- Mar 31, 2010
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Some of you may remember a thread I started several months ago about extremely harsh feelings I had for my father-in-law, and how miserable my husband and I were/are living in my in-law's home. Well, we just found out that my f-i-l has stage 4 pancreatic cancer. They did a biopsy last Tuesday, and he has yet to wake up from the anesthesia. For a couple of weeks before he went into the hospital he was very confused and lethargic. The drs. said the confusion was probably dementia (he's 72), but they can't explain the lethargy. Since the biopsy last tuesday, he'll open his eyes very briefly, but it's rare, and occasionally he'll mumble something. Also, because of his age and the fact that he's not alert, they say he's not a candidate for cancer treatment, and that we should consider just letting him live as long as he can without treatment, which will probably be 6 months to 2 years. Another problem, my mother in law is 100% unwilling to put him in a rest home. I can understand that, but I can also see the upside to doing it because he weighs over 300 lbs, is total dead weight, incontinent (which means we have to constantly change his sheets because medicaid won't pay for adult diapers, and they're too expensive other wise) and is not able to eat because he's not awake. Then there's the biggest problem, once he's gone, it won't be long before we will have nowhere to live because they won't get his check anymore, and won't be able to pay the mortgage. They can barally pay it now. This morning I wrote down this verse, I THINK it's John 8:13 "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. In this world you will have many troubles and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world". It's my favorite verse, and I gave it to my mother in law and told her to keep it with her. She told me she's kept it in her pocket and has been reading it off and on all day. Please keep us in your prayers.