- Aug 9, 2010
- 43
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{This study is available on audio for download located here: http://www.myspace.com/ziannagraftonholt}
Inside “our own†sufficiency, we are in “I will doâ€: I will pull down my barns, and then I will build greater; and then I will bestow all my fruits and my goods into “I will†take it easy in eat, drink and be happy (Lk 12:18-19 with 1Cor 10:6-8). Jesus did not come to do His own will; but the will of He who sent Him (Jn 6:38). Many [attempt to] go in a way, [through church] which leads to destruction (7:14-13). Wherein they say Lord, Lord not having entered into the kingdom of heaven itself, because they were not into the will of God (7:21).
For way to Many are in “their own will†in His name unto doing many wonderful works, as the workers of iniquity, whom He says He will never know them! (7:22-23). The fall of those in THIS [self-willed] house/church shall be GREAT (7:27). Which house they entered into because it had a wide gate with a broad way that leads to destruction (7:13). This way is none other than THE WAY TO HELL (Prov 7:27). Many strong men are cast down by THE WOMAN [the church that says to conform “Your will†into God’s will] OF THIS WAY TO HELL (7:26-27).
For those who are in this way go to slaughter as fools (7:22). For SHE [the church] uses flattering words [of seduction] to compel you to give her money (7:21-20). Come she says, [to the congregation] let us take love [we are not to “take†love, because God gives us love] (7:18). She has decked her bed for you to find her (7:16-15). She offers peace for those who make vows to her (7:14). These men were caught by her (7:13).IF you are in the way of “her†house; you’re without understanding (7:8-7). This is why God says my [so-called] people are destroyed for the lack of this knowledge (Hos 4:6). We can only be kept from this strange woman of flattery/hero-worship by the wisdom of God (Prov 7:5-4).
Oh that woman Jezebel who teaches that [compelling] seduction [of possessive lust as love] unto idolatry (Rev 2:20). We need to repent of this [seductive way], OR Jesus shall cast us into her [decked] bed and kill our children, so that the churches could know what Jesus can do (2:22-23, Prov 7:16). Behold this woman upon the beast has this [lusty] cup in her hand, which is full of abominations and all the filthiness of her fornication (Rev 17:3-4). Which woman is THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS (17:5).
We are NOT to take the members of Christ and make them the members of this harlot (1Cor 6:15). For we are to flee the fornication [lust] of this harlot (6:18, 16). The body of the Lord is not for fornication (6:13). Fornicators shall not inherit the kingdom (6:9). Don’t keep company with a fornicating idolater (5:11). For these are wicked [putting lust off as love] persons (5:13). Keep the feast [of love] without their wickedness (5:8). For without the commandment, [to love] it is good for a man not to touch a woman (7:6, 1).
However, within the commandment a man can do whatever to a woman, and he has not sinned (7:36). Don’t become distracted (7:35). Care for the things of the Lord (7:34). Please the Lord (7:32). Let men who have wives be as though they had none (7:29). To marry is not sin, but it brings troubles (7:28). Seek not a wife IF you are going to avoid distress (7:27-26). We need to obtain mercy to be this faithful (7:25). A woman is happier without a husband (7:40-39). Marriage is not better (7:38).
The mother of Christians is heavenly Jerusalem (Gal 4:26); Without which we have children with a husband (4:27). And this in that other mother of harlots (Rev 17:5). For we can rejoice for those who have children without a husband (Gal 4:27). This is in Christ making us free to have this liberty (5:1). Which liberty is to love (5:13). We need to be freed from the law of a husband/baal (Rom 7:3-2). For if we are justified by the law, we are fallen from the grace to love (Gal 5:4, 6). This is the offense of the cross/gospel (5:11). This is why the calling of us into grace is removed (1:6). Those accursed men of the gospel without THIS grace of Christ are the cause of much trouble over by the grace of God (1:6-7, 15).
