
Jan 3, 2024
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we invite you to listen to the message of God the father from July 26,
2024, transmitted to the living flame, this is message number
1358, this is the message in which the fight of the Holy Trinity calls us to reflect
on our faith and relationship with him, it is a loving but also caring reminder
of immeasurable love which the father has for each of his creatures in the face of
contemporary challenges and threats God the Father wants to lead us on the path
of truth, justice and spiritual purity, he calls us to deep

sincere faith, to surrender to his will and to constantly strive for holiness in
everyday life in his message God the Father indicates the key importance
of obedience to his voice, recognizing and rejecting the temptations of the evil spirit, as well as
the need for patient work on oneself. God the Father also reminds us of
the special role of Mary, Queen of heaven and earth in the plan of salvation for humanity and
her enormous power in the fight against the forces of darkness.
God's deep desire for every person to respond to his love

with trust and full surrender to his holy will is a call to
spiritual mobilization for conversion and to undertake a spiritual fight in the face of
upcoming events that will change the face of the world, the message is also
a reminder that although evil seems to be increasing your actions, the final
victory belongs to God who in his infinite love and mercy
leads us towards eternal salvation. We invite you to listen carefully to the words
of God the father, which bring hope, comfort, but also a warning and a call to
action. Let these words become a source of spiritual strength and inspiration on
the way. for a more complete union with God the content of the message I am who
am God, the Father, the first person of the Holy Trinity, dear beloved creatures,
dear to my Holy fatherly heart, I love you so much, dear children, I love you

so much, I want from you your love, patience and
commitment, US strong work on yourself. I so much want you to
constantly follow God's voice and learn to recognize it. Let me
deceive you with the name of an evil spirit. Dear child, let me be the one to convey
the words of God's Will today despite numerous obstacles. I so want and crave
your pure, holy faith, hope and love so great without
restraint. the more you have for me, the stronger and more intensively you can
receive my holy care and defense, it hurts me so much. Every
sin, every transgression, because I am a very pure God. Holy,
every holiness depends on me, all purity is modeled on me. I am a god
full of God. love, patience, understanding, but not for sins, but

for the sinner, I myself created you. I know perfectly well how you work, how
you function, no one can deceive me, nothing will surprise me.
I know everything, I predict everything. Why did I allow some of the
angelic choirs to fall into their Association and, consequently, to fall? human nature
is quite perfect, but not as perfect as God's nature, which is
perfect. The Holy Trinity has always existed, is constant in feelings
and is constant in every respect. Even though I am God, I could not create
an angelic being as perfect, good and perfect as the

Holy Trinity. Angelic nature. is quite richly endowed. But I could not offer
any angel as much as I have because the angelic spirit is significantly limited
in every respect. It does not have as much in its personal endowment as
every person of God has. To build each angel, I used a quite limited
amount of God's matter, but a much larger amount. than man has, but not
so high that the Angelic nature can withstand all the gifts that
the Holy Trinity has permanently without any damage to itself without
any damage the nature of each angel
is similar to the nature of God, then the spiritual nature, spiritual does not mean symbolic
but real, God's nature is perfect, it can create
what you want, who you want, creating something does not do it physically, because my word, just
like the word of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, has the power of the creator in itself, when
I say something to happen, it happens and there is no way it won't happen.
Taa of the Angels created nature does not have the ability to create anything,
but with God's considerable help it can transform something

transform to do this, the angel uses the power
of God assigned to him to accomplish the task. The Holy Trinity was forced to test the will
of each angel, and this test was to show whether each individual angel was able to
humble himself as the Holy Trinity humbles himself to serve human nature,
unfortunately. some of the angels did not want to humble themselves, they rebelled, they did not want to serve
to help human nature, they sinned with great pride, which was joined by
other sins, only the dead angel can grant the saint some of God's power
necessary to complete the task, the same power in the hand of the fallen
angel, they caused unimaginable damage to themselves and the world. angels and people knowing

this, I had to test the faithfulness of all created
angelic choirs, each angel from each angelic choir is a spirit but has
the ability to materialize
the will, it is necessary to perform an action, if you want to do something physical,
an angel must materialize at least partially,
each angel receives a task to perform and in addition, he receives the necessary
amount of God's power to perform the entrusted task for every good
angel it is a great happiness and joy to be able to fulfill every God's order
every God's wish while performing the task the angel is equipped with God's power
necessary to complete the task Angelic nature can withstand
power for a short time
God's power can be used with God's consent. God's power escapes from the angel

