role in spreading the cult of Our Lady of Fatima. Her prayers, conversations and reflections on the spiritual messages of Fatima bore fruit in the form of an increasing number of pilgrims visiting the place, as well as new believers venerating the Mother of God and fulfilling her requests. On February 13, 2005, Sister Lucia passed away leaving a spiritual legacy and an inspiring example for all believers.

Returning to the heart of today's Film, let us recall the words of Sister Lucia: Fatima's most important request is to fulfill her daily duties and required sacrifices in accordance with God's law. Many saints, leading lives devoted to God's service, also deeply believed that holiness is not only achievable for the elect, but is possible for every believer who fulfills his daily duties with love and devotion. This message, which is considered one of the most important in Christian spirituality, was reflected in the teachings of many saints, including the famous "Little Way" of Saint Teresa of Lisieux.

Saint Teresa of Lisieux, also known as Little Teresa, was a Carmelite nun who gained great acclaim for her simple and humble approach to the spiritual life. Trusting in God's mercy and His plans for her, she concentrated on her daily duties and was convinced that it was fulfilling God's will, even in small things, that led to holiness. Her teachings in her autobiography, "The Story of a Soul" and "The Little Way", became an inspiration to many believers around the world. In "The Little Way", Teresa describes her spiritual journey, which she called "the little way of the infancy of the spirit". It was a pursuit of holiness by fulfilling one's daily duties with love and devotion.

She emphasized that it is not necessary to undertake spectacular deeds to get closer to God, but only to fulfill one's daily duties with love, whether in religious or secular life. Her simple and honest involvement in ordinary activities, such as cleaning or helping others, was, according to Teresa, more valuable to God than great deeds done out of vanity or pride. We also find a similar message in the teachings of other saints, such as Saint Joseph Moscati, known as the doctor of mercy, or Saint Joseph Cottolengo, who also believed in the value of a spiritual path directed to everyday life. Saint Joseph Moscati, as an excellent physician, emphasized that every meeting with a patient is an opportunity to serve God and help others. Saint Joseph Cottolengo, on the other hand, by establishing nursing homes for the poor and the sick, showed that in daily action it is possible to live by imitating Christ.
Saint John Paul II, the pope, who in his life and ministry was an example of fidelity to God and fulfilling his duties, also emphasized the importance of everyday duties as a way to holiness. In his 1988 encyclical, Pope John Paul II quotes Pope Paul Six as saying that the lay faithful are called by God to contribute to the sanctification of the world by their actions and interior life by fulfilling their special duties. This confirms that every believer, regardless of his state of life, can strive for holiness by performing his daily duties in accordance with God's will.
In conclusion, Sister Lucia dos Santos pointed out the deep meaning of Our Lady's messages of Fatima, showing that the most important request contained in these apparitions is to fulfill our daily duties and accept the required sacrifices in accordance with God's law. These simple yet powerful words remind us that the path to holiness is not reserved for exceptional individuals but is open to everyone who fulfills their life's responsibilities with devotion and obedience to God. Also, the teachings of many saints, including Saint
Teresa of Lisieux and the teaching of Pope John Paul II, emphasize that holiness is achievable for every believer, regardless of their state of life or profession.

This spiritual message becomes the answer for all those who are looking for their way and vocation on earth. In many hearts there is a desire to find the meaning of life and a way to get closer to heaven. The words of Sister Lucia dos Santos, reminding us of the most important request of Our Lady of Fatima - to fulfill everyday duties and sacrifices in accordance with God's law, become an inspiration for those who are looking for a way to achieve the fullness of spiritual life. This message is universal and applies to everyone, regardless of profession or state of life.
Doing our daily duties with love and obedience to God becomes our key to reaching Heaven. This call to follow the "little way" of everyday life, to fulfill our duties according to God's will, gives us the conviction that even in our ordinary and simple lives there is a way to holiness. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us, Amen.