Sports from a Christian Family Perspective

Focus on the Family

Focus on the Family
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Dec 20, 2019
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Estimated reading time: 12 minutes

Children can gain a Christian worldview through sports, develop character, and learn life lessons.

Whistles blurt. Cheers echo throughout the gym. I squeeze through the crowd to claim a small piece of bleacher real estate. Shoulder to shoulder with other parents, I reflect on this being my 45th year in the gym – either playing, coaching or watching kids. Oh, the mileage on our cars, the missed family meals and the countless dollars spent.

Table of contents​

Let’s be honest here. The likelihood any of our kids will sign a pro contract is rather low. According to the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)::

  • There are 7.4 million high school athletes in the U.S.
  • Approximately six percent of them will play college sports
  • Only two percent of college athletes will get a pro contract

What are we doing?​

Sports have always been a part of my life. And a basketball scholarship allowed me to attend Northwestern University. Even with its pitfalls, would I make this lifelong investment again? The answer is yes, but perhaps a bit differently.

As I see my daughter’s team celebrate an ace volleyball serve, I’m reminded why.

On one hand, sports can be a valuable tool to help develop a child’s character, faith, work ethic, discipline, poise, confidence, a Christian worldview, and other wonderful life lessons. On the other hand, sports can be a family idol when we lose proper perspective. Pastor, Ray Pritchard once said, “Idolatry lies in the worshiper, not in the thing worshiped. A golden calf is not an idol by itself … It is a wrong attitude that turns something good into something bad.”

How can parents help their children develop a Christian worldview toward sports? I would suggest we need a game plan based on Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

A Christian worldview through sports​

The end game is to develop godly character, instill biblical principles, and teach obedience – skills that transfer well in a relationship with our Heavenly Father. Here are four concepts to keep in mind:

  1. Teach young athletes to make every effort to keep the Sabbath holy.
    This is a tough one given current trends in youth sports scheduling. But early in our children’s young athletic careers, we made family worship a priority and let coaches and organizers know.
    You can get creative with your worship – some churches now have Saturday service options. However you go about it, model to your children that God comes first and when others inquire about your choices, use it as an opportunity to witness.
  2. Teach them to play for an audience of one.
    Let’s unpack this a bit. Our Heavenly Father is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent. No matter what the scoreboard flashes, God is present and considers His children MVPs. Help kids understand their true identity is based on who they are in Gods eyes and not on their performance or the criticism of others. There’s only one spectator that matters.
  3. Teach them to suffer well and that life is not always fair.
    The Christian life is a marathon race. The culture of participation ribbons for all doesn’t teach kids about the reality of future hardships.Ask any pee wee player who won a game in which no one was supposedly keeping score. I assure you every young athlete can name the victor.Winning and losing are facts of life. In life, the race is “set before us.” It’s God who establishes our route and we can help kids develop the resilience to stay the course despite certain trials and persecution. We’re to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:1).

We all make mistakes​

In addition to a Christian worldview through sports, a vital lesson for children learn is that everyone makes mistakes.

So often we strive perfection but learning to take mistakes in stride helps develop character. The Bible is full of people who’ve made mistakes but when they’ve humbled their hearts and sought God, He ultimately blessed His calling on their lives

Our children test their Christian worldviews by travelling through the realities of life. As parents, we can give them a framework to make sense of their lives and their identities in Christ. “Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hebrews 12:1). Be strong and courageous.

Winning and losing are facts of life. In life, the race is “set before us.” It’s God who establishes our route and we can help kids develop the resilience to stay the course despite certain trials and persecution. We’re to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:2).

1 Corinthians 9: 24-27 says “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.”

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Sports from a Christian family perspective​

Dr. Phillip Stiver offered simple and practical steps to help children gain a Christian worldview through sports.

Since sports are such a significant part of so many families’ lives, healthy attitudes towards athletics and their appropriate prioritization should be ingrained early by wise parents and coaches who model healthy choices.

For young children, the benefits of participation in athletics, competitive, or noncompetitive, is well documented and include improved physical fitness, development of motor skills, self-discipline, and development of social and leadership skills. Moreover, sports give children valuable opportunities to learn teamwork. A healthy approach to athletics by parents and coaches does much to produce healthy adults and a balanced lifestyle. The major goal of sports, though, should be enjoyable participation. That requires paying attention to the physical and emotional wellbeing of youngsters involved in sports.

Considering physical safety​

For some parents, selecting the right sports gear or learning proper form and technique may be the first things that come to mind with respect to keeping their young athletes safe, but there’s certainly more to it.

In addition to developing a Christian worldview through sports, physical development needs to be considered. Children aren’t simply small adults. Because they are still developing, young athletes are at greater risk for injury than grown-ups. Their bones, ligaments, and tendons are still growing, making them more susceptible to injury. Parents should bear these factors in mind not only when helping a child select a sport, but when talking about the type and intensity of training as well as the overall amount of time dedicated to a sport.

In addition, children of the same age can vary greatly in size and physical maturity. This should be taken into account when parents of smaller children are considering which sports leagues and league levels to allow their kids to sign up for, as mismatches in size, weight and strength can increase the risk of injury.

Single-sport commitment: not best for younger players​

Some parents and coaches are big proponents of focusing a child’s play and training on one particular sport. They argue that if their child is to get ahead on the field or the court, he needs to dedicate himself to only that sport.

That approach may work well for very high level athletics, but concentrating on just one sport and training year-round for it at an early age is not a great idea. For younger children especially it can cause overuse injuries like little leaguers elbow, Achilles tendinitis, shin splints, and shoulder injuries. These occur gradually over time when an activity is repeated over and over and strained parts of the body do not have enough time to heal between play or practice. These injuries can impair growth, lead to increased risk of fractures, and may result in long-term health problems.

