- Aug 9, 2010
- 43
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Part 3
Remember those who rule over YOU in the word of God by the doctrine of grace should be followed (Heb 13:7, 9). Herein they should be obeyed, because they have rule over you: Wherein you are to SUBMIT YOURSELF TO THEIR LOVE, which is the profitable thing to do (13:17, and 1). Those who are in this [loving] service need to supply the wants of its saints, who are the administrators of it, so that thanksgiving would be unto God (2Cor 9:12). Which experimental administration [of to love] sets forth the exceeding grace of God needs to be in us (9:13-14). Thanks is for ITS GIFT which is without words [unspeakable] (9:15).
THE GIFT OF GRACE: Is the spiritual, which can be imparted (Rom 1:11). Which impartation is by our breath/soul* (1Thes 2:8). SOUL [5590] from 5594 - soul [58 times] life [40 times] mind [3 times] heart [once] breath [once] the breath of life [th vital force which animates the body and shows itself in breathing]. We need to find this rest for our souls from those who are so meek in heart that we can learn all of this from them (Mt 11:29-28). The Son of man came to minister His breath to many (20:28 with Jn 10:11). We need this breath for love (Mt 22:37). There is no greater expression of love than this breathing with our friends (Jn 15:13). I am a servant of Christ in God by my breath too (Eph 6:6). Wherein I am in spirit with my breath for you (Phil 1:27).
May I heartily do this breathing with you? (Col 3:23). This is why my mouth is open unto you, so that your heart might be thus enlarged (2Cor 6:11-12). This is for the straitening of your inner self, so that your heart would be enlarged (6:12). I intend to travail within this good thing zealously, until Christ is formed in you (Gal 4:18-19); Without which your desire is to be under the law of a husband, rather than to be a free woman without a husband (4:21-22, 27). In some justification by the law, you are fallen from this service, which is to love by grace (5:4, 13).
Hereby is the perception of the love of God, as Christ laid down/gave His breath for us; we are now giving our breath for the brethren (1Jn 3:16). NOTE lay down is not in the original text. This giving of breath is the deed of love, which is above words (3:16, 18). We keep His commandments by doing this pleasing thing in His sight, which is His commandment: Wherein we are loving one another, as He has commanded (3:22-23). This is therefore a living sacrifice (Rom 12:1). Wherein is the meekness and gentleness of Christ in MY BOLD PRESENCE WITH YOU (2Cor 10:1).
For I am not carnal in the flesh (10:4-3). This is why I can cast down anything that exalts itself against this knowledge of God, which is said to be for THIS OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST (10:5). All of this is within MY RULE over you in the preaching of the gospel of Christ (10:15-14). Now we are to give thanks unto God for this great mystery of Christ (Eph 5:20, 32). Defined as;- THE CAUSE, which is for THE JOINING OF US TOGETHER within that nourishing and cherishing of the church (5:31-29); Meaning;- so that we would be of the spiritual in the heart, because we are filled with the Spirit (5:19-18); Without which we have the walk of fools (5:15); Wherein we are in a fellowship with the works of darkness (5:11).
Those who are partakers of darkness are not the children of righteousness in all goodness in the truth (5:8-9, 2). Note that THIS IS THE RIGHTEOUSNESS that is without the works of the law, which is upon blessed men (Rom 3:21, 4:6); Without which we are covetous fornicators (Eph 5:3). These covetous men are idolaters, because they are without the kingdom of Christ and of God (5:5); Wherein these men are deceivers under the wrath of God as the children of disobedience (5:6). Rather be a gift of Christ, who is a teacher of Christian PERFECTION (4:7, 11:12).
Wherein you are in a fellowship with the mystery of how to be in heavenly places by Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of God (3:9-11). Defined as;- the gift of God’s workmanship (2:8, 10). The love of God is shed abroad from us unto others by the Holy Spirit (Rom 5:5); Without which we could give our body to be burned and still be without love (1Cor 13:2). We are not called to glory in our death, but rather in our tribulations for our love (Rom 5:3, 5). People are justified by Christ’s blood; NOT His and ours (5:9). People are reconciled by the death of God’s Son; NOT His and ours (5:10).
This is why we CAN NOW have joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, because we have received the atonement (5:11). Those of the mutual faith CAN be comforted (1:12). Are you being justified by this faith, so that you could have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ? (5:1). This is the justification by faith (3:28); Which is all about being justified by grace (3:24). And so we are not justified by faith, if we are not being justified by grace. These things are not of us, in our own sufficiency; but are rather in the sufficiency of God.