Now the mystery of the woman of [that flattering] seduction [of the hero-worship of a man] is that she is to be carried by her beast/hero/superman/idol/male lead/champion/conqueror/male centrality (Rev 17:7). This is the mystery of Iniquity, which is at work (2Thes 2:7). This is in the work of Satan [in that seduction of women/church] in THIS DECEPTION OF MEN (2:9-10). This is a strong delusion sent by God through Satan, so that those in it believe in a lie (2:11, 9). Which lie is that it is ok to live in pleasure (2:12). And this by a man who has stood in a temple of God having to show himself as [an idol] god/superhero (2:4).
NOTE the Beast is Antichrist; he is putting himself off as Christ/supernatural-man-God: This iniquity of men [having to put themselves off as supermen] is already working unto the coming of this Wicked one of these wicked ones (2:7-8). Those who are outside of doing the will of God are antichrists (1Jn 2:17-18). These are not of us (2:19). For their lie is not of the truth (2:21). These are anitichrists because they deny Jesus is The One Christ/Husband (2:22).
I speak the truth In love (Eph 4:15). Don’t be carried by a man in this cunning craftiness, wherein he is deceiving you [into believing that he can be your hero] (4:14). These marrying men have been beguiled/seduced as Eve was from the following simplicity that is in what The One Christ is, which should not be denied (2Cor 11:3).
We are to be espoused to the One Husband ~ Christ (11:2). Without which we have another Jesus in another gospel with another spirit (11:4). I’m very rude to those who say that I am committing the offense (11:6-7). But none of these men, who are standing in the place of what it is to be The One Christ ~ The One Husband, are going to stop me from boasting of my love (2Cor 11:10-11, 2). Remember to take on what Christ is as The One; and to put yourself off as what Christ is as a one, is antichrist.
For we are to be of the fullness of Christ, or we will be in the walk of the world in the vanity of “our own mind†(4:13, 17). Wherein we are alienated from the life of God (4:18). Herein we are past the feelings of love (4:19, 15). Don’t learn this in Christ (4:20). Be taught the truth in Jesus (4:21). Put off that which is corrupt, because it is deceitful lusts (4:22). This is why we need to be renewed in spirit, so that we could be created in the new man in true holiness (4:23-24). This is the truth: We can be members one of another PROVIDING we are giving no place for the devil (4:25, 27). Wherein we are in love as Christ (5:2).
Brother Husbandman Philip
{This study is available on audio for download located here: http://www.myspace.com/ziannagraftonholt}
Inside “our own†sufficiency, we are in “I will doâ€: I will pull down my barns, and then I will build greater; and then I will bestow all my fruits and my goods into “I will†take it easy in eat, drink and be happy (Lk 12:18-19 with 1Cor 10:6-8). Jesus did not come to do His own will; but the will of He who sent Him (Jn 6:38). Many [attempt to] go in a way, [through church] which leads to destruction (7:14-13). Wherein they say Lord, Lord not having entered into the kingdom of heaven itself, because they were not into the will of God (7:21).
For way to Many are in “their own will†in His name unto doing many wonderful works, as the workers of iniquity, whom He says He will never know them! (7:22-23). The fall of those in THIS [self-willed] house/church shall be GREAT (7:27). Which house they entered into because it had a wide gate with a broad way that leads to destruction (7:13). This way is none other than THE WAY TO HELL (Prov 7:27). Many strong men are cast down by THE WOMAN [the church that says to conform “Your will†into God’s will] OF THIS WAY TO HELL (7:26-27).
For those who are in this way go to slaughter as fools (7:22). For SHE [the church] uses flattering words [of seduction] to compel you to give her money (7:21-20). Come she says, [to the congregation] let us take love [we are not to “take†love, because God gives us love] (7:18). She has decked her bed for you to find her (7:16-15). She offers peace for those who make vows to her (7:14). These men were caught by her (7:13).IF you are in the way of “her†house; you’re without understanding (7:8-7). This is why God says my [so-called] people are destroyed for the lack of this knowledge (Hos 4:6). We can only be kept from this strange woman of flattery/hero-worship by the wisdom of God (Prov 7:5-4).
Oh that woman Jezebel who teaches that [compelling] seduction [of possessive lust as love] unto idolatry (Rev 2:20). We need to repent of this [seductive way], OR Jesus shall cast us into her [decked] bed and kill our children, so that the churches could know what Jesus can do (2:22-23, Prov 7:16). Behold this woman upon the beast has this [lusty] cup in her hand, which is full of abominations and all the filthiness of her fornication (Rev 17:3-4). Which woman is THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS (17:5).