Single sport play throughout the year can create excessive stress on specific body parts not ready for this type of intensity. On the other hand, a well balanced approach to participation in a variety of sports helps prevent the consequences of overdoing a particular sport.

Side-step burnout​

In addition to physical consequences, participating in, and concentrating relentlessly on, a single sport (or even a variety of sports) all year long or can result in burnout. This can suck all the joy out of athletics, but it can be prevented by limiting a child’s involvement to a more appropriate level and intensity.

Consider very carefully whether to allow your child to play one sport year round. Taking regular breaks and playing other sports is valuable to skill development and injury prevention. Young children need exposure to a variety of sports in order to develop coordination and strength and have the opportunities to discover their gifts and talents.

It may be appropriate for your child at some stage to focus on one sport (typically during the later high school years). In that case, and if your child has the abilities and motivation to do it, encourage her to devote the time and energy to perform well and go for that college scholarship or chance to be an Olympic competitor. Most children, however, won’t perform at that level. For the vast majority of kids, a healthy, well-rounded approach to sports is best for both child and family.

Other ways to reduce risks​

As mentioned earlier, proper use of the right gear, learning proper technique, and avoiding year-long, intense devotion to a single sport are good ways to reduce the risk of injury. Other effective ways to prevent injuries include age-specific coaching and appropriate physical conditioning. Again, skeletally immature bodies need variety and appropriate levels of activity to mature without damaging developing muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones.

Time away from a sport or sports may also be valuable, depending on the situation. Taking a break from sports should not be considered as punishment, but can be a healthy component of a sports program. Limit the number of teams in which your child is playing in one season. Kids who play on more than one team are especially at risk for overuse injuries.

In addition, healthy attitudes by parents and coaches can prevent physical and emotional injuries by creating an atmosphere of healthy competition that emphasizes confidence, cooperation, and a positive self-image, rather than just winning.

Competition can be good; winning at all costs, not so much​

Children’s sports should always be fun. Coaches and parents are responsible for creating an atmosphere that promotes enjoyment as well as teamwork and sportsmanship. They should also nurture healthy attitudes toward competition. Young athletes must learn to deal with defeat as well as success in order to place events in a proper perspective. Failure to mature in this area can have both short-term and long-term detrimental effects on impressionable young athletes.

That said, the “win at all costs” attitude that is prevalent in high level athletics (primarily college and professional) and which is fostered by many parents and coaches has no place in youth sports, especially among younger children. Not only does it drain the fun out sports and make many children miserable, but it can lead to injuries. A young athlete striving to meet the unrealistic expectations of others may ignore warning signs of injury and continue to play with pain.

Additionally, recognition of sport injuries by parents and coaches can be made more difficult by children who ignore the injury and refuse to make adults aware of their symptoms. Their fear of being placed on the sidelines while friends continue to participate can make them hesitant to report their symptoms allowing injuries to go untreated and worsen.

Sports lessons you don’t want your kids to learn​

In their book, Overplayed: A parent’s guide to sanity in the world of youth sports, Margot Starbuck and David King list four sports lessons parents don’t want kids to learn.

Sports schedules trump all other commitments​

When our children play on a team, we expect them to show up to practices and games to learn about commitment. But what happens when there is a conflict with Grandma’s 75th birthday celebration?

Tip: The day the coach hands out the schedule, review it as a family and let the coach know which practices or games your child will miss because of other commitments. Help your child understand that how they spend their time reflects their values. And whenever they have competing commitments, relationships trump sports.

It really is all about winning​

We can communicate mixed messages when we tell our kids that winning isn’t the most important thing, but our behavior — what we shout from the bleachers or bemoan on the way home — shows that winning really is most important to us after all.

Tip: After the game, resist the urge to critique your child’s or the team’s performance. Let your child lead the conversation, or simply inquire, “Did you have fun?” or “Where did you see a teammate shine?”

It’s acceptable to treat people disrespectfully when you disagree​

Whether you’re grumping to your spouse about a coach or yelling at a referee, your child is watching how you treat those with whom you disagree.

Tip: Show your kids what it means to honor one another (Romans 12:10). Often that’s as simple as keeping your lips zipped. Other times, it might be appropriate to buy the ref a Gatorade after the game.

Extrinsic rewards are more valuable than intrinsic rewards​

Leagues, coaches and parents can use extrinsic motivators — trophies, food and even money — to reward kids. But these incentives can compromise intrinsic rewards that include a love of the game, a desire to improve and a commitment to the team.

Tip: Besides resisting the temptation to add to the extrinsic rewards, notice aloud: “I saw you practicing free throws last night,” or “I liked how you made the assist.”

Consider your family’s needs and priorities​

Choices regarding the amount and level of a child’s participation in organized sports can have both positive and negative consequences. Participation in sports requires time, practice, travel, and money to fund the activity. Hours spent running here and there for practices and games, as well as the additional amount of time required for travel leagues, can crowd out other priorities.

Does participation in sports keep your child from church, youth group, or taking time to worship with other believers? Do sports prevent your family from spending quality time together? Does it make family meal times an impossibility? An inordinate amount of time devoted to sports can exact a toll—emotional, financial, physical, relational and spiritual—that may be too high for your family.

God wants us to have a full life and to live it abundantly. But a full and abundant life isn’t one that has no margin. If a family isn’t careful it can easily become overwhelmed by the demands of a child’s athletic schedule. Prayerful consideration regarding the amount and level of participation in athletics for children is prudent and necessary to maintain a family life that is physically, spiritually and emotionally balanced.

The post Sports from a Christian Family Perspective appeared first on Focus on the Family.

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