Brother Husbandman Philip
Part 3
Remember those who rule over YOU in the word of God by the doctrine of grace should be followed (Heb 13:7, 9). Herein they should be obeyed, because they have rule over you: Wherein you are to SUBMIT YOURSELF TO THEIR LOVE, which is the profitable thing to do (13:17, and 1). Those who are in this [loving] service need to supply the wants of its saints, who are the administrators of it, so that thanksgiving would be unto God (2Cor 9:12). Which experimental administration [of to love] sets forth the exceeding grace of God needs to be in us (9:13-14). Thanks is for ITS GIFT which is without words [unspeakable] (9:15).
THE GIFT OF GRACE: Is the spiritual, which can be imparted (Rom 1:11). Which impartation is by our breath/soul* (1Thes 2:8). SOUL [5590] from 5594 - soul [58 times] life [40 times] mind [3 times] heart [once] breath [once] the breath of life [th vital force which animates the body and shows itself in breathing]. We need to find this rest for our souls from those who are so meek in heart that we can learn all of this from them (Mt 11:29-28). The Son of man came to minister His breath to many (20:28 with Jn 10:11). We need this breath for love (Mt 22:37). There is no greater expression of love than this breathing with our friends (Jn 15:13). I am a servant of Christ in God by my breath too (Eph 6:6). Wherein I am in spirit with my breath for you (Phil 1:27).
May I heartily do this breathing with you? (Col 3:23). This is why my mouth is open unto you, so that your heart might be thus enlarged (2Cor 6:11-12). This is for the straitening of your inner self, so that your heart would be enlarged (6:12). I intend to travail within this good thing zealously, until Christ is formed in you (Gal 4:18-19); Without which your desire is to be under the law of a husband, rather than to be a free woman without a husband (4:21-22, 27). In some justification by the law, you are fallen from this service, which is to love by grace (5:4, 13).
Hereby is the perception of the love of God, as Christ laid down/gave His breath for us; we are now giving our breath for the brethren (1Jn 3:16). NOTE lay down is not in the original text. This giving of breath is the deed of love, which is above words (3:16, 18). We keep His commandments by doing this pleasing thing in His sight, which is His commandment: Wherein we are loving one another, as He has commanded (3:22-23). This is therefore a living sacrifice (Rom 12:1). Wherein is the meekness and gentleness of Christ in MY BOLD PRESENCE WITH YOU (2Cor 10:1).
For I am not carnal in the flesh (10:4-3). This is why I can cast down anything that exalts itself against this knowledge of God, which is said to be for THIS OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST (10:5). All of this is within MY RULE over you in the preaching of the gospel of Christ (10:15-14). Now we are to give thanks unto God for this great mystery of Christ (Eph 5:20, 32). Defined as;- THE CAUSE, which is for THE JOINING OF US TOGETHER within that nourishing and cherishing of the church (5:31-29); Meaning;- so that we would be of the spiritual in the heart, because we are filled with the Spirit (5:19-18); Without which we have the walk of fools (5:15); Wherein we are in a fellowship with the works of darkness (5:11).
Those who are partakers of darkness are not the children of righteousness in all goodness in the truth (5:8-9, 2). Note that THIS IS THE RIGHTEOUSNESS that is without the works of the law, which is upon blessed men (Rom 3:21, 4:6); Without which we are covetous fornicators (Eph 5:3). These covetous men are idolaters, because they are without the kingdom of Christ and of God (5:5); Wherein these men are deceivers under the wrath of God as the children of disobedience (5:6). Rather be a gift of Christ, who is a teacher of Christian PERFECTION (4:7, 11:12).
Wherein you are in a fellowship with the mystery of how to be in heavenly places by Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of God (3:9-11). Defined as;- the gift of God’s workmanship (2:8, 10). The love of God is shed abroad from us unto others by the Holy Spirit (Rom 5:5); Without which we could give our body to be burned and still be without love (1Cor 13:2). We are not called to glory in our death, but rather in our tribulations for our love (Rom 5:3, 5). People are justified by Christ’s blood; NOT His and ours (5:9). People are reconciled by the death of God’s Son; NOT His and ours (5:10).
This is why we CAN NOW have joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, because we have received the atonement (5:11). Those of the mutual faith CAN be comforted (1:12). Are you being justified by this faith, so that you could have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ? (5:1). This is the justification by faith (3:28); Which is all about being justified by grace (3:24). And so we are not justified by faith, if we are not being justified by grace. These things are not of us, in our own sufficiency; but are rather in the sufficiency of God.
Brother Husbandman Philip