special poem

Mar 12, 2024
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This is a poem written in response to a song by City alight, please listen to the song below

He is and will be
Malachi 3:6 1 Thessalonians 5:24

Faithful, Gracious and Merciful
Is our God who never changes
He and he alone is the one I trust
All my hope is based on him
And what he has promised in his precious word

If he says something in his word
He is faithful to do it
His promises are backed up by his very nature
The only true God
Who keeps covenant for generations
The true God who cannot lie

His promises are backed up by the testimonies of thousands of believers
From Abraham to the present day
Gods promises and are steadfast and immoveable

He does not change, his mercy, love, and grace stand secure.
Day to day, year to year, they remain constant.
Based on the solid rock of his word

For me, they are life transforming
I know like Job that my redeemer lives
And that he can be trusted
Despite my doubt and despite my wandering heart
My redeemer gives me what I don't deserve

That's why, he is worthy of all glory, praise and honor.
Because I know that he has been faithful true and gracious, through my life and will be till he calls me home.

Then I will sing with millions of saints

Worthy he has been and worthy now is the lamb to receive glory honor and worship for evermore

He is my redeemer
He is my sustainer
He is my Saviour and sin bearer
He is my deepest desire
Jesus is worth it, because he is worthy

The personal attractions of Jesus!

(Octavius Winslow)

"Yes, He is altogether lovely! This is my Beloved - and this is my Friend!" Song of Songs 5:16

The personal attractions of Jesus are all inviting and irresistible!

His love wins us.
His glory charms us.
His beauty attracts us.
His sympathy soothes us.
His gentleness subdues us.
His faithfulness inspires us.

He is the altogether lovely One!

Jesus is all that is tender in love.
Jesus is all that is wise in counsel.
Jesus is all that is patient and kind.
Jesus is all that is faithful in friendship.
Jesus is all that is soothing and healing.

The heart of Jesus is ever loving towards His children.
The disposition of Jesus is ever kind towards His children.
The nature of Jesus is ever sympathizing towards His children.

Jesus is your Brother, your Friend, your Redeemer.
As your Brother - He knows the need of His brethren in adversity.
As your Friend - He shows Himself friendly.
As your Redeemer - He has redeemed your soul from sin and Hell.

Jesus has ascended up on high to take possession of Heaven on your behalf, and to prepare a place for you!

Upon His heart, He wears your name as a precious pearl in the priestly breastplate.

"He is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede for them." There is . . .
not a moment of your time,
nor an event of your life,
nor a circumstance of your daily history,
nor a mental or spiritual emotion of yours -
in which you are not borne upon the love, and remembered in the ceaseless intercession of Christ.

"Yes, He is altogether lovely! This is my Beloved - and this is my Friend!" Song of Songs 5:16