after completing the task just to prevent the destruction of his
person . the amount of God's matter given to man allows him
to exist and the Angelic matter allows him to act, every man living on earth must
study all his life to acquire some knowledge and even be able to forget it. After
the death of the body, every man gains as a gift the necessary information that is infused
into him knows what he knows. necessary, no one has to ask anyone about anything, the human body and brain
are quite quick to forget, once learned, they never lose memory, never
processing, changing something by angels does not give them the power to create, because
their being, an angel cannot withstand this by performing a task, he makes it by the power
of God, it means that God himself is performs using a given angel for this purpose,
if an angel performs something extraordinary, a
task assigned by the Holy Trinity, it means that he was allowed to do so by the power of God, which God

uses through this angel to perform some task with his full
consent and knowledge, no angel performs anything without knowledge and consent of the Holy Trinity,
I will not give you full knowledge of the angelic nature now because I do not understand.
An angel from each angelic choir agrees to carry out every
task assigned by the Holy Trinity, even if the execution of the task involves
the humiliation of his person. In the past, people used a little more angels,
although they did not realize it until the end Mary is the Crown of creation, living
on earth she was just like any average woman living on earth, but in order for her
to become the mother of Jesus Christ, her soul had to be made completely
differently than other people and angels to make Mary's soul I used

so much of God's matter that all people and all
angelic choirs taken together could be created from it, this is a special equipment of her
soul so that she is the only one able to bear
the nine-month-old and her God's son in her, no other woman would be able
to withstand the presence of a person in her God, if her Soul and body had not been
specially strengthened while living on earth, Mary
did not stand out in any way special even though she received a special endowment
from the Holy Trinity, within the framework of which she had full cooperation with
the Holy Spirit from the moment of Conception in her pure womb of the body of Jesus Christ.
She realized how it is a great and enormous dignity and task to be able to give birth to and raise
the Son of God. Mary was conceived without any stain or blemish or guilt.
She was never affected by any action of any
demon. Mary was and is a model of virtue and humility because she drew with her whole being a
very rich endowment for Mary's soul from God's source. made her able to resist
all the efforts and attempts of all hell, it was the Holy Trinity that gave her the strength and
the necessary strength to remain in good and endure all the suffering
associated with the need to redeem every human being by her and God's
son Jesus Christ, at the beginning of her journey,
Mary asked me to be able to suffer the same things as Jesus
and I agreed to it. from the beginning she offered
herself and her family at the full disposal of the Holy Trinity and thus

a full-fledged person. She longed for Jesus' presence with her after his
death, so he took pity on her and allowed Jesus to speed up
the resurrection by more than half a day after Jesus' death and resurrection. Mary
lived. long enough to
strengthen the newly established Holy Church with her life and prayers and fasts, as well as with various efforts, when
the time came, she ended her earthly life and died although she didn't have to, but by
the Will and decision of the Holy Trinity she was taken up with her soul and virgin
body to heaven Jesus he himself showed his mother around all the nooks and crannies
of heaven, he showed her everything, he also showed her purgatory and hell. Jesus, on behalf of
the Holy Trinity, asked
his mother if she would like to become the Queen of heaven and earth
and of all creation. Jesus explained everything to his
mother, showed her everything that was necessary, how much she consent will help in the salvation of
billions of human souls. Mary agreed to crown her person with the greatest
crown of glory. From the first moment of her reign, Mary began
to work intensively to save numerous souls. The Holy Trinity gives
her everything she wants and desires. She can use God's power to a much
greater extent. richer than all the choirs of angels put together, I foresaw
all this in my graciousness, that's why I agreed to give her everything
that her body and soul could endure, having received from the Holy Trinity,
a lot still remains. The quiet humble one is still PR in using

every opportunity to save her from eternal damnation. as many souls as possible. Mary, in
her humility, did not want to become the Queen of heaven in the land of purgatory and have full
power over the entire hell and all its inhabitants,
but Jesus Christ explained to her and my divine son what she would gain from this and how
much she would be able to accomplish with God's permission and approval. Mary is
the queen of the Apocalypse, she will lead humanity through this difficult
time for all humanity, but Satan has received permission from me for this time to do
everything he can to lose humanity forever in the depths of hell,
but Mary has her own plan, she will not allow too many people to do it. condemn forever
demons know perfectly well what they are allowed to do and what God's power does not allow them

to do, exceed God's permission. Satan is in a hurry because he knows how
little time he has, he knows that this is his end. Lucifer mobilized the entire hell of demons
and some damned people, most of them came to earth after this is to tempt and lure
whoever they can, soon many wars and conflicts will break out,
many people will die en masse, unprepared to go to
eternity, too many people consciously gave their souls to the devil in exchange for Fame,
short-term benefits, power, wealth, unfortunately, there are many
priests, bishops and cardinals who became Judas soon I will order
Mary to prepare the event of illuminating consciences with the light of
God's Holy justice, this will change a lot, and at that time the Demon will start the last
battle for the soul, dear Children of Light, dear to my Holy fatherly heart.
I love you and I want you not to betray my trust in you,
do all this with love. what is in accordance with the will and thought of God I love you because I have