We are NOT to take the members of Christ and make them the members of this harlot (1Cor 6:15). For we are to flee the fornication [lust] of this harlot (6:18, 16). The body of the Lord is not for fornication (6:13). Fornicators shall not inherit the kingdom (6:9). Don’t keep company with a fornicating idolater (5:11). For these are wicked [putting lust off as love] persons (5:13). Keep the feast [of love] without their wickedness (5:8). For without the commandment, [to love] it is good for a man not to touch a woman (7:6, 1).
However, within the commandment a man can do whatever to a woman, and he has not sinned (7:36). Don’t become distracted (7:35). Care for the things of the Lord (7:34). Please the Lord (7:32). Let men who have wives be as though they had none (7:29). To marry is not sin, but it brings troubles (7:28). Seek not a wife IF you are going to avoid distress (7:27-26). We need to obtain mercy to be this faithful (7:25). A woman is happier without a husband (7:40-39). Marriage is not better (7:38).
The mother of Christians is heavenly Jerusalem (Gal 4:26); Without which we have children with a husband (4:27). And this in that other mother of harlots (Rev 17:5). For we can rejoice for those who have children without a husband (Gal 4:27). This is in Christ making us free to have this liberty (5:1). Which liberty is to love (5:13). We need to be freed from the law of a husband/baal (Rom 7:3-2). For if we are justified by the law, we are fallen from the grace to love (Gal 5:4, 6). This is the offense of the cross/gospel (5:11). This is why the calling of us into grace is removed (1:6). Those accursed men of the gospel without THIS grace of Christ are the cause of much trouble over by the grace of God (1:6-7, 15).
Now the mystery of the woman of [that flattering] seduction [of the hero-worship of a man] is that she is to be carried by her beast/hero/superman/idol/male lead/champion/conqueror/male centrality (Rev 17:7). This is the mystery of Iniquity, which is at work (2Thes 2:7). This is in the work of Satan [in that seduction of women/church] in THIS DECEPTION OF MEN (2:9-10). This is a strong delusion sent by God through Satan, so that those in it believe in a lie (2:11, 9). Which lie is that it is ok to live in pleasure (2:12). And this by a man who has stood in a temple of God having to show himself as [an idol] god/superhero (2:4).
NOTE the Beast is Antichrist; he is putting himself off as Christ/supernatural-man-God: This iniquity of men [having to put themselves off as supermen] is already working unto the coming of this Wicked one of these wicked ones (2:7-8). Those who are outside of doing the will of God are antichrists (1Jn 2:17-18). These are not of us (2:19). For their lie is not of the truth (2:21). These are anitichrists because they deny Jesus is The One Christ/Husband (2:22).
I speak the truth In love (Eph 4:15). Don’t be carried by a man in this cunning craftiness, wherein he is deceiving you [into believing that he can be your hero] (4:14). These marrying men have been beguiled/seduced as Eve was from the following simplicity that is in what The One Christ is, which should not be denied (2Cor 11:3).
We are to be espoused to the One Husband ~ Christ (11:2). Without which we have another Jesus in another gospel with another spirit (11:4). I’m very rude to those who say that I am committing the offense (11:6-7). But none of these men, who are standing in the place of what it is to be The One Christ ~ The One Husband, are going to stop me from boasting of my love (2Cor 11:10-11, 2). Remember to take on what Christ is as The One; and to put yourself off as what Christ is as a one, is antichrist.
For we are to be of the fullness of Christ, or we will be in the walk of the world in the vanity of “our own mind†(4:13, 17). Wherein we are alienated from the life of God (4:18). Herein we are past the feelings of love (4:19, 15). Don’t learn this in Christ (4:20). Be taught the truth in Jesus (4:21). Put off that which is corrupt, because it is deceitful lusts (4:22). This is why we need to be renewed in spirit, so that we could be created in the new man in true holiness (4:23-24). This is the truth: We can be members one of another PROVIDING we are giving no place for the devil (4:25, 27). Wherein we are in love as Christ (5:2).
Brother Husbandman Philip