a lot of love for you, more than for other creatures, I want to use you to
save those people who can still be
saved, soon there will be an illumination of consciences with the light of God's Holy
justice, it will change a lot in Poland, a lot has accumulated demons
want to prevent the implementation of plans against people from this nation, demon forces
mean that it is you who are now under the greatest attack and a great persecution because
of the remnants of faith and your loyalty, they want to do a lot of evil to Poland, other
nations that are under the great influence of the father of all
lies use many hidden methods to to enslave the minds of Poland to the end
economy, those who actually rule Poland do not allow those currently in power and
all others who want to rule, they make sure that you cannot be
guided well or give good and honest
orders, in a short time the Polish government will cause a lot of bad, very bad things,
a lot will change in Poland after the consciences are illuminated with the light of the Holy
Lady. justice, only then will there be
changes that will radically change the situation of Poland and Poles,
most of the priests and bishops will be converted, they will finally start working properly for God, within

a short time everything will change for the better, if you persevere, after
all your ordeals you will lead the whole world and
you will sit on Peter's throne The Pole will restore order in the entire Holy Church before this
However, before this happens, the son will officially speak,
the trumpets will be blown, a great persecution will begin against the people of God, the people of the church.
Do not be afraid, however, because this must happen in order for the scriptures to be fulfilled. After
a short time, the last battle will take place between the forces of God and the forces of God.
at the head of the forces of heaven will be the humble servant of God, Mary, together with
all the angelic choirs of heaven. The demon will lose the fight, the fight
has already begun. Don't be afraid of the devil, fight him, invoking
Mary's help in every spiritual need, because it humiliates the demon in a special way,
demons do not. they want to accept God's truth in themselves, they remain in delusion and
the lie blinds them greatly, creating illusions of evil appearances,
although God's light shows them the truth, they convince themselves and their servants from
Freemasonry and the Illuminati and other Luciferians that they have already won and they
are celebrating their victory ahead of time. However,

the victory will not belong to them. The Holy Trinity has entrusted it into the hands of Mary so that the demons
will be even more humiliated. It is unthinkable for them
that they will be defeated by a man and a weak woman. Now think carefully about
who you want to be with, whether with the demon and his lie.
with God in the Holy Trinity, the only one who always wins, now
it is up to you to decide what you decide what you take I love you immensely, my
children, and with love I hug you into the interior of my Holy Father
's heart, wounded by human sins,
I bless all those reading and listening in the name of the Father, the Son and the Spirit Holy
Amen I love you immensely That is why I am trying so hard for you for your
salvation so that you will trust me to the end and allow me to work in you and through
you Will you ever appreciate this, trust me to the end do not let
the Demon lie to you do not allow yourself to be enslaved by
evil spirits Don't be discouraged by any difficulties, despite

everything, despite your KN, I love you all very much whether you don't
feel it or appreciate it when God
the Father comment on the message the message we received today is a deep and
caring message from God the Father reminding us of the fundamental
truths of our faith God in his infinite love and mercy,
he is constantly looking for ways to reach the hearts of his children, guiding
them towards the path of truth and salvation. This message is one of such divine
calls addressed to each of us to rethink our relationship
with the father who created us out of love and desires for our good, this message
encourages deep reflection on our spiritual life and everyday
behavior. God the Father calls us to trust his will for conversion and to
fight against temptations and evil that seem to be gaining
strength in today's world. He points out the need for spiritual vigilance and devotion to prayer. which
are crucial in the spiritual war, a reminder of the role of Mary in the plan
of salvation is particularly important, it emphasizes her extraordinary power as
this message can also be read as a call to spiritual

mobilization. God the Father does not promise us an easy life but shows us the path to
true joy and peace that can only be achieved by fully trusting
his guidance, his words bring
both a warning and hope. On the one hand, we are
a spiritual warning about the evil that surrounds us. On the other hand, God the Father gives us
the certainty that if we are faithful to his will, we will not lack his support. This
message is worth accepting. as an invitation to deepen your relationship with
God through prayer, sacraments and everyday life in accordance with the teachings of
Christ, it is also a reminder that in the fight against evil we are not alone,
we have the saints at our side and God himself who is the source of all power and
love. Finally, it is worth noting that although this message contains elements of a warning
However, its main message is the love and care of the father who wants
eternal happiness for us, it is a call to conversion
but also to the joy of the closeness of God who constantly wants to lead us
to Himself, this message is therefore both a spiritual signpost and a reminder of
God's unchanging love for every